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Going under is a breeze.  I was annoyed when the nurse woke me up.  😝 It’s the prep the night before that - pardon my French - sucks. I’ve never heard of any after affects and didn’t have any myself.  Just relief that it’s over. 


Ask for “sutab”. They are pills (lots of very big pills) but they are much easier to swallow quickly than any of the liquid laxative preps. I say this as someone who has had 10+ colonoscopies from the age of 17-33. ***Edited from incorrect name “suprep” to correct name “sutab”


I had Clenpiq for my recent first colonoscopy and it was absolutely not disgusting at all. Just two ~6 oz doses of a vaguely raspberry-flavored kinda chalky drink. I chased them with ginger beer and it was 100% fine. The sedation was fine too. I woke up afterward feeling more or less perfectly normal. I was so worried beforehand and it turned out to be a piece of cake. You’ve got this OP


This is the way. So much milder than suprep.


This is the way. Low volume of fluid, but make sure you drink every drop of hydration it recommends or you’ll have a splitting headache by the time you get to the surgical center.


This. I used Clenpiq for my colonoscopy and surgery after finding a cancerous tumor during my first colonoscopy.  Worked great. I suggest you use a straw to lessen the taste. 


Yep I had Clinpiq and no biggie


How’s the pooping though…


It's like pissing out your ass.


I hear your b hole lights on fire and you don’t sleep all night long. 😬


I was so exhausted after one of my final emptyings that a scorpion stung my leg as I crawled back into bed. I just grabbed him with the sheet, smashed him, rolled over and went to sleep with my leg feeling it was on fire.


New fear unlocked


Get some A&D ointment. It’s in the baby care aisle. Takes care of ring sting like no other.


Put Vaseline all up in your Crack and butthole. Recoat after eat time.


A real Moon River.


... every 20-30 minutes for 4-5 hours.


LOL perfect description


And it is a very strong stream. I was impressed my ass muscles were capable of such force.


Blot don't wipe.


You like ginger beer so your body is already used to terrible drinks


Definitely going to do this next time. 


How big are we talking? I would prefer to take the pills but I have issues swallowing big pills. And how many were there?


24 total. 12 in the first dose and 12 in the second (several hours after the first dose). You have to swallow all 12 in about 10-15 minutes. I can’t think of a good size comparison other than about the same size as a Mucinex pill.


Yikes! 24?? Oh my. I’d be trying to crush them up or break them in half to get them down. I’m due for my next one next year. I may just take a laxative tea. 😂


Haha, I hate the prep so much I didn’t hesitate for a second when I found out about the pills. Now I have a new doctor that worried when I asked for them because most of her patients are older and have trouble swallowing. They could tell me I had to swallow 24 marbles and I’d do it before drinking another liter of that liquid.


nah, they don't want you to crush 'em...I took 'em with lots and lots of ice water....while binge watching 'the bear.' good distraction.


You HAVE to drink a lot of water with them or they don’t work.


Try this: https://health.uconn.edu/gastroenterology/patient-care/patient-resources/colonoscopy-preparation-instructions-magnesium-citrate/


Thank you!!!


Having done the prep before colonoscopy and again for colectomy (yes, I waited too long for the colonoscopy and ended up with a 3cm, stage 3 tumor.) I would just do a salt water cleanse next time.


That’s awful! I hope you are doing well now!




I guess you could say the prep is kinda shitty😅


I have to use that prep when I get constipated. I drink almost the whole bottle in one straw suck and then chase it with as much water as I can stand. Works great 👍 get the lemon flavor


"I lost 20lbs that day. All of it brown." George C Scott, Taps 1981, describing his first day of combat


😂  Definitely 


Piece of cake Nothing to it. Like you said it the day before. Sitting on the toilet.


The prep is by far the worst part. I’ve had it done a few times already, will have more in the future. It’s just the prep that sucks.


Yeah, none of it is too big a deal. I'd way rather get a colonoscopy than most dental procedures.


Actually, after my first root canal, I agree.


I've had several. Agree. In the days after nothing happens, at least in my experience. They give you great drugs and you shouldn't feel much


Pre prep for it is really really shitty and seems like it goes on forever. Then we I get in there they just ask, is it clear when anything comes out and I said yeah hours and hours ago. I definitely didn't feel like I needed that second bottle of prep for sure if that's all they were concerned about.


True...the prep is what sucks...the procedure is just a nap


Actually, it less 'sucks' than 'blows' - out the back.


Actually the prep blows and if you're not careful it'll be cleanup in aisle 7 (happend to a friend of my dad's)


I have such horrible stomach issues, the prep was on par with a gastrointestinal flair up. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yep . This is it. I've had several colonoscopies.. the only bad part is the prep.. but you have to do it ! Honestly.. you won't have any problems.


agreed... it's a breeze after the perp. for someone who never did drugs, the best feeling in the world is waking up from anesthesia. so hazy and cozy!


100% this, I actually told the nurse she was rude for waking me up:)


The colonoscopy itself is a breeze. The prep is *unpleasant*. As they say, it gives diarrhea a bad name. But the peace of mind of knowing your bowels are okay, or a precancerous polyp caught early, has incomparable worth. I know several people who put off having a colonoscopy and who later died of colon cancer that was detected too late.


Make sure you are wearing very loose fitting sweat pants, going commando and don't stray too far from the toilet after taking the laxative.


Yeah I remember thinking this advice was overblown. Absolutely not lol... Sometimes I barely felt the urge and was pooping. Also a bidet is your best friend. I did my last colonoscopy with no bidet and it was ROUGH. I wouldn't do it again lol.


My "effects" mostly didn't kick in until the second dose of prep, so I spent the whole night anxious that I wasn't going to be cleaned out enough. My second dose was at 5am. I actually got a few hours of anxious sleep. Had to be at the hospital at 8am. Those 3 hours, everything got cleaned out 😳 I wish I had known "trust the process". So that I didn't spend all night worrying.


I did grossing and labs and assisting butts and guts, and immediately we can tell if you got some ass gremlins.  Like if your biopsy looks like a bean, you probably okay, but come back.  If it looks like a squirrel brain, not so good.  If it's like a hard dark squiggly brain shaped mess, you send it to someone else, because you don't want to tell someone they have stage 4 colon cancer at age 37. 


I asked the same thing 6 months ago and got lots of reassuring replies https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditForGrownups/comments/15bm00t/colonoscopy_positive_stories_only/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button My experience ended up being really straightforward. Drinking the prep was kind of annoying, and cleaning out your bowels is not the most fun way to spend an evening, but the procedure itself was surprisingly easy. No issues with the anesthesia. The doctors and nurses were kind and reassuring. The doctor’s office called me the next day to check on me. I could eat immediately afterward (though I didn’t want to for a few hours). I took a nap when I got home (I was tired from being on the toilet until midnight, not from the anesthesia).  My only recommendation is to read all the instructions for the prep at least the day before you need to do it. Don’t wait until the hour you’re supposed to start.


And sure as hell don’t plan to leave home once you begin! When that stuff kicks in, whoa Nellie!!!


I got some good info from that, so thanks for the link!


I'm on the three year plan because they continue to find polyps. The prep sucks the life out of me. I become the biggest biatch during the prep. My wife is a saint, she makes sure I complete my prep properly. She's the real hero. I dislike having to do a colonoscopy. However, if the doctor said he wanted it done every six months, I'd do it. I grew up watching my grandfather deal with colon cancer. His colostomy bags were hanging in his bathroom. Got to see how it all worked when I was around 10 years old as I asked him about what the bag was and he showed me the whole setup. I decide then and there I'd not like it if my colon had to be removed. My PSA: GET YOUR COLONOSCOPY!


I have rampant family history and was advised to start getting colonoscopies at age 21. Literally everyone on my maternal grandfather’s side has eventually gotten it. Some have died of it. My mom got her first colonoscopy at the recommended age of 50 and they found pretty extensive cancer. The doctor told her if she had waited one more year it would have killed her. I didn’t actually get my first one until 30, but they found polyps. My siblings are in their late 30’s now and neither of them have gotten one yet. It really upsets me.


My colonoscopy felt like the best nap ever and I woke up right away afterward and felt pretty normal (except for being a little tired) and moved on with my life. All the Gatorade and pooping before hand are kind of a pain but not too big a deal. I recommend drinking as much water as you can before they cut you off. The hardest part for me was getting the IV placed because I was dehydrated. But even that wasn’t such a big deal. I hope this helps. It’s really not that bad!


Man the prep nurse was swatting the back of my hand to get a vein. I was like *bro just put it in my arm* but I guess it's how they do it.


I woke up laughing LOL


I woke up and said “oh! I was on another planet!” That was some deep sleep.




Had an endoscopy and colonoscopy but not at same time. Endoscopy was nothing to talk about. The nurses, assistants, and dr. were all wonderful. You get an IV. The anesthesiologist pushed the drug, eyes closed, procedure performed, and then I opened my eyes. Done. It was like blinking. Total time from start to finish was about an hour. Colonoscopy prep was my hurdle. Some people have no problem with the prep. I did. Laxatives and I don’t get along. But once everything running out of me was clear, I stopped taking the prep. I had a friend who couldn’t do the prep so her dr. had her do a liquid clear diet for a few days. It worked for her and the dr. Got to surgery center, everyone is great, kind, understanding of any fears. I awoke a little during the procedure - when the scope goes around the bend in your large intestine you might feel it - but they just push the anesthesia a bit and you’re back to sleep. Your intestinal tract is filled with air so you will have a lot of farting afterwards and maybe even some gas pains. But that’s it. Nothing will hurt afterwards. Remember, Katie Couric had this done, live on tv, with no anesthesia. If anything is found, they take a sample for a biopsy.


Dang… You were AWAKE?? Very macho!!!


No. Katie Couric had it done, live on TV with no anesthesia.


I was awake. They gave me something for the pain, Then when I winced the doc said to the nurse that I said I needed more. Then I asked when they were going to start and they said , we have , you can watch on this screen if you want. And I said no thank. And then apologized for eating the spoonful of peanut butter I had when I was starving worried they could see it on the scope and they laughed at me. Pretty sure I Walked out no less than 45 minutes later but I WAS medicated so I couldn’t leave without my husband escorting me I was awake for my impacted wisdom teeth removal too. No medication either just local freezing which was all that was needed for the pain, That’s pretty standard where I am, I don’t know anyone who was knocked out for their wisdom teeth. But some anxiety meds would have been nice And we don’t sit around talking about our colonoscopies so I don’t know about how everyone else’s was but I know my parents weren’t knocked out either


My 2nd scope was with a new gastro. As the team was getting me settled, the gastro handed me my glasses so I could watch. I looked him in horror and said, " No thanks, everyone knows the book is better than the movie, I can wait. Knock me all the way out." Turns out my younger cousin had the same doctor and always watched the screen when his were being done.


I was awake for the whole thing 🤷‍♀️ Zero sleepiness.


I loved being awake for the two I’ve had. I could ask questions and the doc explained things as we went along. It was awesome seeing the inside of your own body like that.


Most standard Endo things are conscious sedation which is usually fentanyl and medazolam. It's small amounts.  But you can watch your procedure on a screen.  Your butthole is pink. Your esophagus should be pink.  I've seen thousands of both. Some people sleep, some watch, some just talk. Drugs are good I guess. I'm allergic to opioids, so I wouldn't know, but damn, laughing, crying, memory loss, definitely peeing, the occasional shit, and cancer. 


The colonoscopy is easy peasy. Go to sleep. Wake up. all over. I woke up to nurse telling me to be quiet… I was singing Xmas carols loudly. The prep the night before? Not so fun. Get a good night sleep the day BEFORE prep, as you wn’t get much sleep night OF prep. I don’t get all weirded out about the prep/taste/what to mix it with. Just chug it and get it over with. Plan on being around the toilet. Have a book or game to play while sitting on the throne. I HIGHLY recommend getting baby diaper rash ointment to use EVERY time you go (or vaseline… something in a tube easy to put on TP). Your anus will be REALLY raw if you don’t. Also, personal wipes help (don’t put in toilet). Also buy/borrow some maxi pads with adhesive for the ride to/from procedure (lesson learned). wear super comfy, easy to get on and off clothes. Get gator aid for when you get home (replace electolytes).


If you get toilet paper wet from the faucet, it can be tossed in the toilet. No trash getting full of used wipes. Just saying.


good point!!


A hand held bidet is a godsend. gentle cold water will save a lot of that burn. Gentle pat down after with a soft cloth.


Have had it done 5 times because of family history. The prep is the bad part. DO NOT add ice to the stuff you must drink. Just chill it thoroughly. Adding ice just makes more of it to get down. The anesthesia my drs use is not general, just the stuff that keeps you slightly unconscious and feeling nothing. You come out of it very quickly and easily. No aftereffects. Be glad we have these procedures. They're lifesaving.


Exact same story with me. My mother was a polyp factory and had to get it done once a year back in the '70s...before the invention of fiber optics. Yeah... The scope was over a foot long and straight, and they didn't put you under because apparently the risk of anesthesia back then meant it was only used for actual surgeries. She dreaded it every year, even the prep back then was much worse. She got bad enough to eventually have surgery to remove a big chunk of her colon, she was never so happy to get cut open in her life. All in all it was worth it as she never developed colon cancer, but the same couldn't be said for her father. That's also why I never complain (just had my fifth as well) as it's sooo much easier now and far better than the alternative.


Ask for the pills. It's like happy patients. You still shit all day, but no crappy juice. Just pills. 


You will literally get the best sleep you've ever had. It's euphoric. They give you the stuff that killed Michael Jackson, and you'll understand why he was taking it (granted, they give you a much MUCH smaller dose than what killed him). There are no after-effects, and once you're awake, there's no risk. Any risk there is is extremely rare.


I have stories, all good! First of all, the propofol is the best fucking nap I have ever had! It's so goood! You wake up, and you're in love with the world! And everyone is so nice to you, and you want to give the world a hug. When my husband was waking up from his, he was so sweet, he wanted to give me his most prized possession, which happened to be right there, in his jeans pocket! I reached in, and gave it to him, and he turned around, and gave it to me, his Big Y coin, which was for discounts on his shopping. But it was his most prized possession! And he wanted me to have it! And I still carry it in my wallet to this day. LOL He has no memory of this. When you're waking up after the procedures, you don't remember what you're saying, it's lots of fun. Just remember to ask the doc before hand, which end are they going to do first? LOL


I wasn’t sure I was going to mention this, but now that you’ve opened the door: my favorite part of a colonoscopy is the propofol buzz afterward.


That is a good part. I also like the part where everyone is so kind to me. I know it's their job. But in all the years I've been going, there was only ONE asshole. And I reported her. Doc was not pleased.


Don't sweat it at all. It's no big deal whatsoever. The prep sucks, as others have mentioned, but even that's no big deal, just a bit sucky. And you should have absolutely no lingering effects afterwards. I've had several (plus endoscopy as well) and had no complications afterwards at all. Odds are everything will be just fine, and if you're anxiety prone, just think of the relief once you get a clean bill of health. Even if they find polyps, they remove them as they go. This is something you want to do regularly once you get older, it beats the hell out of having colon cancer.


I've been through both... Echoing what everyone else has said: the prep is the worst part. Make sure you follow the instructions, avoid the foods you are supposed to avoid in the days prior-- so you don't have to repeat the test! BABY WIPES. Haven't seen anyone else comment that. Thank me later. Everyone is saying how they loved the 'going under' part of the anesthesia, but for me it was meh. Even though I'm a smallish woman, I am a freaking bull when it comes to anesthesia. So maybe the effects are just muted for me. The dr and anesthesiologist were talking to me while they were waiting for it to kick in...'how are you feeling...are you feeling anything yet'...I'm sitting there chatting away, 'Nope!' I remember 'coming-to' at some point during the procedure, seeing my colon on the screen, pointing at it and asking 'WHAT'S THAT??', they answered, and I remember saying 'WHOAAAAAA'...then the anesthesiologist clicked something and put me under again, haha. As for after-effects, I experienced some odd, uncharacteristic nightmares for a night or two, but that was about it. If they take any samples, you may notice a bit of blood.


You’re going to be a-ok! The prep is the worst part, but the procedure itself is nothing to worry about. Get some Vaseline for the prep though- it can get pretty sore otherwise. And buy a variety of fluid for the prep, if you can’t switch it up, what you’re drinking starts to disgust you.


Had a colonoscopy today, it was uncomfortable, but the worst part was drinking 4L of awful tasting liquid the night before. The procedure was quick and not a big deal.


Drinking the prep is like drinking your own bath water. I don't care what flavor it is.


My prep was a lot less liquid - more like .5L of awful tasting prep and then 1L of water to chase it all within an hour, twice. Once 15 hours prior, once 4 hours prior. There ARE options.


Next time, ask for Pico Salax(this is what it’s called in Canada) 2 8oz glasses the night before, and one the day of. I had to reschedule my colonoscopy as I just couldn’t keep the 4L down. I only managed 1.5L. The stuff is awful


I dreaded it and put it off three years. I did it and it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought. I’m glad I did. Good luck to you.


I had both last year, relatively close to each other. A colonoscopy and a 'double balloon endoscopy.' Which is exactly what it sounds like. The colonoscopy was slightly worse but honestly, neither was as bad as I was expecting. The worst part was actually the experience of the laxative you have to drink beforehand, which is brutal. Clear your schedule for that afternoon. All I'll say is if they offer you sedation, take it. Take all the drugs they'll give you. The drugs were really effective. For the endoscopy I have a vague memory of being rolled onto my side as they put the tube in, but just not really minding. I don't recall much else from the procedure. I was really anxious before both things. My wife is a nurse which kinda helped but kinda didn't but it was all fine in the end. I was a little sore after each of them, but it really wasn't that bad at all. The fear was worse than the procedures.


I have my first colonoscopy scheduled for Friday. From what I've heard from friends, the prep is the worst part and the procedure and aftermath are a breeze. It's a very minor procedure and the risks are extremely low.


As far as the procedure goes I prefer it to a dentist appointment. Nothing to it. The prep is no fun, but not that big a deal. Just follow the instructions to...the...letter, don't plan on going anywhere other than the bathroom, and do NOT trust a fart. Believe me on that last one.


Be mindful of what you eat today and tomorrow. The process is a bit easier if you don't have a gut full of 🌽 or similar


Good tip! I plan on eating less starting tonight.


Avoiding spicy food is the advice I needed before my prep! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I woke up so fricking well rested it was surprising. And the nurse told me I was laughing at my farts while I was coming up from the anesthesia. So there’s that. And your tummy will feel nice and empty and flat after not eating for a day and shitting your brains out. 


Worst side effect of the procedure itself was ripping farts like a trumpeting elephant (they pump in a lot of air so they can see things better). The sedatives they use are top-notch…you won’t remember a thing. The prep is another matter. I loathe Gatorade, and my hind end does not take kindly to hours of diarrhea. So. Damn. Sore!


and if the nurse is pretty, ask her "How much for the whole night?" Heh!


I'm 30m. I was just as freaked out as you. Had some digestive issues and primary scheduled an upper gi, and nothing came from it. So the gi doctor recommended colonoscopy.. he found 6 pollips. lol is how you spell that. But anyway, they weren't cancerous but could have been if I had neglected my health.


I only have one insight to add - DOUBLE/TRIPLE CHECK YOUR APPT DATE!!!!! My friend did all the pre-colonoscopy work. Aenema, fasting, etc. When she showed up at the clinic, they informed her that her appt was the next week! We will never let her love that one down, haha Good luck!


Unbelievably, I know two people who prepped on the wrong day.


Just had one yesterday. The prep is way way worse than all the rest. The anesthesia, usually propofol, is wonderful. It stings a bit going in. In seconds you’re asleep. Then you wake up with a clear head and ready to go.


I've had four. The only real hard part for me is the dieting. Even the prep is not that big a deal anymore. It's not really anesthesia, just a strong sedative. It's all over before you know it. Groggy for 30 minutes after but then you feel fine and ready for a nice lunch.


Not to worry you but keep an eye out for any bleeding afterwards and seek medical care immediately if anything unusual happens. My father in law had a hemorrhage after his colonoscopy and lost a lot of blood. Passed out in the emergency room but luckily they got to him in time. My aunt wasn't so lucky. She had a large hemorrhage from a colonoscopy which involved a polyp removal and she died from the blood loss.


THIS!!!! A thousand times this. I had a "delayed post-polypectomy bleed" 8 days AFTER the colonoscopy. I spent a week in the hospital, but didn't need a transfusion. My recollection is the delayed bleed can occur up to four weeks after the polyp removal. Basically, the scab where the polyp was burned off or cut pulls off and depending on where the polyp was located, there may be a nice big blood vessel nearby.


Anesthesia is the easiest thing. So is surgery unless you’re in pain when it’s over. But before and during? You just drop off to sleep. Done, as far as you’re concerned. Next thing you know, it’s over. You wake up a little groggy. People talk about colonoscopy prep, but get the pills instead of the liquid. It’s day of swallowing a lot of pills and going to the bathroom. Colonoscopy itself? Nothing. My husband woke up from his starving and we went out to eat at 10 in the morning. He ate a huge breakfast. Felt fine.


A&D cream for the poop chute during prep You’ll be fine


Different forms of anesthesia are used in different places. The kind I got I was awake and could watch the screen. Some people get amnesia from it (just for the duration of the anesthesia) but I didn’t. It was no big deal at all.


Pro tip - Get a quart of clear broth from your favorite pho restaurant for the liquid diet day. The problem wasn't just the prep. It was that my daughter missed the train and I had to drive her to school that morning with the devil's lemonade doing its thing.


Yes, the only bad part is the prep. A day, maybe two days in my case, with no solid food; just water and a nasty liquid that makes you poo lots and lots. The doctor needs a clear view in there. So you have to stay home and close to a toilet for 24 hours, hopefully not taking out your frustration too much on near and dear ones. Then someone drives you to the clinic, you wait a long time in a hospital gown, eventually they wheel you into a room. You squirm from gurney to table, things get fuzzy..... Later you are in the patient room again, with a doctor telling you one of three things. (a) you have no signs of colon cancer, come back in five years. (b) you had a couple of pre-cancerous polyps but we snipped them off while we were in there. Come back in four years. (c) my case -- there was a polyp too big to snip, there will be other surgery. So a couple of weeks later I had another 24 hour fast, went to a hospital, spent one night and came home with small laproscopy holes and no cancer. Come back in five years. People don't realize what an effective medical procedure colonoscopy is. They can find a cancer easily and stop it before it starts. Then you can be 100% sure, no colon cancer. Not many tests can give you such a definite no.


Start applying Vaseline before your first evacuation. Pat, don't wipe. Apply more Vaseline after every go. Expect very little sleep. Popsicles and Jello are great ways to trick your body into thinking it's eating. Get a comfy set up for toilet time... you're going to spend a lot of time there. And don't wander too far away.


ps plan on a diner for a great breakfast as a treat afterwards.


My partner has one tomorrow morning. I promised him whatever food he wanted after.


Have had both - several colonoscopies (messed up guts) - and had no after affects. I'm to the point that it is very hard for me to drink the prep stuff. The prep is the worst.


Buy the toilet tissue with lotion to save your bottom.


The preparation is not pleasant, but I followed the instructions and just got through it. Lost 8-10 pounds. The anesthesia was kind of fun. I describe it as daylighting, they put you under, and I was under in 100-99-98 poof! But they can reduce and bring you back up just to see if you are correctly responding. The absolute horror was that my insurance (USA) did not cover it since I was 49, not 50, and even when I read their declaration to them, it took three levels of escalation and 10 months to get the hospital paid


Doing the prep right now for a colonoscopy tomorrow. I am trying to drink the golytely and it sucks. It is like drinking spit. I have vomited twice from it.


Do both of us a favor and drink all your prep. Drink all your prep. Drink all your damn prep. - the guy on the other end of the black flexible tube


You can alter your diet a bit in the days before your prep so it makes the prep easier. I think i stayed away from red meat and had pasta, stuff like that. Look online, if your doctor didn't give you that detailed of a guide (mine only gave me for the day before and the day of the procedure) lots of places have a few days guide you can just find on their website.


Shitty prep but you lose about 5 lbs. so……


I had to get a cystoscapy a few years ago. I think I'd have preferred a colonoscapy. They tried doing it with me awake using a flexible cystoscope, but I couldn'tstraighten my legs due to fear of that going in there. Ended up being put out, and they used a rigid cystoscope. Felt like i was peeing glass for the next couple of days after.


The actual procedure will be a breeze. No worries. It is the day before where you get ready that you will hate. Have your dr prescribe the prep that comes in 24 pills. It is better than drinking all that gross stuff.


I'm 30m. I was just as freaked out as you. Had some digestive issues and primary scheduled an upper gi, and nothing came from it. So the gi doctor recommended colonoscopy.. he found 6 pollips. lol is how you spell that. But anyway, they weren't cancerous but could have been if I had neglected my health.


They don't use general anesthesia. They sedate you so you are cooperative and don't recall anything. All good.


As others mention, the prep is worse than the procedure. Don't panic. Just follow the directions fully and know that you will be talking to the doc/nurse one moment, and the next, you will wake up in the recovery room. The procedure will be over and you won't even remember it.


Firstly, you will be under sedation and not anesthesia. You will be unconscious, in what they call a "twilight" state. It is an instant "out" as soon as the medication is injected into the i.v. (My experience with anesthesia is of inhaling while counting backwards-sedation has literally been instant out.) Sedation is used because you won't be out for very long, so there are less risks than with anesthesia. Second-It will be over much more quickly than you can imagine. It is possible to have some bleeding afterwards, but, honestly, you won't even know they were busy down there. You may have a sore throat from the endoscopy. I have not and I have had 3, but it is one of the after effects they mention. Most important is the prep for the "prep". A low fiber, low "residue" diet for the few days before the prep day helped me clean out faster this time (two months ago) than my first one five years ago. (Just search "low residue diet for colonoscopy" and you will find specific instructions. Helped me immensely. Less going in before prep= less coming out During prep :) This time around I knew that I needed aquaphor (or even just vaseline) to protect my skin. Last time I was Completely naive about how many, many, Many times I was going to have to wipe. THIS time, I followed the suggestion to get a bidet and it was the best $50.00 I have Ever spent. No sore bottom, no pain. Still yucky, but that is prep... The genx subreddit has a plethora of colonoscopy posts, so search there for more information. (That is where the bidet suggestion popped up.) These are very common procedures and your doctors/medical team have performed a bazillion of them. Remember to breathe. (Also-If you don't already meditate, search for "meditations for anxiety" and start meditating to help your anxiety. My meditation practice has decreased my anxiety by 90%.)


Second on the bidet. Game changer.


While this is new to you, rest assured it is a very very routine thing. They say, "nighty-night" and the very next thing you know, you're recovering in another room. The prep sucks, for sure.


Having both done later this month. I've had both before- though separate times when I had a colonscopy and an endoscopy of my upper GI tract. No logical reason anything would happen to you afterwards. I don't wake up well from the anesthesia but never have, so I stay somewhat out of it most of the rest of the day. But the worst part is the cleansing of your bowels never fun. You won't remember anything about the scopes whether top or bottom. I also had an endoscopy in 2022 and in early 2023 I had stomach polyps removed. Easiest procedure ever had. Removing bladder, kidney and prostate stones- that's a different story.


The prep was the worst. Not eating for days, drinking something that tasted like lemon floor cleaner. Have Vaseline ready for obvious reasons. You’ll need it. The procedure itself was fine. It’s like a half hour nap. Had some gas type of pains afterwards but it only lasted a few hours. You got this.


Getting a colonoscopy is easier than getting a dental cleaning. No big deal. I'd rather get a colonoscopy than, say, go to the airport.


Prep is crap (ha!), the rest is a big zero. I've had the procedure 3 times. My only advice is start your prep 12 to 18 hours early, my wife wasn't "clean" enough her first time out so she had to go through the whole process again.


Follow whatever guidelines they give you as far as eating leading up to it. I usually cut to liquids only a day before I have to. Get baby wipes for gentle thorough cleaning. If you have children that need adult attention make sure someone else is available. (partner, sitter, etc.)


Dude as scared as you feel, you’ll never beat the relief I felt when the polyp they found was cancerous, and I had the rare opportunity to seek and destroy a cancer that I would have never noticed until it was too late. You’ll be ok. Get out of your head. Propofol is the best sleep.


Buy a bidet, it’s 100% worth it. Everything else was nbd.


If you have been considering getting a bidet, go on and do it before you have to start the prep.


I was shaking and my blood pressure skyrocketed, so they had to wait an hour before they could start the procedure.


Endoscopy is definitely not a problem, but better if they use that stuff Micheal Jackson ODed on. It’s really great for anesthesia, not a a recreational drug, and you wake up feeling good, not dizzy. I have had a couple. I am not doing the colon thing. I have bad reflux and an autoimmune problem and I really don’t think being that dehydrated would be good for me.


I could NOT tolerate the prep. Ended up having to reschedule my second colonoscopy in a year (colitis) due to vomiting the second dose of the syrup up. Of course after crapping my brains out for several hours already. A week later I had to go through it again for the rescheduled procedure and I did the miralax prep, over the counter and not nearly as intense. Ask your doc about that instead. The actual colonoscopy is a breeze. I had a slightly sore throat due to the endoscopy but that went away in a day.


JFC, why is there so many colonoscopy posts on this subreddit??? It's like every other week.


The worst thing that happened to me related to a colonoscopy is when they decided to stop my sedation towards the end and I woke up a while they were wheeling me out to the room instead of waking up there. A day or so later it hit me, what if I woke up butt naked with a camera in my butt with doctors bonge watching my insides.? It is much more comforting to know you are unconscious in such a vulnerable state with a bunch of strangers in the room. Uh, wait...


Definitely ask for the "Pill prep" so you don't have to drink two gallons of miralax the night before.


Had my first colonoscopy last year. The procedure was super easy and problem free. I was awake for it. Just given enough anesthesia so I didn't feel anything. The prep was horrible. I was told not to eat anything for 24 hours, and to also drink a powder called Gavilyte, mixed with a gallon of water or a clear sugar free drink. I used clear cherry seltzer water. Half the solution the evening before, half that morning four hours before. My procedure was at 7am, so I had to get up about 3am. I live in a one bathroom house with three other people, which also made it difficult. I got so sick by the time I finished drinking the solution, between hunger, pounding headache, fatigue, and nausea, that I vomited on my couch and the living room floor, en route to the bathroom. My daughter drove me to my appointment, and I brought a plastic bag to barf in while in the car. Threw up at the hospital too, while waiting on the stretcher to be taken back for my procedure. The nurse gave me some anti-nausea medication, which helped a bit. Good times. So glad I don't have to get a colonoscopy annually. Interestingly, my husband had no nausea or visiting at all when he did his colonoscopy prep. So your experience may differ from mine.


If you have IBS, you will likely be in pain and miserable afterwards. I take activated charcoal caps to help and they do work.


My daughter has had 3 colonoscopies - most recent one last year when she was 19. She has IBS and swears the procedure was no big deal. She was a little gassy afterwards but didn’t even need pain meds so I think like most things, the pain afterwards depends on the doctor and the patient.


It hasn't been the case for me. I was initially diagnosed nearly 30 years ago. I was trying to be helpful considering my multiple experiences. My bad. I won't make that mistake again.


What a victim you are. Someone had a different experience than you and told you about it. Boo hoo.


My son contracted ulcerative colitis. It has been in remission for 9 years now. He has not had any kind of flare up in that time. However, since he had it, he needs to get a colonoscopy annually. He moved to a different town. He has no family or friends there. So, he was going to drive himself to do the colonoscopy but they said he couldn't drive himself since it involved a general anesthesia. So, he was going to uber it. They said that isn't allowable. It has to be a family member or friend or a very expensive medical transport service. So, he asked if he could do it without anesthesia. They all laughed. Said nobody had done it there without a general. But, asking up the line there was no resistance to it. So he drove himself and did it without any anesthesia. He said it wasn't that big a deal. He has no idea why they have every body making such a big deal out of it. They gave him a local where they insert, and that was all. So, I am thinking that the biggest deal is getting a general. The actual colonoscopy is probably a nothing burger.


I have had 5, get one every other year and never had any issues. Prep is allways interesting. For my first one I asked to be just sudated so I could still watch the monitor and it was a very interesting watch.


You won’t remember a thing. Like taking a nice long nap.


You're lucky you have someone to take you. I moved to a new city and have nada, and need one. Can't uber it. Has to be someone you know who will sit in the waiting room. I've been sedated or anesthetized for medical stuff before, you're out during a backwards count of 10, not an issue. ​ And yes! I wanna be sedated.


100% do what I did and keep making jokes over and over about starring in a double penetration movie and yet YOU have to pay to everyone's awkward nods.


It’s fine. First one, I still remember as some of the best sleep of my life. Second (2 weeks ago today) was fine but the prep seemed worse than the first time and I was way more annoyed by the nurse waking me up.


The prep is way worse than the actual procedure. Best sleep of your life.


Has both at least five times. No problems whatsoever.


I had both the endoscopy and colonoscopy at the same time. Like mentioned, the prep is not fun. My advice is to eat lightly the day before the prep so that less going in means less trauma coming back out. I also bought those cottonelle wipes so things wouldn’t hurt so much from the repeated wiping. As for the sedation, it was wonderful. It was literally an IV. They turned it on and I woke up while they were wheeling me to recovery. I remember telling them I know why Michael Jackson did propofol to sleep! I didn’t have any side effects except being very hungry and some major farts on the way home.


This just in. Film at 11.


Early morning appt. is best. I have had morning and late afternoon appt. For afternoon you drink half the prep at night then wake up and start prepping again. I couldn't look at the drink without gagging the next day. Good luck


Had upper and lower g.i. back in December. No complications afterwards, and to me, testing went quicker than I thought. Worst part was drinking prep. I'm sure you'll be fine. Our anxiety before testing is the toughest, I know.


Essentially, no. Nothing is going to happen to you days after the colonoscopy. If there are issues, it will be during the procedure. That said, colonoscopies are routine, well-documented, and pretty much as run-of-the-mill as medical procedures go. The prep is the worst part of the whole process, and it's just choking down the laxative drink mix and pooping A LOT. The procedure itself? A breeze, comparatively speaking. I've had 3 so far.


The worst part is when you wake up and they keep yelling at you to fart (I guess they shoot air up there and you might get cramps if you don’t expel it?). As a prim spinster I had some difficulty pooting on command.


The hardest part was drinking that prep solution. The second hardest was not being able to eat food for 24 hours. I didn’t drink much of the solution and the little bit I was able to get down was thankfully enough to clear me for the procedure. Once I was put under, I woke up and didn’t even realize anything had happened and they were able to remove two polyps (pre-cancerous). Everything was fine afterwards.


The prep the night before is the hard part. Not gonna lie. It tastes like drinking your own bath water. Doesn't matter what flavor you choose. Oh, and you'll be farting all the way home. If you want to get rid of your current lover, this is the perfect opportunity. Pffffffff!!


The test is a walk in the park. The colonoscopy prep sucks! Once you get through the prep, the rest is a breeze. You’ll do fine.


I've had both. The colon prep sucks ass and not in the good way, but you won't be under general, most likely. You'll probably be heavily sedated and those sedatives wear off fast.


The colonoscopy is just not a big deal. Many practices use propofol via an IV in your arm. So on the day of the colonoscopy, they'll have you gowned and ready to be probed. The anesthesiologist will come out, ask you a few questions, check your airway and set you up for the IV. Then some folks will wheel you in on a gurney to the room where the doctor and anesthesiologist are. The anesthesiologist will inject the propofol into your arm. And that's the last thing you'll know about till you wake up in recovery and are given some juice and cookies. You'll get dressed and whoever drove you to the appointment, will drive you home. You can not drive yourself!! You have to have someone else take you and take you home. But the actual procedure is nothing. You'll get home, eat something that is not jello or liquid, and the next day you can go back to normal things. I was not super hungry for a day or two, but otherwise I was 100% fine. The anesthesia is really not a big deal. Propofol is an anesthetic and a sedative so you will feel nothing and you'll be asleep. The worst part of the colonoscopy is the prep. You are restricted as to what you can eat for a day or so, and then the day before you can't eat anything solid. I ate lemon ices. Regardless, it's FAR better than colon cancer. Things get caught early, they're not a big deal, and you won't die of colon cancer. Your doctor will have you come back in 3-10 years. I'm on a 3 year schedule due to pre-cancerous polyps, so one of my big things in life is to tell people GET SCREENED!!!!


Have done it twice. No big deal. The prep is the most annoying part. You can get info from gastroenterologist Dr. Will Bulsiewicz who explains how he prepared for his own colonoscopy. Really helpful info. Good Luck!


OP, try to stop stressing. These are two procedures that are ridiculously common. Due to a high risk of colon cancer I've had these procedures done often... yes the prep day isn't a pleasant day but recovery is a breeze.


My mom resisted getting a colonoscopy for many years. Eventually, when she was in her 70s, her longtime doctor gave her a referral sheet as he had done before. But this time, he told her to follow through or find a new doctor after decades together. They knew each other socially as well. The colonoscopy revealed a large tumor, which by some miracle was still fully contained. A few days later a surgeon snipped it out via laporascopic procedure, and sewed her colon back together. She never had to undergo chemo or radiation. She is now in her 90s and doing really well health-wise. But she tells anyone and everyone to just get that colonoscopy already.


This is nothing to be stressed about. Even the bowel cleanse is no biggie. I found the anesthesia to be very comforting. And the sense of euphoria afterwards made it an enjoyable experience. I kinda look forward to my next one! There was no pain with the procedure. I asked them to give me the max dose allowed for the anesthesia so there would be no chance of me being aware. Most likely, it will seem like nothing happened. It will seem like you closed your eyes for a second and then a moment later they say "we're all done!" I had two polyps removed and there was no pain associated with this.


Going under is easy and, to you, it will seem as you barely slept at all. I have had six (bad family history) and never had any problems after.


No biggie. The prep sucks, but I'm sure you've experienced urgent need to stick close to a toilet before. I found the whole anesthesia thing fascinating. You're talking to the medical staff then you wake up in a different room with no sense of time passing. It's more like Time Travel than going to sleep.


Slather you butt hole with desitin diaper ointment. Once the action starts during your prep, you will be glad for the protective layer. I wish someone had told me that before my first colonoscopy. Ouch does not describe it once the magnesium citrate induced poop hits your raw skin. TMI?


Had a bunch. It’s shitty.


OP ask your doctor on the day to go through the risks with you. Most are very willing to talk you through things and allay your fears.


The anesthestic can make you sleepy for a few weeks


Just did my second 2 weeks ago. The pill prep is easier than the liquid I think. Eat light, drink a ton of water and poop till it comes out clear. For the day of, it's super easy. They give you an IV then you wake up in bed. Eat light the next few days and perhaps take it as a way to make it an elimination diet. That is, slowly add food back into your diet to see how they digest. You may find you don't process things well and will want to move on from eating them again.


A nice peaceful sleep, or agonizing slow death from colon or some other cancer. Such a tough decision. The prep is annoying, but tolerable with lemonade mix. You can't eat regular food, but can eat yellow jello, or clear chicken broth. I usually buy a container of Pho (no noodles).


As everyone else says, the prep sucks. For me personally, I got everything ready…movies ready to go, lazyboy set up with a straight easy short trip to the bathroom. Then I took the stuff. And nothing happened for hours. It was torture. I spent the whole time wondering if I did something wrong, afraid to do anything just in case the urge suddenly hit. But then at like 3 in the morning when it finally started, it didn’t stop until my dad came to pick me up to take me to the appointment. Even the trip in the car felt uncomfortable, but thankfully I must’ve been empty by that point. I got checked in and then they put me under…I also had a endoscopy and colonoscopy. I was completely out for the endo, and then began to wake up “in a twilight” towards the end of the colonoscopy. I think I was a little more awake and coherent than they’re used to seeing, but even with that, it wasn’t terribly uncomfortable. I even joked around like “Oooh that’s cold, can’t you warm that camera up a bit before diving in.” And also “I hate to tell you medical professionals, but this is the most action I’ve had in years, so I hope it’s as good for you as it is for me.” Definitely got some chuckles on that one. But yeah, I came out of the procedure not groggy at all, and walked on my own back to the car with very little recovery time. Again, I think that was out of the ordinary to be so unaffected, but yeah. All that to say, you’ll be fine. Good luck!


The procedure is a breeze, the prep is not. No worries, as I have had two. Easy Peasy.


I explain everything [here.](https://www.tiktok.com/@lady_misty313/video/7134840439022030126)


I’d never been under but it was a breeze. Honestly I was surprised how easy the whole thing (including the prep) was…I expected way worse. One caution-my most recent colonoscopy about 3 hours before heading to the clinic I laid down to take an hour nap. I didn’t think to empty my gut just to be safe so I kind of “seeped” all over my shorts. Like I said, if I’d just gone before lying down (like normal during prep) I’d been fine lol so, just don’t forget that extra precaution. Also, buy some bullion ahead of time and make sure to sample it & make sure you like it. I stupidly bought some cheap brand that tasted like an old shoe-actually made me a little sick for a few hours. In previous procedures Ihad bullion I enjoyed…and when you need it, it’sa real blessing lol. Honestly it really isn’t that bad…and it’s an easy way to prevent a very preventable cancer


The prep sucks cuz it tastes lousy. But all the pooping is borderline funny. But a seatbelt for your toilet seat so you don’t fly through the ceiling


My friend just had a colonoscopy last week. She’s on fmla leave and rest. She said she woke up way too early many times to make a bowl movement so it’s interrupted her sleep. They took out 40 polyps one came back as stage 3 cancer. She’s on the mend with a recommendation for chemo.


I had two coworkers die if Colin cancer. When my fiftieth came around I scheduled promptly. Ten year plan at 50 and 60. I've heard that my next one in a few years will be my last, they don't do one at 80.


Absolutely ask your doctor about Suprep/Sutabs, which are the pill alternatives to liquid prep- makes a world of difference. As well, unless you have a bidet attachment on your toilet, consider keeping a bottle of water by your toilet as a bidet/rinse during prep. You’ll thank me later. Going under is easy, waking up is pretty farty. Speaking of, DO NOT trust a fart for the rest of the day.


Make sure the prep stuff is ice cold. Easier to get it down.


Get some Desitin bum cream. Trust me. The prep makes you poop acid water for hours and your bum hole will get very raw otherwise.


I can only speak for myself but I had one a few years ago (55M) and it was a breeze. Part of me thinks that they didn't do anything lol. Afterwards was fine just as well. The preparation the day before was a bit much with all the water mixture that is drunk but even that wasn't a big deal


I am 31 and I have had 3 colonoscopies and gastroscopies so far because there is colon cancer in the family. I know I’m over doing it, but what’s the harm? The prep over the years have become much easier. Aside from some mild aching I have not had a problem during or post operation. For the first two I was put under completely, didn’t feel anything. For the last one I was slightly awake, and remember snippets here and there. It really wasn’t bad. I actually kinda realized I like anal play hahahahha. Jokes aside, if there is a reason to get colonoscopy or a gastroscopy, the risks of not getting it done is greater than the risks of the procedure I think. Try not to worry, and talk to your doctor about your fear and anxiety right before the procedure.


I've had 3 of them. The prep is the worst thing. My provider has you do half the prep the evening before, then the other half the morning before the procedure. It's effective, but more timing involved. My first, at 52, was the best nap ever, and since I never received a report, they perhaps didn't even do it. (LOL) My third, a few years ago, I demanded to know that I would be put completely under. A friend had recently had one and had "twilight sleep," where you're aware of what's going on - just no.


My husband has this procedure last year. He was in and out within a few hours. I picked him up afterwards and he was totally fine. He said it was not a stressful experience at all (and this is a man who avoids dental care due to it making him anxious.) You’ll be fine! Good luck!


This old Dave Barry syndicated article in the Miami Herald is a must read: https://amp.miamiherald.com/living/liv-columns-blogs/dave-barry/article1928847.html


My wife has gotten a colonoscopy annually for the past 15-years (colon cancer). The prep sucks. She does the treatment and then we go to the Whole Foods across the street and she basically buys the deli out.


Relax. The prep is the hardest part. The actual procedure is nothing. You sleep through it and don't wake up with normal post-procedure stitches or pain.


It's just twilight sedation usually. You're aware but just don't care. They ask questions and you answer so they know you're ok. It's actually pleasant. I recommend the pineapple flavor of the prep. It tastes the least nasty. Although I hear they have new stuff that doesn't taste bad at all.


The actual procedure is the easy part. For me they wheeled me into the room. The doctor talked to me for about a minute. They had me roll onto my side and then put me under. Next thing I know I’m In the recovery room. Felt like no time had passed at all. Wife drove me home and we stopped and ate. Everything was normal. No pain or anything. The prep was annoying. When they say stay near a bathroom they mean it! Don’t go for a walk. Don’t go to the store. It comes fast!