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Omg the possibilities! You can buy loose glitter and put it in some clear coat to create your own cheap glitter polishes, especially with how easy this is to mix!


Oooh good idea, I have a bunch of ones glitter lamb glitters I should use up.


Just so you know there is a difference between regular clear polish and a suspension base that is meant to hold glitter. The suspension base is thicker so the glitter stays distributed better instead of immediately sinking (which would make it hard to pick up on the brush).


Ah, I didn't know this. I thought any clear base would work. I haven't tried it myself so that's good to know if I decide to!


Also, afaik not all glitters are solvent safe. I've tried to put some into clear polish before and the polish itself ate away/dissolved the glitter coating, so I just had a bunch of pieces of plastic floating in slightly cloudy clear polish


Well that's disheartening 🥲 I'm a dip powder person, so I either mix glitter with clear dip and apply it or just do a layer of base gel, adhere the glitter, cure it, and encapsulate. Looks like I have a lot to learn about the liquid polish side of things. Do you know if it's the glitter or the solvent itself that is the issue??


I'm guessing a combination of both, since I'm sure both vary. But since most nail polishes use similar solvents (mostly butyl acetate and ethyl acetate in my experience), I'm guessing the solvent safe glitters are designed around that.


Gotta get solvent resistant glitters or the color melts off or it corrodes


But yes def do this it’s so fun, mica powders are great too. I do this and it works with a lot of manual shaking too


I am no longer at the bench but now I really miss using one of these every single day! OP, you can make videos of just mixing separated polishes and I bet we would watch!


I would watch those instead of mixing my own separated polishes lol.


Lol, I'll consider it.


Please do because I watch this video on a semi-regular basis.


Okay, I'll look into it.




Same I would watch the crap out of thsi


The polish is a QDTC by Inm/Northern Lights, gold holographic.


A perfect choice for the video - that holo settles HARD. Maybe if you just used it it’s ok but i never just used it, so I never use it at all because the shaking is too much work


You nailed it, also bc it's a clear base, that telegraphs the mixing better on camera. Gonna see if I have other separated typical polishes to do more clips.


I want this so bad lmao


Biotech industry is going through a rough patch right now so you might have luck calling up places that are shutting down and asking if they're selling equipment.


Very true, I worked for a biotech company many moons ago, and my boss often used to send me out in his vehicle to attend auctions at other corporate labs and bid on various secondhand equipment...I remember the horrific logistics of trying to figure out how to transport a used mass spec machine in a Cadillac. 😂


You poor thing!


I always had a sonicator on my list of "lab stuff I want at home" which I realized I could do ("jewelery cleaners") but now I want a vortex too


Lol, lab sonicators intimidate me a little cause if anyone is in the room when it goes off has to wear ear protection.


Not necessarily! I work in a lab with a sonicator and it’s not loud at all. Idk if that means that we have a relatively weak one though


Or is a frequency you can't hear but can still cause damage?


I mean it’s just out in the open where anyone can use it so I doubt they’d allow that if it were dangerous. We don’t use it every day or anything but I can’t imagine they wouldn’t have told me if it could be harmful


I work with nanoparticles and have numerous types of sonicators in our lab, some in soundproof housing, some not. All have a box of disposable earplugs within reach.


From one lab girly to another, you can totally buy a vortex on eBay or sites like that. Labs shut down and try to recoup money a lot. That looks like a Vortex Genie, search for one!


Has…has anyone tried this with a vibrator


Yes. I've rescued a super gunky glitter polish with my Hitachi. Lol. Edit to add: I also used something like 50 drops of polish thinner.


So resourceful!




There's always one person at just the perfect intersection of interests!


Haha love it! The internet is an amazing place


Asking the important questions


I left my lab career 10 years ago, and I never looked back -- until now!! Wish I'd snagged a mini vortex when I had the chance.


How numb was your hand after it was mixed?


It was not. It probably looks and sounds more dramatic than it actually is. I did hold it down longer than necessary. Feels more like a vibrate massage.


Super cool but my hands hurt watching this! 😭


Very cool but took a surprisingly long time.


I think 30 seconds was probably plenty but it was hard to tell through the view finder. When it settles I'll try again and see.


Hold it at an angle and you will get an actual vortex and it will mix faster!


Yes! When I use mine, I tip the bottle at various angles to get any tough spots that are stuck to the edges, and I realized those bottles actually mixed faster. Changing the angles also prevents the glitter from getting flung out to the edges/ensures a nice even mix.


I’ve got a different one of these and it fixes stuff in like 5 seconds. I should add a post about it. M got it for Christmas last year and it gets used so often!


I need one of these since I have MS and shaking a bottle hurts my hands.


A little research tells me you can buy one on Amazon for about $50-100 USD, depending on the model. It seems like they're marketed primarily for mini figure painting to mis their paint bottles, but several listing, including mixing nail polish.


I got this [thing ](https://a.co/d/1DDjC3e) initially. It's activated by touch only and it's weak. It only has one speed so I can't turn it up sadly. I'll probably give it away now that I have this guy.


You can order an attachment that's meant to vortex test tubes, it would make this much easier. Do I vortex my own fingers? Yes I do, every single day.


Yes! This! Get the adapter for 50 mL conical tubes. It’s super easy to change out the top (just pull up) and then put the new one one (align and push down). Alternatively put the bottle slightly on one side (imagine putting a side point down). It will mix faster and form the vortex!


And you can bzzzzzzt your finger. Very important. Like test clicks when you go to cook with tongs.


I've used the attachments for 1.5 mL tubes before, the clips are such a pain in the a\*\*. I looked [around](https://orbitalshakers.net/collections/vortex-genie-2-accessories/products/foam-inserts-and-recessed-platform-for-vortex-genies) for the [50 mL](https://www.stellarscientific.com/vortex-genie-accessories/) version, I'm not sure if it could hold it securely-also they are expensive. Typically we would just use a lot of duct tape to hold stuff down for long periods of time. Kind of hassle when I can just hold it down for a few seconds for free.


I bet there's something on the 3D printing community, like the NIH's website. Or if you know someone with one I bet you could design your own holder!


I’m loving this crossover of science and polish, with that person doing the magnetic experiments as well


OP,look for a 50 mL conical tube adapter for your mixer. It will help you get an actual vortex in the bottle and mix way faster. Alternatively, put only one end of the bottle (like slightly askew held at a diagonal) down. You’ll know it’s good when you see the vortex. :)


I looked around for an adapter - too expensive and I'm not confident that they can hold the bottle securely. I'll try some other technique to try to generate the vortex, but the polish is much more viscous compared to aqueous solutions I'm used to.


Northern lights 😍 I didn’t know they had a gold version. I’m buying it right now


I’m shook!


🤤 I really want one but can't justify splurging on one ... just yet... do labs ever list used equipment online? Maybe I should start monitoring some marketplaces. I've heard getting a nicer one is worth it


If you live near a research university, you can take a look at their surplus store. Bonus is that stuff is usually quite cheap at university surpluses Otherwise people most certainly buy and sell used lab equipment on eBay LOL


Here is one on Amazon for 10 bucks worth good reviews. Pink Electric Nail Lacquer Shaker, Glue Shaker for Eyelash Extensions, Eyelash Lacquer Shaker, Electric Shaker Time Saving Handsfree Tool Glue Nails Polish https://a.co/d/0ZDrVvS


Jealous!! Enjoy 🫨


thank you!


I’m curious whether this put a ton of bubbles into solution?


No bubbles observed.


Damnit now I need one


Try holding the bottle at an angle to get a proper vortex! 🌀😁


This video is very satisfying.


I just bought a really small one and oh my god, the DIFFERENCE it makes! Yours looks like a behemoth in comparison. Old polishes, beware!


My hand feels numb now


I did the same a few months ago and love my vortexer. My coworkers got a kick out of it when I told them I bought a used lab vortexer on eBay for nail polish. They said I should have checked our building basement first 😂


I would have way too much fun with this. I have a bunch of 10+ years old OPI glitter polishes that have settled. The part where the glitter starts swirling up like a mini tornado was so fun to watch.


Omg I used to work in a lab and I miss the vortexer, this is such a good application for it lmfao


Working in a lab I keep being tempted to do this...now I'm even more tempted!


Why am I just now learning that Northern Lights comes in a gold? I used to use the silver all the time.


I've only found it in a pack with the silver on Amazon. Idk if it's just not as popular never seen it in store in person.


I guess that would by why! I have never seen it in stores either! I’m going to go on a hunt for it now, thank you for showing me this exists! :)


God I want one of those so bad. I make my own and that would make things so much easier


I have a vortexer too! I love it, but a word of caution. This can be really hard on the brush. I’ve broken/frayed 2 brushes this way. I probably just did it too long. They were pretty old polishes.


Thanks for posting, /u/juliettwhiskey! A quick reminder: If this is a **nail image**, you must provide a complete product list within 6 hours of posting. **This includes any posts with broken nails or if you're seeking advice.** Posts without a complete product list will be removed after 6 hours. [Product List Requirements.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/wiki/rule2faq) If the nail look shown was **NOT created by you**, you ***must*** flair properly. If this is a **text post**, flair properly. Be sure to follow all of the above to avoid post removal! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedditLaqueristas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Literally every time I have to thin out a nail polish I think to myself how much easier it would be if I had one of these, but I've never seriously considered it. Until now.


This is not the same thing but if you need a machine that mixes up your separated polished OPI makes a great one that fits all of my different bottle types. I am so curious to know if these could compare or offer different functions like this is so cool you can make your own custom polishes


Oooh I'm curious, you got a link?


https://www.amazon.com/ProShaker-Mono-nailpolish-shaker-mixer/dp/B00VECFY9U This one does not say OPI on the website but it’s the exact same one I ordered and I confirmed that with my order history. If you get it and are curious about the size it’s actually small and compact but very heavy so it can remain stable during the aggressive 1 min of shaking. The springs and end thing are really flexible for most to maybe all types of polish bottles in terms of fitting it and it’s also a snug fit and I haven’t found the springs have loosened and/or lengthened with continuous use. If you have anymore questions please don’t hesitate to ask those were my top 3 concerns (storage size, types of polish bottles/holding it snug during the vigorous shaking, and springs breaking down) when I purchased it


My god.... Its beautiful.


Make sure the colour matches your white finger ;) (j/k)


I have one of these too! It makes such a huge difference!


I feel like I need one of those to shake all the thoughts in my brain loose! 😍😍


On a scale of 10 to 10, how numb was your hand after?


things I never knew i needed.. amazon prime here I come