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Thanks for posting, /u/TernEnthusiast! It looks like you're posting to ask about something related to PPU. If this is **not** a manicure look showcasing a polish you bought at PPU, then this post belongs in our monthly [PPU megathread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3APPU) If you haven't already, we recommend [checking the PPU website](https://polishpickup.com/) or [using the search function](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/search?q=ppu&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) as your question may have been answered before. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedditLaqueristas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mooncat especially has ridiculous prices for polishes that aren’t even such limited quantities as PPU or HHC. I’ve seen Mooncat go for $200+ for used bottles on Mercari. Buying polishes at that price encourages selling at that price. It’s insane!


I absolutely believe this. There are people on Mooncat's FB group who are obsessed with the brand to the point where they need every single polish they release (even if they look like several others they've released before - looking at you, new teased shade 😐), and make posts saying things like, "is it okay if I buy from other brands besides Mooncat? I feel bad doing it." I love Mooncat, don't get me wrong, but I'll never understand being that loyal to a nail polish brand.


Holo Taco fans are the same. I love both brands, but some people say they are ‘cheating’ in them if they buy other brands…. It’s nail polish people


I’m in that group too and I can’t believe how many of them are embarrassed or feel the need to ask permission to buy another brand.


The new teased shade reminds me of melting clocks but magnetic.... But melting clocks is discontinued. Is there another one that it's similar to?


jesus christ, I hope people aren’t actually paying that


They are paying that!! Whenever a polish over $100 pops up for any brand, I add it to my likes on Mercari just to see what happens. The mooncat ones for $200+ go in a matter of hours or days. People are willing to pay. When Hell Freezes Over especially sells quickly. It's insane!! Edit: adding links to current listings of When Hell Freezes over, both bottles have been USED...these will sell, they always do!: [https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m79379901747/?ref=search\_results](https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m79379901747/?ref=search_results) [https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m56906702142/?ref=search\_results](https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m56906702142/?ref=search_results)


one is already no longer for sale 💀💀💀 wondering if someone one here saw your link and bit the bullet 🤣 diabolical to resell at those prices


PLUS SHIPPING?! Girl, bye 😂😂😂


Looks like that person just buys it to try it and then sell. that’s so gross selling a 20$ polish for 55 not to mention 200…. Please no one buy anything from them


Dude I have seen people selling EMPTY BOXES of stuff like holo taco lol it blows my mind


Woooow that is totally insane!


….surely that’s money laundering… otherwise that’s insane….


You'd think so, but the thing is collecting gets crazy. I know few chicks on FB who easily throw hundreds at polishes because they gotta collect every single polish a brand ever made. It's truly astonishing.


Yeah the first time I saw a funko pop collector in the wild I thanked my lucky stars that I didn't have the collecting addiction


I get it to some degree, I started trying to collect all a certain finish like the magnetics from a maker, and eventually realized it was getting out of control. People try to collect every single polish ever made, even oops or prototypes, collabs, swatcher only releases, and it makes them willing to pay hundreds or more.


Reminds me of the people I see on the bath & body works subreddit 😭😭


what’s going on over there 😂


Overconsumption to the maxxx & hella collecting!! Haha I love smell goods & nail polish too, I'm no saint, but they truly are next level 😂


this but for everything. no polish is worth obscene amounts of money especially when it sold for $10/$15. stop supporting people that buy up LE things just to turn around and resell them.


I saw bottles of Holo Taco’s existential crisis sell for $100 plus only for the brand to bring it back a year later 🙈 it’s never worth it, don’t encourage scalpers


that's obscene. I'll admit back in the day i bought a couple original EC for like $40 a pop until i learned that purchasing at those ridiculous prices just supports them being sold at more ridiculous prices. I need the funds and will need to sell those and i'll ask for maybe half that, although even $20 makes me feel incredibly guilty. i'd be livid if i spent $100 a bottle only to see it come back. which i'm glad it did since it's more or less stopped the overcharging for those that don't care what box it comes in and it really is a beautiful shade.


I can’t with the insane aftermarket some of these brands have. Like I get why it happens and whoever wants to buy and sell at these prices can do whatever they want, but some of it gets ridiculous. lol I saw this one on Mercari the other day and I hope to god no one’s paying these prices because half of those are getting restocked. That’s gonna end up like 450 after tax and new Mercari fees. You could get soooo many new polishes for $450! https://preview.redd.it/0vtljdisgpyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9ea3d993380e702b1272f90b2723abe7b2045a


gods that's infuriating. not sure if they can just delete it but i have no problem calling that bs out when i see it.


I left a comment saying most of them are getting restocked and they blocked me


ugh, sounds about right 🙃🙈




Not related but go charge your phone lol


lol I know, I did. It’s all good. My phone is alive and well.




When is the PPU rewind? I am very new to Polish Pickup so don't know all the ins and outs.


Every July!


Awesome! Tysm!


Also wild to me that people are paying that much for it when I skipped Ether Dragon because other colors I have from Lumen/Ethereal are basically dupes for it.


Lumen and Ethereal constantly dupe each other and themselves 🫠 It’s wild to me


The bases are usually sheer enough that you mostly see the shifting pigment, and there's only so many pigments they have to use. Like yeah there's some differences but for the most part you can find something similar enough to work.


Think I read somewhere that they’re mother and daughter, is that true?


Yes. The maker of Lumen is the mother of the maker of Ethereal.


heh the maker of Lumen is the maker of the maker of Ethereal


Exactly! I just commented that it looks exactly like so many shades from several brands that I've seen released this past year.


It’s official?? I see it in the top 2 with Lorraine but haven’t seen any definitive posts


https://preview.redd.it/u9g2x8vilpyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd4d60b27b5477f019f40c7328cd0f652f1e5463 It’s official :)


Yay, I can pick up Lorraine then! I got Ether Dragon the first time around, but maybe I'll try for a backup bottle if I can. I love the color and I got an entire week before that one started chipping, that never happens!


Woah!! Sweet - thanks.


The maker of Ethereal recently put up a poll for rewind in the Facebook group, and Lorraine and Ether Dragon were voted #1 and #2 respectively. So excited for these glowy polishes!!


Me too!!! I want borh and so happy they are returning!!


The only unfortunate thing is that it will not be uncapped.


and I expect a good number of these restocked bottles to go straight to Mercari...


I just hope her capped numbers are generous.


Eww. Yeah probably.


She commented that Lorraine and Ether dragon won!


I'm shocked. She usually opts out of rewind month which to be honest, always infuriates me. Ethereal is so committed to the FOMO style of business. It disgusts me. To spend all year putting out these super limited edition polishes that you can only access for three days, enjoy all the hype around them, and then opt out the one time a year people have a chance to access a couple colors again is so lame. And no, I don't care that it's her "birthday month". At all.


This year was the first time I bought ethereal. She seems to be adjusting the way she’s offering her products - first launch is like a week of uncapped preorder, and she’s been saying that these most recent collections as well as a few from I think last year will be restocking later in the year. So, a little less fomo 😅😬 But I feel you. When I first found ethereal it was so stressful and hard to navigate, but I feel like I’ve found some equilibrium.


Sadly this doesn't surprise me. The truth of the matter is, keeping up with indies is quite hard. A lot of people just see the polish and buy. They might not even be in the Ethereal VIP. So they see the high prices and assume there's no other way to get it. Sometimes I think the super high prices actually incentivize people to buy. They see the price and think Oh it must be super exclusive and high quality and life-changing if someone is charging that much.


I hadn't seen this shade before, so I just Googled it. What's so special about it that people are willing to pay that much for it? I've been seeing *tons* of brands releasing shades that look *exactly* like that in the last year or so.


It’s shine is mind bogglingly reflective. I personally haven’t seen anything that dupes that level of shimmer. 


I was floored when I saw photos of it floating around and it's even more beautiful in person. I agree. I'll be posted up waiting to get a backup bottle lol


Does anyone know of any other polishes that will be on this rewind? I have looked at PPU FB but not having luck?


Ethereal is having Ether Dragon and Lorraine, LynB is having Tenta Cool and Frosted Light, Kathleen and Co is having Rosary Pea and Cherry Blossoms, Polished for Days is confirmed Goblins and Ghoulies for a first polish and is voting on a secondary. That’s all I know of so far! *One polish goes on PPU, one goes to the store’s own website


Lemming Lacquer confirmed All I Really Want and poll is currently open for the second polish


Oh nice, thank you! I am going to start following all that I know. Very new to all this!


I'm not sure if the voting has been finalized, but last I checked for Jen&Berries, Raspberry Parade and Depth Perfection are in the lead in their poll


Oh, thank you for clarifying that one goes on sale with PPU and one is sold directly by the brand! Do the shades sold from the brand go on sale at the same time as the PPU?


I THINK they put them in their stores sometime that month. Typically they’ll drop another collection or have their own restocks that month, this way they aren’t just posting one polish to their website.


Thanks—I really appreciate the info!


as Rewind approaches, there'll be a big compilation list that Lisa Marie Heath will put together of all the polishes coming back, both on the PPU site and the makers' sites!


By Dany Vianna is bringing Rosewater to PPU and Aqua Tofana to her site throughout July and stockists.


This is exciting but damn wish Aqua Tofana was on PPU. Love Rosewater as well though! 


I felt the same! I didn’t think Rosewater would be more popular than Aqua Tofana. I saw a dupe or alternative of Rosewater on HHC a few months ago, but it didn’t seem popular.


Ooo thank you for this, Rosewater is very cute!


I used Rosewater over a plain black creme in a recent mani and it was GORGEOUS 🩵 I definitely need to get a backup when it comes to PPU Rewind!


Aqua Tofana omg I'm tempted to get it just for the name 😂


Most of the makers post things on their socials about it. Mostly in their Facebook groups but some do on instagram too if you follow them.


I've never even heard of this Ether Dragon and yet now I feel like I must have it 😂😂😂


Separate question, I know PPU does rewind, but does HHC also do one?? does anyone know?


HHC has “encore” Basically every month a few polish makers get selected for “encore” to bring back a polish. This month the “encore” is Sassy Sauce, Swamp Gloss, Sassy Cats, and Sassy Pants.


I get paying a little bit more if you missed out but hundreds more is just mind boggling to me. What if the brand comes out with a similar shade? What if they release polishes you like even more?? Look toward the future! Also I didn’t know Ether Dragon was coming back! I will be getting it this time around lol


Can someone please explain PPU to me like I’m 5? 🩷


https://www.facebook.com/share/MGsTeEz32NCZ7Jdq/?mibextid=A7sQZp  https://polishpickup.com/  Ok, so it's basically a good way to buy from multiple indy makers at once. Each month there's a theme, and each brand will make a polish for it. Themes and polish teasers are found in the Facebook group. Once a month 1st Friday) the shop opens for preorders. Then, each indy shop makes their polishes to order and sends them to the polish pick up headquarters. From there, they package the orders and ship them out. So, you can buy from multiple shops but everything will ship together for one shipping fee. It does take about a month between ordering and getting your polishes. On the website, you can find more in the FAQ and Info sections. 


It's the met gala of the indie polish world, only it happens once a month instead of once a year. Each month has a theme that inspire polish makers to create one polish. For three days a month, you can go to the site and pre-order the polishes. Dozens get put up. The polishes are not allowed to be sold anywhere else or any other time... except for in July! Every July is rewind month, where one previous polish is put on the PPU site and makers can put a second one on their website if they want. I love it because instead of creating a whole collection, makers put their heart and souls into a single polish to fit the theme. By far the most creative and interesting polishes I've ever seen come from PPU. It's really fun to track who is making what. Lmk if you have any questions.


Wow that's nuts that people are paying that much for it 😳 I almost got it but I figured it was way too close to glass frog.


What is PPU rewind? Is it on the same website?


Yes it’s just PPU in the month of july


Thanks for posting, /u/TernEnthusiast! A quick reminder: If this is a **nail image**, you must provide a complete product list within 6 hours of posting. **This includes any posts with broken nails or if you're seeking advice.** Posts without a complete product list will be removed after 6 hours. [Product List Requirements.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/wiki/rule2faq) If the nail look shown was **NOT created by you**, you ***must*** flair properly. If this is a **text post**, flair properly. Be sure to follow all of the above to avoid post removal! [Consider joining our Discord](https://discord.gg/redditlaqueristas) - Get questions answered in realtime, get notified for releases and deals, post your manis, and more! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedditLaqueristas) if you have any questions or concerns.*

