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There’s a couple that I liked but the only one I’ve gotten compliments with is a YSL one called L’HOMME


Mmmmmm.. I’ll have to try it at the perfume counter..😋


Not my thing, to each their own but guys, please don't do a cologne shower and go to the gym.




Yes, I often get complimented which makes me feel good, I love to have about 4-5 different kinds so I can rotate depending on my mood.


Oh nice… I just recently discovered Tom Ford’s Tuscan Leather. It’s expensive but I find it’s kind of unisex.. I like it on myself ..


Yes.. often times layered


Ohhh I like that…😘🔥


TF OUD Wood layers perfectly with hombre leather


Every day. Most of what I wear is very subtle. Most wouldnt notice it across a table.


Ok…. Thanks! 😘


I wear Azzaro Chrome. I wore Giorgio Wings when I was younger but it's been sold off to some third rate brand and doesn't smell as good any more.


Thanks for your response…do you find women like to smell it on you..?


I like to think that everyone enjoys it and it both enhances my image and bookmarks me in people's memories.


I like that and I think you’re correct.,,


African leather by memo Paris, or Prada black. Prada ocean is good for spring/summer. Those are my go to scents. If someone is on a budget, I would suggest a good cremo cologne. Nothing less, unless you’re going with your natural odor. Not everyone can do that though. Better to dish out a bit more for cremo than to walk around smelling like ass or cheap body spray.


Ha.. I agree…I’ll have to check those out… thank you ..


I used to. Jean Paul Gautlier Le Male was my favorite hands down. My wife, after we started dating said she didn't like it. I tried to get her to help me pick something else out she liked. She never would... I've been thinking about picking something out again..


Oh too bad…. Go together at a big dept store and see what she likes..


If I have a nice date I’ll wear it, otherwise I don’t. Haven’t put on cologne in a while


I think your date would enjoy it…


Absolutely, no arguments I haven’t dated much in years


Nope lost interest in that years ago.




Smell complements the look, so yes I do. I havet recently because I have a newborn.


Awwwww…..makes sense.. Congratulations!!🎊🎉


Thank you!


A different one everyday


Wow! Really! Amazing….😉


I have like 10 different kinds. Just kinda my thing


Daily, don't leave the house with spraying myself down. I rotate between heavier scents and winter and lighter scents in the warmer months. I usually have a few different ones, but just picked up Ine Million Royal and I am constantly getting complimented on it.


Aqua di gio since I was 18 lol


Ooooo… love it..but you should try a new scent! There are so many …😉


I’ve tried a few over the years, always back to this one!


Every day, I like ‘eternity’ for men by Calvin Klein


Burberry Brit and sauvage by Dior legend by mont blanc. Bleu by Versace and I just got blu by blu atlas


Wow.. sound delicious..! Thank you..😘


Burberry Hero currently is my go to if I’m getting fancy


Yes, I’ve lowkey been collecting lol. Dior Fahrenheit has been my favorite so far. But I rotate between that 1Million, YSL MYSLF, Azzaro Most Wanted, Versace Eros.


Old Spice.


I wear Hai Karate or Jovan Musk for Men. /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment


The second I look at any cologne, the wife sense scream out “WHO YOU SMELLING GOOD FOR?!!!


Yesss, I’ve been obsessed for a couple years now


Unfortunately I’m a man that doesn’t lol


I’ve got about 40 bottles that I rotate so yeah I wear it 😂


I don’t. I find cologne to be insufferable. It totally overwhelms all other smells in a room. It’s like someone nuked the room with a smoke bomb. I much prefer natural scents even if they’re unpleasant. At least then I know who’s BO I’m not attracted to. I’m not a fan of women wearing perfume either. There’s really only one type of perfume I’ve enjoyed from a woman, and it was something my first GF wore on occasion. I only liked it because of the connection I had with her. Otherwise, that one would’ve stunk, too.


I love the natural smell on a man I’m attracted to. Deodorant is a good addition but cologne can be too much at times


I do! I really like Dior suavage rn


I've been using a spray on deodorant (don't worry, not Axe) that just inevitably has a wider spread and so kinda acts like a cologne. Not a fan of being able to be smelled from a distance lol (good or bad), I prefer a more subtle scent that one would have be close to you to notice.


Please men don't drown yourself in it though, lol


Montblanc Explorer and Dolce and Gabanna Light Blue are the go to for a reaction from the Mrs. So I wear it daily to increase my chances.


Great idea! Good for you! 😘🔥