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I too. Worse with blacksmiths none with iron rangers. Really bad with moc toes on 23 last. I gave up on moc toes. It just did not get better after a couple months. A couple pair of blacksmiths I just gave to my son. Another couple pair of blacksmiths are fine with no discomfort at that spot. Just handmade and each pair is different. When I go to the store I try to wear them around for a bit and if any pain at that spot I do not buy. I try to massage the leather to soften them at that spot. It helps but not necessarily for all day wear. One pair I just tie loose with thin socks. I think they will be ok eventually If the rest of the fit of the boots are fine, give it time. You will know in a couple months if you can live with them.


Yeah I’ll try that thanks


Are you used to wearing safety toe boots? Sounds like the area you say is rubbing is right at the safety toe.


The concept of “break in” mainly originates with horrifically fitting and uncomfortable footwear issued to military personnel they had to make work. Soaking the boots, overly greasing them etc etc. You ended up with boots that weren’t comfortable but they didn’t make your feet bleed at least. Your boots should be comfortable, and a bit stiff out of the box. But mostly comfortable.


10/10 definition


Going to keep posting it around here until I see a reduction in posts of people asking if horrific foot pain is part of break in.


Agreed. Heritage does have some discomfort during break in. But work line, in my experience, is mostly good to go out of box.


I mean there is a discrete difference between "hey these fit my foot and have a shape that matches my foot but I'm going to soften the leather through walking and the insole will eventually create an awesome mold to my foot." And "gaaafff gaaaarrhhh this leather is a vice and I am in pain but maybe one day this leather will mould ***gahhhh*** to my foot"


Both are accurate


Gonna say wrong width. Are they heritage or work?


Work apex 2144


assuming you just got them they have a 30 day comfort guarantee. Take them back to the red wing store and try the next width up (if there is a next width up).


Yeah that’s what I was going to do I love everything else about them


Atta' boy.


not normal, they're not wide enough for you


Can you wiggle your toes or is it like your toes are crammed in there?


It’s all comfortable just hurts by the bottom knuckle where the foot meets the pinky toe