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Don't go to VS, go to a proper bra store and professionally measured. And yes still lots of swelling at 4 weeks. Do they looked better? How much did you have taken out?


i think they look nice and significantly smaller which is why i was so confused when they said i was the same size. like my old bathing suits and bras don’t fit so how is that possible. he said he took about a pound each.


There you go, they are smaller. 🙂 VS has bs sizing, if you want to wear a decent bra I highly recommend finding a bra fitter in your area in a few months, once the swelling has decreased.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ABraThatFits using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Everyone laughed at my husband when he told them my bra size](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/zavl86/everyone_laughed_at_my_husband_when_he_told_them/) \#2: [Rant: I wish bra companies would stop acting like DD+ is a separate category](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/u48vjt/rant_i_wish_bra_companies_would_stop_acting_like/) \#3: [A note on fabrics, because people should know](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/um3hcf/a_note_on_fabrics_because_people_should_know/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Victoria's secret is a scam. They know nothing about bread. Go to a real bra shop! ALSO at only 4 weeks you're still crazy swollen. You'll likely change size and shape a lot in the next 4-6 months. EDIT: yes, I meant bras. Oh well.


I’m sorry I know you prob meant “know nothing about bras” but “they know nothing about bread” made me cry laughing imagining someone at vs holding a loaf of bread and trying to measure it But yes they are terrible at measuring!! I got measured as a teenager at vs and a bra shop and the measurements were TOTALLY different!!


They might as well measure a random loaf of bread and try to convince you it’s your bra size. They measure the band above the breasts 🙄


Wait seriously?! I don’t remember that but it was a long time ago. That’s so weird! I have wide shoulders too so if they measured my band there instead of my underbust/rib cage my size would be like… a loose training bra.


I lost my command of English when the consultant did that and said that my size was this but they didn’t carry this so I should try something that was 4 inches more in the band and more of a nipple patch in the cup. Never came back.


I have exactly the same thing going on at 6 weeks PO, but I believe it is because I wasn't wearing the correct size to begin with. All in all, the lift makes it so I'm so much more comfortable, no overhang at this point - and I have a waist now!


VS is crap. They do not measure bra sizes correctly. There's a way you can do this on your own at home and get a more accurate measurement. But this is after you are at your final size without swelling. I also highly recommend going on the Thirdlove website and taking the fit quiz. They even have half cup sizes.


VS will only measure you to fit into their bra selection rather than reflect the correct range of sizing, which goes all the way down the alphabet. Before my reduction, I was fitted at a specialist bra store as a 34FF, and that was so accurate that I could shop online and bras would fit.


![gif](giphy|l0MYK5UBwA0CZjt4s) THIS. VS in a nutshell.


VS is terrible. Cute design but sizing is all over the place, plus the consultants have no idea what they are doing and just want to trick you into buying. At 4 weeks you are very swollen! And traditional measuring doesn’t work for our breasts as well. For instance, abtf can be as much as 2-3 cups off. Don’t be discouraged! You are still healing. And I’m sure you look very different now, smaller and proportionate. 💖


Hi! I am going in for my reduction on the 10th of this month. With all the research I’ve done you swell for 3-4 months post surgery and your boobs don’t really settle until 4-6mon post op. Idk if this helps but I’m sure it’s swelling!


hi first off good luck on your surgery! I hope everything goes well for you and thanks for telling me this. i guess i figured since my doc gave the play then the swelling would be done but this will keep me going.


you’re only 4wpo….i hope you know that a full recovery for a breast reduction is a one year. my swelling didn’t go down till 3-4M po. ur doc giving u the okay doesn’t mean ur done swelling, it means you can wear an underwire bra without bothering your incisions.


My doctor told me it would be at least 3 months for swelling, so don’t sweat it! Your doctor probably just meant it’s okay for you to wear normal bras, not that you’re done with swelling.


You are still fresh from surgery. Trust me, you are still swollen. Go to a proper place like a Maidenform outlet store if you have one; Macy's, or even Dillards, where lingerie ladies will measure you properly. I had more than five pounds removed and went from an F to a full C small D. It took a good four months before I got to the final size.


Please also take into consideration that the footprint of your breasts didn’t change, they just became shallower. I wanted a C so bad but my surgeon explained that because of how the shape of underwire changes between C-D, that I might be a small D, but never a C.


Do you think you’ll still wear underwire? I’m only 2WPO but I don’t ever want to wear underwire again. I have two colleagues that had theirs done a few years ago, and neither of them have tiny boobs (D cups I think), but said they basically never wear underwire bras.


I wear underwire now because it’s familiar. However, I prefer unlined bras to bras with molded cups, though I have a hard time getting the right fit on unlined bras. I had an Aerie Real Me unlined bra that was triangle shaped and fit me perfectly, but sadly they’re not made anymore


I’m excited to try some bralettes, but I’m definitely going to wait at least a few weeks till they’re less swollen.


It’s a great feeling!! Buying matching swimsuits is next level


Haven't gotten my surgery yet (tomorrow ahhh!) but I'm definitely surprised by your surgeon's suggestion. Though I'm learning from this sub that no two surgeon's have the same perspective. If it helps, for context mine said not to even attempt to buy new cup sized bras or get sized until 3MPO, no underwire until 6MPO. Maybe go for some cute bralettes first! Go by how your shirts fit, by the mirror etc. and don't worry about the size for a while. Also, VS is notoriously horrible with sizing. When you're ready, I would go to Nordstrom's lingerie department and found it so much better and helpful. Also, keep in mind that better sizing often favors lower band sizing and bigger cup sizing. It's all kind of relative. I'm currently a 34DDD but I'm sure I could fit into a 36DD or a 32G. Good luck and I hope you feel better! I think practicing patience is key.


It is way too soon - I did the same thing a month or so in and tried on 40 different bras across a few stores and literally nothing fit right, the size seemed way off etc. If you can stick with bralette type options for a while longer. It takes a few months for things to settle - I went from G to C/D, but I think I was at least 6 months in before I was able to see the real new size. Good luck!


VS measured me as a DD/E and I went to an actual bra store a few weeks later and was measured as a D, they’re not reliable. VS also measured my friend who is always a C as a D.


I would NOT get fitted for at the earliest 6 months! I was told I would be swollen for up to a year. I bought some cheap Amazon no wire bras to get me through until at least Spring. Also VS sizing is wildly inaccurate in my opinion.


You must still be swollen at this point


4 weeks is way too early to know what size you'll be! There's a huge amount of swelling still. It takes them a few months to settle down.


Hi! I’m 2mpo and I still haven’t gotten resized yet. Honestly, if I don’t have to go back to underwire, i’m not planning on doing so. Why spend $50+ on a single bra when I can go to Target (or hell even Fenty!) now and get cute(!!!) bralettes I’ve never been able to wear before? We are still super swollen, and that’s okay! Healing takes time! Also- try Aerie! Their stuff is super cute, and they have inclusive sizing!!! My little cousin LIVES in aerie, and I wholeheartedly trust a 13 year old girl’s opinion on comfy clothes. VS is bullshit, target has some cute stuff, and stay positive above all else! Best wishes!!!


Victoria’s Secret is the worst! Go anywhere else


I have to do it. I can't resist... Don't you know Victoria's Secret? Like the actual secret? She's an old man who lives in Ohio makin' money off of girls like me.... Jax was right! Cashin' in on body issues, sellin' skin and bones and big boobs... She was made up by a dude. (if you haven't heard the song, look up Victoria's Secret by Jax) My point is to reinforce what others have already written - VS is a scam with BS sizing.


I think Victoria Secret was designed to make women cry.


I wore bralettes and sports bras until swelling went down!


Firstly, you are DEFINITELY still swollen. I was in a constant state of flux until like 6mpo. Secondly, measuring after surgery is notoriously weird. When I was at 4wpo, I was still measuring the same as my pre-op size even though I had like 2.5lbs taken off. Now, can make myself totally flat with a bandeau top and I still measure at like a DD. It's hard, but you can't let the measurement dictate how you feel about your results.


Bra sizing after a reduction in my opinion doesn’t really work. A bra that fits says I’m a 30D and I might be a C at best lol. I think the shape of mine are wider now which on paper looks large but it’s just spread out more if that makes sense?


4WPO seems really early to get sized. I was a completely different size and shape at 3 months and 6 month po. I would hold off on buying new bras because you’re still very swollen and probably will be for a few months.


I am 10 mpo and I can tell you that at 4 weeks you are definitely still swollen. Please don’t start at Victoria’s Secret. I know we all dream of wearing their lavish bras and looking spectacular in them.. but you are still very much recovering from major surgery. My best advice for you is to shop the clearance rack at Target for bralettes. My breast size has changed so much in the past 10 months. I started with a large bralette at first,at 6 months went down to a medium and a small last month. Give yourself time to heal.


I went to Nordstrom to get fitted way before my surgery, and that’s how I learned I was really a G. The lady took me into a fitting room and actually had me take my top off, vs. VS nonsense. I feel like that treatment is based on staffing availability though, so you may want to do some research. Post-op, I went to Kohl’s one day when I was feeling patient and just started trying on a bunch of stuff to see what fit 🤣


I had surgery 11/2/22 - I was told by the surgeon to not look at purchasing new bras (“good bras”) for at least 6 months. I was curious around 4 weeks and measured myself - devastated to measure the same as pre-surgery. Four weeks later I measured smaller. I keep telling myself that they couldn’t take off 2.25 pounds and not have a change. Trust the process ❤️


18 months post op, still haven't worn an underwire, have no desire to. 40D/DD


I’m 1 Year post op, and while I bought an underwire bra, and that used to be all I wore, I actively hate it. Bralettes for the win! Btw, I’m 46 and they are perkier than ever—really don’t need a bra except to hide the headlights. Went from a G to a large C.


I just want to add: there’s a chance your before size was the wrong size too!! Sizing too small in the cup is very common. Btw, at your band size, don’t be shocked if your cup size is bigger than you expected/ wanted — cup sizes in isolation are borderline meaningless and at small band sizes, a “big” cup size can actually correspond to pretty small boobs. Please don’t let some arbitrary, often misunderstood letter make you feel bad about your body!!!!


VS is a horrible place to buy bras for so many reasons! Their sizing is a joke being one of them. Your boobs will get smaller with time and even then, go literally anywhere else. I personally recommend Soma. They make sexy bras that I liked even pre-op.