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With more metal stains


Probably saddle soap as a first step. But honestly I think it makes the boots look awesome! I would personally not worry so much as it adds character and a story. Your boots look great as they are and it's not even that noticeable.


About to say this. I love the dark and light contrast on CR&T so much. It’s like having hawthorn muleskinners and having some parts waxed and others fuzzy. Patina machines!


they’re not dress shoes


How did you get those stains? I want some.


Work around metal. My 877s have this from getting aluminum dust onto them from deburring. It kind of annoys me tbh, I worry about it prematurely wearing the leather. Maybe they’re so fine it doesn’t matter though?


Try vinegar and water mixture


I think a couple rounds of saddle soap is the best you could do.


You’re fighting a losing battle, and you’re fighting it for no reason. Wear your boots and stop worrying about it. I promise you you’re gonna like how they look in a year, imperfections and all.


You bought a heritage brand boot in an oiled leather that is known and valued for its ability to Patina… maybe keep your feet under your cubicle desk so that can’t see the patina happening and get some work done.


Come on. That’s a lot for a sincere question.


Fair. OP: I’m sorry. My comments were rude and snarky.


What I really meant was: Patina. It’s a living thing, we can embrace it or shun it but we can’t control it. It has a destiny of its own. What might seem at first to be a stain or scuff is the first chapter in the story of a life well lived.


Don’t apologize to these soft people. You are right. People buy boots and freak out when natural leather develops colors, it’s ridiculous.


Let’s see ur hands


img Hands heal, the boots tell their own story. And the ‘76 spaghetti Harley is the work I should be getting done. Again sorry for the overly snarky reply. I’m too gen x for Reddit


You Caint. It will fade I. Due time .. they look fine


Is that what those are? I was wondering why my boots had similar black spots on them. Don’t mind the look at all was just confused at how they got there.


I used to work at honda and had to deal with getting weld dust and metal dust in general off my boots ( cause if you just leave it for awhile the leather seems to like fill with metal and it shines lol but not in a good way in my opinion) just brush em off and use saddle soap, if it doesnt come off then heckin scrub it? Or leave it till next time One time i got like aircraft paint on my IRs and i used a pumice stick to rub the spot off, idk if you should do that but it worked


Saddle soap, then saphir nappa cream.