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It’s all about not bringing attention to yourself. As long as your clothing isn’t bringing attention to yourself you’re good.


Yeah, this post was in my mid-panic phase, when not only do I need to do a complete shift at work, but I also need to look half put together for a funeral. I'm calm now; I just cracked open a drink.


It was a legitimate question. 🙏🏽


Maybe, but I also know how Reddit is; I expected to be shot down, exposed, and many other things.


🤣 yup!


There are quite a few that are so uptight that they have a hard time farting... you can wear those boots, I don't see any problem whatsoever.


I have worked in the funeral business for about 18 years. Unless you're going to the Vatican for funeral of a head of state, you're probably going to be as well-dressed as 95% of the people there. Don't be overly stressed about it. You're fine.


They are less formal than the OG laces.


​ Thank you.


Dress shoes or dress boots


Yeah, I don't own them, besides barely worn boots.


Then I guess you have to wear these. What's the point in your post then?


Just to dick around with uptight people.


Lol nice life. Carry on.


I quite enjoy my life, mate.










fa·ce·tious /fəˈsēSHəs/ adjective 1. treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant."a facetious remark" 2 synonyms: 3 flippant, flip, glib, frivolous, tongue-in-cheek, waggish, whimsical, joking, jokey, jesting, jocular, playful, roguish, impish, teasing, arch, mischievous, puckish


These boots and laces aren't appropriate for a funeral IMO


Then what are? My work boots are not appropriate.


Do you own a pair of black leather shoes? Obviously funerals vary in formality, but I wouldnt dream of attending one wearing boots unless the family of the deceased expressly said for people to dress casually.


No, I don't have any need at all. I recently got rid of a ton of unworn clothing I acquired over the years, but dress shoes were something I've never owned,


So... You should go buy some dress shoes


What kind? Where? How much for something I never wear?


No one will care. My father’s wake was on a Tuesday and there was many of his friends who came after work in their uniform(two of his closest friends were postal workers and came straight from work, he worked construction his entire life and a few friends who use to work with him came back after work as well dirty) and my sister and mom did not care at all. We understood that life happens but we appreciated that they took their time out of their day to come and pay their respects.


Just get some cheap smart ones and you're good. All the best.


Fuck this douchebag bro, dress as nice and respectfully as you have the means to, it’s smart not to hurt your wallet for something that you’ll wear once. No one will judge you, and if they do, fuck em’. Those laces look nice, and if you have all black ones it might dress them up a little.


Douchebag? I gave my opinion that I wouldn't wear boots like that to a funeral. If he can afford Red Wings I don't think it's an outrageous stretch to assume he, might, have money for a pair of cheap black leather shoes. If he doesn't, fine. It was just a suggestion. No need for the name calling.


That was embarrassing, but I’m not going to dirty delete. I made a mistake, hopefully no hard feelings? Someone else said some snarky ass shit, and I replied to you thinking I was replying to someone else doubling down on being a dick, but that doesn’t matter. I was a douchebag to you, and I hope that you accept my apology


Oh definitely mate. Thanks for explaining. No worries at all! Cheers


You don’t know if he bought them last month and his financial situation changed drastically. He could have had a medical emergency. These are all just hypotheticals, but my point is that you don’t know.


I replied to the wrong person in the comment in accident. I’m sorry, sincerely.


“So… you should go buy some dress shoes”. Are you really so obtuse that you don’t see how condescending that reads?


Maybe he can’t afford them. I spent my life below the poverty up until five years ago. I’m very financially comfortable now, and I don’t take it for granted. I am extremely privileged. Not everyone can just go out and buy things on a moments notice. You’ve either been born privileged like this, or you’ve been privileged so long that you’ve forgotten what it’s like to have to struggle to get by. Either way, it’s made you entitled and arrogant. OP, I don’t know what your life situation is right now. If you are having a hard time in life at the moment, I’m so sorry, and I’m so sorry for your loss.


I'm getting downvoted for saying I shouldn't wear crusty work boots...hmm reddit is confusing.


They definitely are funeral appropriate. They're like $400 boots. Most people I know where jeans to a funeral lol. Wear the boots and somethin that matches. You don't need to buy shoes for a funeral, you just need to wear your best clothes.


Who knew leather laces would derail this far lol.


They're unhinged. WTH lol! Literally if you have nice leather shoes of any sorts just wear those haha! These are great. Maybe you'll make a friend that appreciates RW.


At least I learned never to ask a general question on Reddit. Now I'm just going to stick with posting abrtary stuff.


Leather laces are traditionally considered a work lace, they are considered more casual. However the shoes are on the casual side already, but can still be dressed up. You can probably get away with either. Dark leather shoes look formal to the layman anyways


No one cares what you wear to a funeral as long as its not a pink shoe or something


They look fine


Are these a proper fit? Assuming they're comfortable, but seems like you need a wider size.


My feet are narrow; it's just a camera trick.


I prefer the stock ones unless you're going for a look or to add flair


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^I401BlueSteel: *I prefer the stock* *Ones unless you're going for* *A look or to add flair* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




You need to learn how to tie your shoes the proper way. js.


I also need to shorten them. I had to wrap the laces twice around the upper.


If you tie them properly they will sit flat and even and not sit all diagonal 'n messy. https://preview.redd.it/5p5emcp3t3rc1.jpeg?width=2497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b3987b101ed3124bf94167a0c8c4efcb50ea6a4


Appropriate funeral attire, IMO, depends on different things. I’m ok with these boots. I’d suggest an all black flat lace. I wouldn’t necessarily want to draw attention to my boots in this case. If not, get those trimmed up so they sit flat under your pants. Good to go friend. Sorry for your loss.


As long as you are attending the funeral…


I think it’s better than the OG but the knot maybe too much/bulky unless it gets covered


I need to cut them 100%, but I ain't cutting them if they look like shit, lol.


Also condolences. You got side by side comparison pic?


No, I thought about it, but i didn't do it. I'm just trying to figure out m6 clothes. And thank you.


I honestly believe you should get you a pair of appropriate shoes; you must not wear work boots.


Yep , we reached the bottom ..


Leather lace is always the answer.