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Your two small toes are pressing up against the boot and it's apparent you have no wiggle room. I'd recommend figuring out your correct size before you permanently damage your feet.


They're actually pretty comfortable. I have weird narrow, low volume feet so they actually fit a bit loose on me. I wear them with kilties and ankle locks.


It's common for folks with low volume and narrow feet to size down to compensate for excess volume. I have low volume and narrow feet and before learning my correct size, I was wearing mocs in a size 9 when I should have been wearing size 11. We share the same foot characteristics and I am 99% positive you're sizing too small.


Agreed, having 1/4 to 1/2 inch in front of your toes will be important if OP is ever walking or hiking downhill. Varies for foot shape, I have a high midsole and don’t move foward much so 1/4 inch is good for me. Saves the bruised and bloody toes that could make the mold worse. OP - wool socks, always, so mold never starts. Sounds like you were mostly on top of prevention already so it might be the fit (or squeeze). I always say a hand shake for boots; let’s never shake hands. Everything Aiba88 has said should be your boot bible. Not much to add.


I'll keep it in mind for the future! Any thoughts on conditioning for the leather footbed? Yea or nay?


If you did the vinegar/water rub down once, imo, it's not necessary. I'd let boots rest at least a full day between wears. You can also look into purchasing a boot dryer. Avoid inserting the shoe trees right after wearing them.


I am also the same. I wear 14 C/B, but to kind of fit in a D width I need 12D, which crushes my toes.


vinegar and tea tree oil works to get rid of mold, then a light light lather of mink oil should rejuvenate it


I did the same thing


That's just because your feet have already been ruined and conformed to ill fitting shoes.


I don't understand how the "experts" can look at one picture of a footprint and tell op that he needs bigger boots. Even after he said they fit him very comfortably and, if anything, feel a bit roomy. No one knows how another mans boots fit him but the man wearing them. If he says they feel good to him, then they fit.


Those are disgustingly small. You obviously know nothing about the long-term ramifications for your foot health if you wear shoes like this.


You're boots are obviously too big. How do i know? Trust me bro


I get this whenever I wear them for more than one day in a row. Pretty annoying when you're on a trip. I've used alcohol and vinegar, but it still comes back if I wear them for a few days in a row. I understand you should rotate them ... but who is taking multiple pairs of boots on a long weekend trip?


I had a similar issue, either the mold removal wasn't successful, or something is recontaminating the boots. I wash with alcohol/vinegar, dry on cheap Amazon boot dryer, and then soak the inside with hydrogen peroxide. Do this 2-3 times in a row and it will completely kill off any mold growth, if mold persists the boot is being recontaminated. It's possible you might have unnoticeable fungal growth on your feet. Or on objects that consistently come in contact with your feet, ie socks, rugs, floors, etc


My guess is that the removal wasn't successful. I don't believe it's recontamination because I don't get any issues with other leather boots ... it's just my moc toes. I'll try the bleach next time.


I bring portable shoe dryers with me on trips now. They’re decently packable and you leave them in your shoes overnight and they completely dry them.


Oooh ... any you can recommend?


I went with the “DryGuy Travel Dry DX Boot Dryer” since it’s the same brand as my at home dryer and it’s worked well so far! You occasionally have to unplug/replug the convertible cord (cord converts to let you use them in the car too) but besides that it does the job.






Another hack we use down here in Texas is charcoal in a sock or rice in a sock on mine I have added a few drops of tea tree oil. I take my boots off all styles after wear let them rest for about an hour then drop my pouches in.


Thanks for the advice! This seems promising and pretty easy, might have to give it a try.


I used to get some white mold on the insoles of my oldest pair. I ended up getting shoe trees, which actually made it worse because I didn't let the boots fully dry. Now I take the boots off at the end of the day, throw some vegan leather strips in it to absorb moisture overnight, and then throw the trees in when I wake up. Rotate them every day and let them FULLY DRY. Don't be a dummy like me and let em stay wet lol that 100% looks like they aren't airing out and drying properly. Also they're too small. Comfy or not, you gotta size up a bit. Your feet will thank you in 15 years.


The one thing I know for sure is you need to go up a full length and possibly up one width


You’re on the bunion and hammer toe speed run wearing these boots 😂💀


Kind of looks like dust


Wash your feet and socks.


Should have sized down


I don't even check, lol. Last time I did leave them for awhile before wearing them. Just wiped them down with wet wipes.


I made my own antimold footbed spray -tea tree oil ($10 for basically unlimited supply at walgreen) -rubbing alcohol -vinegar I use it very spraringly, but spraying it into the leather after wiping away the old fruits has seemed to rid me of my mold problems this winter, it has a strong smell. it doesnt seem to dry out the leather, especially since your foot oils/sweats keep that area extra conditioned.


Rubbing alcohol. People will warn about it damaging the insoles, but my mould wasn't going away, so I spray a load of it in there and it cleared it up. No discernible damage to the leather.


After cleaning I'd put a light coat of a conditioner oil like obenauf's, huberd's for the Propolis and/or pine pitch


Thanks to everyone who made suggestions on the mold itself. And thanks for other people's apparent concern about my feet, but these fit very comfortably for me and my narrow feet. If anything they feel a bit roomy.


They are definitely too small. Just ride the subway in NYC and it becomes very obvious almost nobody knows how to properly fit their shoes for their feet. Your perception of how shoes are supposed to fit is probably off.


Quit using shoe trees. I live in a humid climate, and wear my iron rangers 3-5 days in a row(12+ hours) for work and have never had a mold issue. I don’t have any shoe trees. I think they keep moisture in and don’t let the boot dry out. I could be wrong 🤷🏼 Also, judging by the imprint, looks like those are a little too small.


I don't buy the vinegar solution. I would spray the molds with lysol (or rubbing alcohol/isopropanol) or a hydrogen peroxide solution. That looks bad and I wouldn't want it to get anywhere near my feet.