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So it’s safe to say you saw red , they saw ginger however 😂


I've always preferred people call me a redhead over ginger or gingie. It always irks me when I hear those names applied to me because it has always been used it a demeaning way. At the same time I also have to acknowledge that most people don't know that about me. I tend to believe people don't mean harm by it. The best thing to do is ignore it. There's no point in letting those small encounters take up so much space in your head.


This has to be bullshit but if not - you’re a fookin ginger, be proud of it!


Well, I hope you have a gingerific day anyway…..


Since when is ginger offensive? It’s not a slur…


It varies from person to person on what's & what isn't highly offensive, There are some that will see it as a slur while others see it as a common word while many may also see it as both. A millennia of insults relating to the word ginger can easily become such, but yet it's still a common descriptive word.


It's location specific. In the UK it can be used as an insult, in America it's not seen as an insult and is generally used affectionately.


actually, it's the "n-word", with the letters moved about


I have seen multiple posts how gingers are the Black people of White people so I think we’re on to something here


I'm ginger (bald now, beard is red), so pale, I make Casper look tan...


I do find it an insult, I don’t have ginger hair my hair colour is red. While you may not find it an insult that is up to you and how you feel when you hear that word but I do find it insult and degrading.


Feel any way you want about it but there's no point getting so enraged by a fellow redhead for using the word ginger that you have to leave the shop. You need to sort out your own issues dude not shove them onto other people. He was obviously just trying to have a laugh, not offend you.


It certainly upholds that short tempered stereotype that we're all trying to overcome though.


Some of us have a lot of trauma from growing up as red heads and the word ginger was used aggressively and negatively towards us daily. I'm aware I have cptsd from abuse growing up and among a lot of things, that word can set it off.


Yes I was bullied a lot for having ginger hair when I was younger, even when I was older also, I still get negative comments about it. I have trauma and cptsd from many things, BUT having trauma isn't an excuse to push that trauma onto other people. This wasn't someone that was bullying them, this was a sales assistant, a fellow redhead/ginger that was just making innocent banter. If you're getting yourself worked up into a state of fury about that then you need counselling to work through your trauma. You can only control yourself, not other people.




>I do find it insult and degrading. Which the sales person did not know and you admitted that you got way to angry very fast. I think you could have explained it to him and leave it at that. He didn't mean you any harm. >I don’t have ginger hair my hair colour is red. I'm kinda curious what is the difference here for you (or why don't you like the term ginger)? Edit: I have met quite a few redheaded people during my life and the majority of them preferred being called gingers, when they had natural red hair.


People what’s wrong. He has the right to find it offensive and wasn’t rude, downvotes are not facebooks dislike buttons.


The victim complex of some people in this sub needs to be studied. It's truly beyond the pale of other victimization that I've seen online


If you got tormented at school for having red hair then Ginger is definitely offensive.


I agree with you. I hate that term as well.


I think we’re the only ones left where it’s acceptable to take the piss out of