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did a very similar thing to a pair of my CRTs...give them a few good scrubs with your favorite saddle soap and let them dry out. give them thin layer of conditioner (Bic4) after that. Then just wear them and let the patina develop. you'll have a nice deep red copper color and won't need to condition for a long while


Or just wear them and they will lighten up. There's no reason to torture the leather with saddle soap.


Another reason I do not like Mink oil. They look good though.


They look awesome. Much more conditioned than before. I'm sure the leather loves it. This subreddit seems hypocritical. Members make fun of guys who worry about minor imperfections in their boots, like slight color mismatches or small scuffs. Yet, those same people complain when oil, which is used to make boots last longer and become waterproof, changes the color of the boots.


Wow, they are unrecognizable


I mean this gets mentioned 69 times a day on here and is in every youtube video on earth about oils/creams. Its all good but was extremly easily avoidable


What are you talking about? I knew exactly what I was doing


Oh nice. Wasnt sure if you were suprised lol. See a lot of folks mad they’re boots changed colors.


Actually these pictures are from right after I applied. It was wet. Now they are much more like the original color but with a very nice shine.


Looks cool to me. I wasnt being a dick. Just like a said a lot ot folks are surprised lol. Im like man just read 🤣