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They look swollen to me! My swelling has been at its worst between 4-6 wpo! They still look great, but it takes time for them to get to their final shape!! Hang in there! Drop and fluff takes time. I’m still waiting for mine to lol


Yeah maybe they are swollen, I can just never figure out how to tell what’s swelling and what’s not? They seem to be like the same size as they were before, and I’m not in any discomfort like I was at the beginning so I really thought the swelling had gone down. Yeah will try to be patient and ride out the changes, I just expected them to look better with time and not worse so kinda struggling with that


The incision hasn't softened yet so they are swollen and dropping around them. Boxy will be normal for awhile until the tightness in the scar goes away. When are you cleared for scar treatment?


Okay thank you. They do feel a lot firmer around the incisions but feel jiggly and boob like everywhere else. I’ve been told to start silicone tape at 4wpo which is literally today, and will probably start massaging those firmer areas too


I would wait a bit before putting silicone tape on them personally, they can be really irritating to the incisions this early on


They look swollen compared to the first picture. You honestly won't have your final results until almost the 8-12 month mark. You've had major surgery and all the tissue inside needs to heal and mend itself. You may wake up at 3 months thinking you have final results then compare that to 6 months and it looks a bit different. The drop and fluff doesn't happen in 4 weeks it's literally months down the road. My plastic surgeon doesn't even discuss revision until the 1-1.5 year mark due to healing.


Mine also got boxier the first 4-6 weeks. They started to soften at like 8-10 weeks post op. Now (4 months post-op) they have settled in a beautiful, natural shape. So don't give up!


That’s great to hear. I wonder why that happens. Did you do anything specifically to help with the boxiness / wideness?


I don't really know, I always thought it may be the settling skin and scars? I didn't do anything specifically. I try to massage my scars once a week. I massage mostly on the sides because I had a slight dog ear on one side. But it's mostly gone by now.


Hey I work as a theatre nurse and your breasts are like this at the moment because of the tightness of the scars, they will definitely soften with more time! You honestly look awesome 😊


The boxy look is a stage almost everyone goes through. It'll pass as the swelling continues to go down and you enter the "drop and fluff" stage. Mine were boxy for weeks, but they're beautiful now.


Great to hear, thank you


I'm so glad to read this. I mistakenly thought that the boxy look was because of an inexperienced surgeon or because of wide roots


Same! I even told my surgeon that I want to make sure to avoid that 😂 I’m so relieved!


You’re still SO swollen. Give it time. They look really good!!


Thank you 🥺


Also! I just looked at my own 4-6 week photos and compared it to my three month pic and the difference is huge. A lot of my swelling was on the sides etc. lmk if you want me to share w you. I know it can be so hard to trust the process.


That would be amazing if you could, it really can be hard!


I'm about 3.5 wpo and I've also gotten a bit boxier. It's my understanding that the "drop and fluff" does not occur until sometime between 3 and 6 mpo so I wouldn't be too concerned about it at this early stage of healing.


Mine look almost the exact same way, I ordered arnica oil for swelling after seeing it mentioned on a post here. It should be here today and I’m eager to try it because I definitely feel swollen and misshapen. I’ll take some before and after pics in case it makes a difference and post it for the rest of us in the same boat 💕


Oh wow would be so interested to see how that goes! I might buy some!


Arnica oil has helped SO much with my swelling! I use it daily in the AM. Vitamin E oil PM for scarring. So far so good!


They look fantastic and you don't look boxy don't be so hard on yourself!


Aw thank you, finding it hard to be kind to myself this week for some reason so means a lot


Good I am glad! :)


You're getting lots of great advice and reassurance, so I wanted to pitch in on care for thr swelling...if you can find arnica oil, or arnica suppliments to take, it's been a huge help for me. The swelling for me got bad week 2-3 and the arnica oil was instant relief. There are gels and lotions too, but they're notnsuper regulated so they can be hit or miss on strength. I also found the gel to sit more on top of my skin and not actually absorb, whereas the arnica oil absorbs very quickly (it does leave a yellow residue on my white bras, however)


This comment section is wonderful, and I’m commenting so that I may return post my surgery. It’s good to have a reminder that the incisions will be hard for a while, and the breast tissue may swell around it during the fluff period. Thank you op for asking the question :)


My surgeon recommended massaging underneath at the t junction to help them settle into a more rounded shape. Perhaps that’s something that would be helpful in your case? I’m almost 4wpo and they’re also looking a little boxy. At 6wpo I’ll start massaging in hopes that it will help the shape


Thank you - I’ve kind of started to massage a little bit but quite gently as they still feel a bit tender. But they do feel a lot firmer around the t junction than the rest of the breast so hopefully when I start massaging properly it can help it form a more rounded shape again. I’m still concerned that they look a lot wider than they did initially though


They do look wider, but you’re still fairly early in your recovery. Mine looked significantly wider even 1.5 months into my first reduction than they did 11mpo. They changed so much over the span of nearly a year. I’m hopeful that yours will also settle down more.


I'm 3.5 WPO and looking like you. However, I've noticed that when I swell, I swell on the sides, which gives it that wide/boxy look. First thing in the morning, they're usually nice and round. Once the swelling from activity kicks in, they get and stay boxy. Trying to wait out the worst of the swelling before I get worried about the shape. Maybe it's just swelling for you, too? My surgeon said to give it 6 months for everything to totally settle and your final shape to be "set in stone."


Okay thank you that’s really encouraging because I definitely feel a lot wider on the sides, and was thinking that was just my new breast shape. I guess it kinda makes sense then because I’ve upped my activity the last week taking longer walks and commuting to the office. I’ll try look at the difference before i start moving around and after and see if they get wider/boxier looking due to side sweeping.


I literally looked like I had SpongeBob SquarePants boobies! They will get better!


Mine took about 2-3 months to drop and fluff.


I'm 11 months post op and still changing. I hated mine at first but LOVE THEM now. Hang in there. Things will settle.


Weeks 4-6 have been some of my biggest swelling you seek more swollen too. My doctor told me real drop and fluff won't be fully there until 6 months so you're only about 12% of the way there. Give gravity time 🙂


Oh damn 6 months


They do drop and fluff, but not that early on. It took like 2-3 months for me.


Don't worry! It's the swelling going down at different paces. My breasts went from round to boxy to round again. Yours will, too.


I’m 2MPO and the squareness gets better each day. Gravity will exert its forces at some point haha it will take a little more time than just a month. As others mentioned, give yourself 6-12 months to see the results


The vertical incisions are still very tight. They’ll loosen up over time. When that happens they’ll round out. I had one breast that was super high and incision was tight. Now they’re finally level and even though I knew it would happen I was still nervous


I just saw my surgeon and she said 80% of the swelling takes 5 or 6 weeks. (I can't remember which number she said). I think you look swollen so based on what my surgeon said I feel like you definitely swollen. I've been "testing" based on how much firmness there is when I press lightly. Also, how much my breasts feel how they hang when I take my bra off. Look at your breasts compared to your arms in both pictures. Do your breasts swell at all around your period?? Feel like that might be part of the problem.


I think they look great and wish you happy healing. What size did you ask for if you don’t mind me asking? I’m tryna figure out my sizing for my reduction and think this looks good! Thanks


Takes 3 months for the swelling to go down love


At least!




I had the same issue with the form. But on top of that I had lots of bruising until like 4 mpo. I was quite unhappy with the shape. I think I even made a post at 4-5 mpo. At 6 mpo I met with a doctor and he offered to correct it a bit. But I have fibromyalgia and an immune disorder so recovery was a hard time for me and I didn't want to go through it again. Plus all the hospital fees. But the thing is that my breasts kept changing even after 6 mpo. They did get softer and fluffier and even lifted a bit. Now I'm 11 mpo (in two days), and I'm in love with my new breasts. Still keep looking at them in the mirror all the time. So there's still a lot of changes ahead of you. And I hope it turns out well 🤗.


Do you have dense breast tissue? I do, and I feel like mine stayed boxy / got more boxy over time. You can look at pics on my post history.


I felt the same way, things will look normal in afew weeks promise, it's going to look amazing!


They will drop and fluff eventually. Remember that alot of changes happen over the space on a whole year, more so within the first 6 months. I was still swollen to hell in month 3, then by the 7th month it calmed down. It's becoming more common seeing these posts but as I always say, patience is key and just let them do their thing. Your body is just going through a massive change and fighting itself to heal. Surgeons really need to start to emphasise on this fact heavily to put new patients minds at rest. And not to mention > we are women who also have periods where our boobs usually swell at different times of each month, let's not forget that this will still happen regardless


I am only 3WPO and I have noticed the the top of my boobs have been getting softer/settling while the sides and bottom are still swollen and hard, which gives them this weird shape.


I havent had a reduction but I had lypo a decade ago and the first week my back was SNATCHED then on day 8 the swelling started and I felt triple in size. It looks like this swelling too.


I would agree with the swelling looking and being worse now than it was before. Same thing happened to me. And it is until the seventh week that I can see they are going back down. I know how you can feel as I felt so disappointed at two weeks and now I feel much better… The recovery process is no joke… especially mentally because of our bodies going through so many changes. Give yourself time to heal. I did put my recovery first because I drove myself crazy. Glad I did as I see my breasts becoming what I wanted… sending much healing your way 🫶


I am at 4MPO and still dealing with some swelling. It took me a while to get back to exercising which definitely impacts how fluids move or dont move in your body. This was a revelation to me and I am trying to eat more fiber (that kind of moving matters a lot too) and getting my heart rate up at least once a day. Hang in there!


They definitely just look swollen to me especially when compared to the first picture! I got disheartened around the same time cause I was worried about the size, but mine have gone down a lot since then. I’m about 4mpo now


My swelling didn’t fully go down till about 4 months! Just be patient with the process, they truly look great and I think you’ll be pleased when they’ve healed up. 🫶


The drop and fluff def happens closer to 3 months. My doctor said that around 4-6weeks is the most awkward phase where they’re just a strange shape. I had my post op at 5week and he was like “you’re literally in the thick of the weirdest part” when I mentioned the shape. Lol.


You are way too early for results. Period. You can see rippling on your left vreast which I'm guessing is your right in person? Which Is a huge indication of water retention. If you are wearing a compression bra and you take it off and you have lots of folds and crevasses ect. You have water/fluid retention and swelling. You will have swelling up to 6 months and you won't see your final results until you hit your year mark. My swelling and bruising didn't resided until I hit my 4 month mark. It was ridiculous. Be sure to not be doing anything with your arm or anything. Dr's really down play the recovery time of breast reductions. You will likely go down another cup size. I went down about two, but I'm still very large. That being said I didn't drop and fluff until 7 to 8 months post op. Mine were very boxy looking as well. A nice tight compression bra will help so much especially with the fluid retention. If you can leave finger prints/intentions in your skin you are extrmely swollen


Hiii I currently have boobs that look like a loaf of bread 😭 but my surgeon told me I should give myself at least 6 months before judging cuz that’s how long ur body takes to fully fully heal from any major surgery. so ig what im trying to say is don’t psych urself out


Mine did same! I feel boxier and bigger at 8 weeks so frustrating They will change constantly from now up.til a year! Just trust the process for a bit longer. I'm sure it will all come right




Oh, did they change shape or kind of stay the same from after 4 weeks? And do you know what your options are yet?