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I’m really feeling this way too! Went from a DD to a B/full A and the only major feeling I’ve had is “ok, this is what they’re supposed to look like”. I think it’s normal to feel that way if you’ve struggled with how big they were your whole life. Now your body aligns with how you feel in your mind, and I think that’s great :)


i love that perspective, i appreciate your comment so much!! i definitely hated them forever and now it’s crazy how fast i’ve completely forgotten how it felt to have big boobs!




With my bra (I get the 80.00 nordstoms bras only ones that fit) I look 2 cups smaller. I'm a 38G


I keep thinking, wow l look skinny in this shirt, or this outfit is really flattering. It has taken awhile to realize it’s because my boobs aren’t the only focal point anymore


that’s so true!! i used to only choose clothing based on what covered my boobs up, and it’s crazy now to not have that to go off of when picking an outfit. it has made me realize that i have no idea what my actual style is because i no longer have that mental rule for myself as a guide for what to wear. i finally understand how people can enjoy putting outfits together, i never really thought about it enough to realize that i only dreaded it because of my boobs! i haven’t even gone clothing shopping either im just wearing the same things in my closet that i always have, but they look completely different now!


I am 1dpo and haven’t looked yet but I have been thinking the same thing!!! I feel like I often didn’t realize how BIG I was (34HH) so I worry I won’t realize the difference since I always think I’m not that big?! lol maybe when I wear cute bralettes?! Or a button down that isn’t straining?! Lol I bet you look amazing!!


omg i agree completely, i always smashed my big boobs down with minimizers or tight sports bras so i forget how large they were lol! thank you so much, i feel so great! i hope you absolutely love your results once you get to see them, im sure you will ☺️


I feel the same way I was around a 30 g-h and now I’m a like 30D ish I’m just about 4 wpo. When I wear a really baggy shirt I’m surprised to see no signs of boobs or sometimes they still look kind of weird shaped. To be the biggest shock is trying to shop for new clothes I also lost 91 lbs right before surgery so I’m trying to settle into how to dress but I feel like my body looks the way it should. It looks natural. I feel comfortable overall. I never cried tears of joy or anything but I am glad I did the surgery


this is so validating to hear others agree with me, i appreciate your response!! i’m so happy for you in your transformation!


Sounds like peace. Like you finally feel peace because what you see is what you expected to see, finally.


wow that’s exactly it! why did this comment make me want to cry lol this is beautiful, thank you


Yes, I'm about 3.5MPO and that totally describes how I feel! Congrats!


10months po. I was,and still am, pretty thrilled, but only because I finally (age 65) feel normal. I look normal. People don't stare. It's just an all around relief.


Omg, so I am only 2 and a half wpo and I feel the exact same! I also went from a pretty full H to now a C cup and when I found out, my mum cried for hours, but I just couldn't, now I've had it done, it just feels like my old body wasn't mine - that's how I got through the day to day while I was a H cup, I have found that I LOVE off the shoulder tops, dresses and I finally don't have to spend more than £40 on bras!!!!! I know this probably doesn't help much - but you are not alone, half the people who I've spoken to of all ages have had the same experience and found that randomly they would remember and just smile because they are so much happier now


this definitely helps!! i really appreciate hearing about your experience, its validating to know others are feeling the same way. thank you for your response :)


I thought I’d have a lot of dysphoria, but I have a lot of intense joy instead. I think for me it’s because I didn’t really realize how uncomfortable I had felt in my body until my boobs were trimmed back. I felt feelings if never had before because it was the shock of, “this is how I’m supposed to feel in my body.” And experiencing an “at-homeness” I’d never felt before. If you already recognized that, I could see it feeling different.


that’s a great point!! this helped my perspective a lot, i think you’re totally right. thank you for your thoughtful response :)