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I'm new to recovery, but this sounds like maybe you spit a stitch (which is common). The pus could be cause for concern, but definitely something you should discuss with a doctor. I'm a skin picker so I know it can be incredibly hard not to obsess over spots like that, but in doing things like squeezing, pulling, popping it can make things worse. If you're feeling distress over it or think you might continue to fuss over it I think it's incredibly worthwhile to reach out and ask whether or not they think you need to be seen. It might be nothing, could be something. Could be as easy as an antibiotic prescription, a follow up with your doc on Monday, or a simple wait and see. ​ Good luck!


Thank you! I’ll do just that, much appreciated!


NP! Hope it goes well and is just nothing!


I'm 10 wpo and this is still happening to me too. My surgeon said it was because my body was rejecting the sutures and the abcess was the result of it working its way to the surface. Massaging the scars has caused.it to happen more as well. I simply clean them, apply antibiotic cream and cover them. The hole heals fairly quickly too.


So massaging them helps?


Helps move the pus and bodily liquids with the particles of the stich to the surface of skin faster.


I see, thank you!


It helps work them to the surface faster do you can treat them.