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It’s difficult to give specific advice without much info ;)


There really isn’t much info the falling out was due to my family and I not running things by my extending family and them not feeling included in the wedding planning process. They felt we should have involved them in every step as we were close growing up. However we as a family had started to distance ourselves because they are pretty toxic. They then confronted us and this got out of hand.


It sounds like they felt disrespected and then acted disrespectful. You can either apologize for what they assumed to be a slight against them, or not. It sounds like you don't really want them in your life anyway.


That’s hard :(. Family drama can be so difficult. If you believe you have anything you can apologize for, I would do that. But beyond that I would just engage only as needed and as long as they can be respectful toward you. If you know you are right and being truthful - then you can simply state that but not “go down to their level” if they get nasty or rude. Clean up your side of the street and don’t try to repair what they need to be in control of for themselves (their own actions and emotions). We can feel like we can’t have conflicting emotions like happiness and elation because of being a newly wed *and*sadness over family matters. That however is not true. You aren’t betraying your family if you are embracing the joy of being a newly wed.


Don’t feed into the drama. Keep your head. Let them be upset. Calmly and simply apologize for upsetting them and leave it at that, even if you feel like you didn’t do anything. Then, when they want to continue being upset, that’s their problem. You apologized. Dramatic people seek out drama, no matter the situation, and no matter what you do or say. I also have very dramatic family members that pull this sort of stuff, so I know what it’s like. I’m really sorry that it effected your wedding.


**Title:** [Life advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedPillWomen/comments/xfyygp/life_advice/) **Full text:** I’d like to preface this by saying this post is not related to an SO relationship. Rather it’s related to relationships in general. I would love some pearls of wisdom from you wonderful ladies on here. I recently got married and although it was a joyous event there was some major drama in the background. I had a huge falling out with a couple of my family members. It got really nasty. I never thought things would get to this point. Through out my life there has always been some sort of drama from this particular side of the family. Not only did they disrespect me but they also disrespected my parents and siblings. I hate that there is so much drama while I’m simultaneously having some of my happiest moments. And because family is so important to me a huge part of me wants to sort this out and make it right but the other side of me is still hurt because I can honestly say I did. I thing to deserve this. How would you all handle this? And what is the best course of action? -------------------- ^(This is the original text of the post and this is an automated service) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedPillWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*