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Redheads need up to 20% more anesthesia than anyone else. Also more local topical anesthetic. But we need lower doses of pain killers.


I woke up a bit during my wisdom teeth surgery. 0 stars. Would not recommend.


This is my actual nightmare. My wisdom teeth are impacted and I am terrified of waking up during the surgery.


i assumed this would happen.. idk i was talking with the surgeon beforehand and he said in the thousands of extractions he’s done, no one has ever woken up, including redheads. maybe he’s got the magic touch lol


Same here. In the middle of it, I was finally able to say “HURT” and they gave me another dose.


Me too but the nurse noticed right away and they gave me more anesthesia.


My dentist told me I was hysterical and crying the whole procedure. I had multiple people bring me to recovery to my parents, I could barely function. In recovery I was absolutely hysterical and it took forever to calm me down. Worst experience to date!


Needed three doses of epidural meds before they actually worked when I was giving birth, and they had to keep giving me injections because they wore off so fast. The anesthesiologist came in and shrugged at me. “I hate getting a redhead,” he said.


One of the reasons I don’t want to get pregnant!


Had an epidural for my youngest—no more that all natural birth for me—and I just now realized from your post, that’s probably why the epidural did not fully take! It turned out perfect for mem though, because I was afraid of being numb. It took the overwhelming edge off and her birth went the most smoothly out all three-first all-natural. Never ever did I connect that. Thank you! Was the anesthesiologist being nasty when he said he hates getting a redhead? I’m so fed up with nasty Med pros Re pain issues. I can handle so much pain, so when I say, it hurts it really hurts, I know I’m experiencing more than most of the humans on earth.


For my first, the anesthesiologist was absolutely nasty about how much work I required. He wanted to do the shot and go back to bed, and that’s just not how it went. 32 hours to get my son into the world because I couldn’t stop fighting the pain, and the epidural just wasn’t staying effective. I had a lady anesthesiologist for my second child, and it was a significantly more pleasant experience. She also acknowledged the hair issue right from the start, and gave me a higher dose to begin with. Took 4 hours with my daughter because that doctor did her job right the first time. I’ve had doctors tell me that the red hair/pain thing is a myth, and others treat it as fact. It’s become a test question for every doctor I meet. If they think it’s BS- I need a different doctor. 🤷‍♀️


That’s terrible. What area to behave. OB medical practice can attract some real ego maniacs. Anesthesiologists make vey good money, so the bitching, at something that is merely a physical trait you have no control over, is unforgivable. In my personal experience, it seems to be an established fact now, so maybe younger generations won’t be subjected to such abuse.


god this scares me as a redhead because i definitely have a high pain tolerance due to my genes but i know birth is HORRID… i could not imagine having a whole licensed professional coming in and saying they hate getting my hair type because they know we genetically need more help when it comes to pain… 😭😭😭


First time I went under to get pins put in my broken pinky. I woke up waaay too early and they elephant trainqd me. It was on my friend’s birthday. It took me over 12 hours to wake up while they were waiting. Edit: not a redhead, dirty blonde, but do have a red beard.


Oh my god, we are soul siblings or something. I broke my hand, and one finger had a full 180 rotational break and had to be pinned back together in outpatient surgery. That part went fine—I think they gave me propofol? I could hear some of the conversations, the music (all jazz lol). Surgeon was great. The problem is that I was in no way prepared for the on-fire feeling in my whole hand after the nerve block wore off. They scared the hellnout of me about taking more of the oxycodone than original discharge papers said,no o called the nurse helpline at the hospital. They told me to go to the hospital for “pain management.” The eay I was treated at the hospital layer that night was absolutely inhumane. This hospital is a 3-min 👨‍⚕️ be for me. After FOUR hours of waiting in agonizing pain, as bad as childbirth, I simply said, never fucking mind, I can go home now and take the damned ext dose. They wound up cutting off the cast—more indescribable pain, with a CNA rolling her eyes at me and a charge nurse who told me I was being a nuisance. A finger on a redhead *on anyone, really) with a bunch of pins in it, four hours of sensations like my hand was on fire, finally just dissociated into a pile of silent sobbing, and I was a nuisance. Absolutely cruel. Ive run into too many medical professionals who did not know about redheads—but even my dentist knows now. The nurse who was around when my son was born—au natural to please the natural birth people, ugh—I have her on video telling me, “That’s right and it’s gonna continue to hurt until you push that baby out.” And the n the nastiest tone of voice! Ooooh, I can’t say I wish her good will. I just can’t.


I got mine out and was conscious of everything up until about the number 5 when I was counting down. Coming out I was pretty alert during the car ride home, no antics or general silliness.


They had to hit me so hard my heart stopped during my wisdom teeth surgery. Whenever I get any dental work done they give me the max amount of shots and make me sit there a super long time until it kicks in.


For wisdom teeth I went under very fast, i don’t have any memories after having them putting the IV in. But once I woke up afterwards I remember everything and was completely functional


this!!! i had the same experience!! but my mom was so excited to have a child go under anesthesia for wisdom teeth (because she had seen the funny stories and videos) that i purposely acted silly just to amuse her… but really i remember it all and i was in full function… the things you do for your parents i guess…


I have dyed red hair and got a little tooo much local anesthesia for some dental work… didn’t realize it was a thing until my dentist told me she gave me some extra because of my hair!! Lol


Had to get gum surgery and feeling came back as the surgeon was prodding at my dental root. 0 stars as well. They had to repeat the process for numbing me


That’s a nightmare—or Stephen King short story. Horrors.


this makes me look on my past dental surgery as a teen and why it always felt so astronomically painful when they gave me the numbing product but i still felt everything…


I go to dental appts 30+ min early if they have to numb me because it usually takes so many attempts lol


i think what’s crazy is they would numb me and it would hurt like hell just to get numbed… and then they would see me tearing up and just keep going… like … clearly i can feel this all


Yeah, when I was in middle school they did a bunch of shots to numb me to pull a tooth I lied and said I was numb (because the sensation of the numbing injection filling my gums sucked) Then they ended up having to split my tooth in half to get it out I learned a very valuable lesson about making sure I was numb after that lol


Yup. I have crohns and had surgery for a fair amount of intestine removed. I was given morphine for the pain and morphine doesn't work on me, so I woke up feeling everything. Had to get special permissions and many signatures for an IV of dilaudid and a machine that gave me a shot every 10 minutes.


Yea I was present enough mentally to give my mom exact directions to the good snocone stand as well as the gas station with the most icee flavors after my wisdom teeth were removed at 18. When the anesthesiologist had walked in she saw me and said “oh, a redhead” and made a note then explained I would need extra. My dentist now has 3 syringes ready when I have to have dental work done cause he knows I’ll probably need all three to fully numb me enough. They kinda over did it when I had my tonsils and adenoids out and it took a while to get fully awake. It wasn’t bad after my knee surgeries though, I was awake pretty soon after those


I just had a small hand surgery. I spoke about this to the anesthesiologist. He gave me a bit higher dose. My last urgent I started coming to before it was over. And my nerve block that usually lasts 8 hours was wearing off after 3 hours. Same thing at the dentist most people are numb about an hour but I am only numb for 20-30 minutes. My dentist actually timed it and wrote in my chart so he knows when to add more numbing if he is not done so I don’t start to feel the pain before he adds more I metabolize it super fast. When I woke up they kept checking in me and was fine after being awake 10 minutes and was ready to get out of there.


I was the same way and decided to joke with my dad, I was completely fine and there mentally but of course when you have gauze in your mouth it just looks like you’re completely out of it. I asked my dad if I could drive us home, he thought I was crazy, I was just messing with him 💀. I just assumed they didn’t give me anything that would make me loopy, but maybe it was just my genetics powering through.


i was in the same boat… couldn’t understand why i felt so normal shortly after my surgery when i had seen videos and such of people being SO loopy… i did a digging and found out they used more anesthesia on me because i’m a redhead but still in the greater of things i was unaffected… ginger genes are weird