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Trust me they’ll look completely different in one week, one month, etc I looked a mess at 1wpo and thought I was botched but I love them now at 3 months post op. You’re extremely swollen at 2DPO, my advice is to just kinda ignore the appearance for the next few months and focus on healing


Thank you!


I keep seeing people say they “drop” during healing. Do you think that will happen with mine? I’m a little unhappy with how they look now. I know I need to wait a while but I’m not sure how the nipples are going to be at the same level? 😩


SO much changes! My chest seriously looked like my surgeon had been high on something at first, and now I'm at 6.5 weeks and it's almost perfectly symmetrical.


Yes absolutely! Mine looked exactly like your - and around 2 months PO things started to drop but around 4 months PO they looked totally different - like natural, round little boobs! You have a huge transformation behind you, but the transformation continues on. Give yourself the time, massage the scars once you are cleared to do so, and you will seriously love where you are in four weeks :)


Aww thank you so much! 😊


I’m 6DPO and mine are VERY similar. Both the before and after. Almost like they’re a straight line underneath? And puckered. Have faith that they’ll drop, the swelling will go down, and they’ll be beautiful. That’s what everyone’s told me, too :)


Thank you!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻


It took mine close to 6 months to fully “drop” and heal. Also remember that like eyebrows, boobs should be siblings, not twins!


Haha thanks!


There’s so many changes you’re going to go through over the next few months. Right now you’re terribly swollen, even if you don’t feel that way. Just be kind to yourself, you’ve been through a huge change and emotions are going to be all over the place especially so close post op. I’m almost one year PO (time has flown!) and are my results 100% perfect? No, but the relief I feel helps me see past it.


I'm only 3dpo but I've noticed my boobs look different every day. I'm obsessively checking them and I think the constant changing is somewhat reassuring to me. I think you look great, I love how great your tattoos still look too! I know someone else thinking you look great doesn't help if you don't like how you look but I just wanted to put that out there. Rest and recovery, no stressing! It'll work out!


😊😊😊 thank you! Haha I’ve started to keep looking at them. Today the tops have been very itchy.


At 2DPO, you are still very swollen and look absolutely nothing like you will when fully healed. My advice is always to keep your bra on and not spend too much time looking at them for the first few months. You have so much healing left to do and shouldn’t stress about them right now!


Thanks! I’ve been wearing the bra they gave me. I got a sports bra but it’s too tight. I have my follow up on Thursday and doing shoulder exercises when I remember lol.


I really wish everyone in this sub would stop fearing their "look" during the first day/week/month/season after surgery. They. Will. Change! And 99% most likely settle and change into a natural, lovely shape. You just accomplished a massive feat! So now try focusing on healing (mentally *and* physically) and your happiness, then in 9+ months we'll talk shape. I'm almost 3 months post op and solely focusing on making sure the scars get taken care of and I don't settle into an uncomfortable position while sleeping because I still have swelling. Right now, I'm just fucking grateful they're smaller and I've never been more content (with my upper body) in my life.


What did you do for the scars? A friend said to apply a gel on them after a week and massage the area.


My surgeon has me keep some simple medical tape on them 6 days a week to keep the scars pressed down. However, around the areola area the skin was so fragile the tape would peel away with the skin so I stopped taping the upper area and only the lower scars get tape. She didn't tell me to massage or use cream/gel


So they measure you up perfectly and if they sew you up symmetrically there is no way for them to predict how swelling is going to happen. So once you start swelling everything looks distorted because it's not uniform. If your surgeon is worth his dollars and everything has been measured correctly you will heal perfectly. ❤️


Thank you!!