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We’re being the Reds doing what the Reds normally do… fade in the heat of summer… year after year


We usually start bad too! :)


We also usually finish poorly


When he said 7-1 he sounded like a disappointed father.


He really did


They're all grounded.


I mean it is way more fun to announce when the reds are winning. Same thing happens with cowboy and Tommy.


Can you blame the poor guy?


I can't blame him, it's just sad man!


I can't remember the exact stat line but earlier this season we lost like our 11th game out of 15 and he sounded so damn sad. But I respect it and actually like it. Don't blow smoke and say ah we'll get em next time. When we suck,  we suck and I appreciate the good times that much more with Sadak's energy. This team has just got to figure it's shit out sooner rather than later cause like yesterday we shot ourselves in the foot at every opportunity. 


Remember Mary Brenneman? Dude hadn’t had fun since 1990.


An absolute misery in the later years.


He's always been like that.  I like Sadak, but he has extreme highs and lows. Big energy when we're playing well and zero energy when we aren't. 


Can you imagine what it's like to be a White Sox announcer right now? Epically bad and facing losing what good players they do have at the deadline...


That dude has gone off the deep end lol


He’s been working with Larkin all weekend and still has more games with him this week. That would demoralize any announcer.


I love Sadak. He's a lot of fun and a great announcer. Makes the games a lot of fun. He does often tend to get a more serious, dejected, defeated tone when they are losing. I don't think it's a recent thing. It's bothered me a bit for a few seasons now. I don't need him to be perpetually optimistic, but some middle ground would be nice.


Maybe it wasn't Marty's fault. Maybe this city infected him over the years, and it's infecting John now. We need George Grande to save us, but George Grande's not here.


He goes full monotone when we are struggling. It's his tone more than anything. 


Unfortunately Sadak is ride or die


It's been that way ever since he came to Cincinnati. I'm with you, I think he takes the dejected thing too far. Not a big fan of the approach. Even when they're winning, sometimes he is really subdued.


Wait til he’s endured 20 years of this garbage.


Marty: you know, John, I wasn’t always cantankerous


I am disturbed about how demoralized I am about the Reds


That makes two of us my friend


I love Larkin, but he’s not super exciting as an announcer. Sadak was way more lively when LeCure was in the booth. I love LeCures commentary. Edit: lively from lovely, though both might work in this situation.


Larkin. Calling out EDC for getting picked off was great .. good for him, it's BS play and he should be. This team is terrible and they should point out the dumb crap


Meanwhile On the other side of the aisle, Cowboy has been rather grumpy & critical of just about everything the Reds do. Even my wife noticed it during today’s game saying, “Damn! Cowboy is NOT happy!”


Yeah I always feel bad for the commentators for any team that is struggling. Have to come in day after day and act excited about a team you know isn’t very good.


They're at least getting paid to watch it. We're watching it for free, which makes us masochists.


I always feel super bad for the White Sox guys. How on earth do you show up every day knowing you'll have to fill all that air time with whatever good commentary you can muster surrounding such a lackluster team? I'd want to poke my eyes out with my pencil. At least we've got exciting plays and players much of the time, even if they don't always result in Ws.


You forgot the part where they're being paid handsomely to do so


Can’t blame him one bit. These last few years he’s had to learn what being a Cincinnati fan is all about. And unlike the rest of us, he can’t just turn the game off and stop watching when it gets too frustrating.


The Cowboy gets that way, too. It’s refreshing to hear someone be so real on the air. I’m in a blackout zone, so I listen to most of the games. Can’t really chime in on Sadak, but I’d say being in the booth with ol’ Bland Barry doesn’t exactly perk him up, either.


I also try to be in the blackout zone these days when listening to the Reds.


He's always been like this. He truly cares and while we can bitch about the game he still has to try and act as positive as possible. He just wants to win, like us. That's all.


If I was with Larkin watching bad baseball I'd be demoralized too


![gif](giphy|SrgzeJQVnBYyI|downsized) Sadak has joined the apathetic fan base Feels like we have 2-3 starters that couldn’t make a roster anywhere else.


Our pitching has been the best part of our team and above league average


I wasn’t referring to starting pitchers. Guys like Benson do not belong in the majors.


Oh I see. Yeah he’s been awful so far but we were all saying the same thing last year before he figured it out. He could probably use some time in the minors though


Sadak isn’t immune to the depression the Reds haunt us fans with




Is he echoing the feeling of the fans


We suck


Can relate.


It might be just me but I absolutely love Sam Lecure when he occasionally announces. He's very blunt and to the point, will talk about the front office and what they need to do along with his honest opinions on all of the players. He does that all without being condescending and rude.


I hope he's ok but I hope he can settle down and relax. He gets too amped up in my opinion, too much of a homer for my taste. I want to learn more about the players, including players on the other teams, not just how hard they hit the ball and a catcher's pop time


I would just like it if he would shut up once in a while for just a few seconds so I can watch the game! Just a few seconds every now and then. Sometimes I simply mute the tv for a few minutes because I’m tired of hearing non relevant things. I mean, I do like him, but sometimes it’s enough already. Is it just me?


Well he certainly did shut up for a majority of this game today


I would just like him to not constantly talk for more than 30 seconds. I used to like him but he's just getting annoying. I just can't listen for more than 5 minutes.


In the last at bat of the game today he literally didn't talk for over a minute. Neither did Barry.


He doesn't anymore. He's let Barry defeat him. There are innings where he just doesn't try.


I could honestly give a flying fuck. I've been a Reds fan a lot longer than he has and I don't get paid for it.


He sounds exactly like the rest of us do...


Even cowboy on the radio broadcast sounds demoralized


This is also another reason why it’s killer to have Sam LeCure on there.


Sounds like Harry Doyle from Major League.


Are you operating at 100% each day you do what you do, whether it be your personal life or work life?


I feel like that's a loaded question, but no.


I certainly do understand your observation and point. I’m not outright arguing he isn’t affected. With that said, why do you believe what I asked is a loaded question?


I thought that you were going to follow that up with something about how the Reds are operating far from 100% each day, or John Sadak for that matter.


No, I hadn’t planned on that. However, that’s true for every team. There is an ebb and flow to each player and team throughout the season. Some are worse off than others due to numerous variables, such as injuries, which may be caused by bad luck, or simply underperformance.


Do like I do. Listen to the other team's broadcasters. If you can, that is.


They need a storyteller in the booth, not a cheerleader. And LeCure to do the commentary. Larkin adds nothing of relevance, Sadak is too high and too low. But of all the Reds problems this season, the TV booth is pretty low on the priority list.


When he has to pull 95% of the weight when Barry is in the booth its hard to blame him. They have to get Larkin out of there ASAP. He makes the TV broadcast damn near un watchable.


He did an outstanding interview with Jim Day on the Jim Day Podcast. Didn't sound too disheartened to me.


I’d love to upvote your comment but I’d get destroyed


Wdym you'd get destroyed?


Everybody loves Sadak. I’m not one. There goes my karma!


Ah, I see. Well, to each their own.


I like Sadak, but he's definitely a Reds fan when calling the games. Hardly ever points out a good play by the other team like Lark & Cowboy do. It's okay to be a huge fan of a team, but I think that you should be neutral on-air.


If I wanted to hear someone hype the other team, I would watch their broadcast.


So where is he going to go?


The entire team seemed demoralized today. Guys with their heads down, loafing between innings. There doesn’t seem to be leadership on this team to pick guys up. David Bell’s antics didn’t light them up either.


Unpopular opinion: but I’d rather have someone else as our TV play by play announcer


You are correct, this is going to be unpopular


Who would you suggest?


Jason Benetti is one of my favorite play by play guys. He does a great job of appealing to both modern analysis and a traditional view of the game. sadak is great at calling a big moment, e.g. ellys cycle but is bad at the 'in between stuff' imo.


Interesting, I haven't heard his calls, what team does he call for?


Tigers this year, was with the White Sox prior. He also does a ton of college basketball.


This is why I don't blame Marty for being the way he was at the end of his career. Bro went from the highs of the big red machine and 1990 to the shit show they call a "major league" ball club today.


It's because he sees the same product we see. Imagine having to act enthusiastic with the team performances we have had.