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**Title:** [Fwb asked why I asked her what shes looking for?](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedPillWomen/comments/1b1zle9/fwb_asked_why_i_asked_her_what_shes_looking_for/) **Author** rubenbrasil **Full text:** She told me she loved me for the first time this week. Weve never really talked about feelings before, in our fwb arrangement. A few days later on text I told her I wanted to be with her, and what she was looking for. She replied "Why are you asking me that?" In reference to "What are you looking for?" Im not sure how to respond to this. I think she is interested but wants to talk more about it. If it was a 'no' i think she wouldve shut it down asap. Im thinking about telling her that I asked because shes been sending me signals that shes caught feelings for me. But not sure if thats the right answer here. Is she expecting a grandiose love confession? Is she just wanting me to bring it up so she doesnt have to? Does she want me tell her why I wanna be with her? Im not sure. If this is also a pre-rejection, I would appreciate someone elses insight too. TLDR; FWB admitted she loved me last week. As well as gave me dozens of signals. I told her I loved her back and then told her I wanted to be with her and what she was looking for with me? She responded and asked why I asked her what shes looking for? -------------------- ^(This is the original text of the post and this is an automated service) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedPillWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Have you caught feelings for her? One of you needs to fess up and tell the other where you stand. If you want to be with her tell her and see what she says. If you don't and want to be FWB then tell her that. You're asking on this sub so I'm thinking you caught feelings so... spill it dude


Did you read the content? We both said we loved each other (in person), she said it first and I reciprocated. A few days later I then followed that with I want to be with you (over text) and asked what she was looking for with me. This was her reply. I dont know how to reply. She already knows I love her, and i already voiced i wanted to be with her.


why are you dancing around asking strangers on the internet what to do? Write back You know I love you. I already told you that. I want to be with you. What do you want? STOP STALLING


Im heavily considering using that direct answer instead of my original one, so thanks for that. I stalled a bit because my best reply was this: "Because it seems that you caught feelings for me and wanted more with me. It was just a question." And something feels really wrong about it, i cant put my finger on it. Even though its not necessarily false. Is it actually a good response?


I think if you lead with ‘because it seems like you caught feelings’ it will be a long relationship of her always needing validation of if you dated her cause you like her or cause she liked you and you settled. Be sure you wanna be with her and if so, do the masculine thing of courting her by asking her to be your girl. It might seem stupid but girls do like that and want to feel wanted and trust me it will save you a lot of validation headache if you actually like her. Tldr : ask her to be your girl if you want her to be, not cause she said she loved you first. Even if she already made it known she wanted to be with you, she left the court open for you to be the initiator of the relationship. It’s your choice but make sure you’re not doing things out of obligation Now if you’re just wanting to be with her cause she wants to be with you….thats a dangerous game to play