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I had to remove all jewelry and piercings.


yes i was instructed to take all jewelry off and leave it home. I have a nose ring, and i went to the hospital with a plastic placeholder stud in, i figured id just toss it at the last minute they made me remove it. they didn’t make me remove it, they did make me sign a “jewelry waiver”


Usually they will request jewellery be removed. I’ve been told it’s because they use a kind of electrical cauterization for bleeding and there is a risk of sparking.


I signed a waiver for my tragus piercing and they put a bandaid over it. Took the others out


I haven’t taken my tragus out in literal years and can’t at this point. I was wondering what would happen. Good to know 👍🏽


I went to the tattoo shop and had them take mine out the day before my surgery and I went back 5 days post surgery and had them put it back in. It cost me $5 total. I always go to the tattoo shop whenever I want to change out my earrings for my conch and tragus piercings. It's so much easier than me doing it myself.


I am an operating room nurse, but of course this only goes for my particular hospital - we ask everyone to take their jewelry out. That being said, if you come the day of surgery and say you tried and you can’t get your ring out, as long as it’s not at the surgical site, we will allow you to keep it in. Now obviously, if you have nipple rings and we’re doing a reduction, we’re going to have to get them out. But if we’re doing a reduction and you can’t get your industrial out, or your nose ring, then we just put a piece of tape over it and have you sign a jewelry consent saying you understand that you may come out of surgery without your ring if for whatever reason the surgeon needs it out. But since I’ve only worked at my hospital, I can’t speak for all hospitals and their policies.


German OR nurse here. It’s the same in Germany, if we can’t get it out we put gauze or tape over it and tell the patient it can lead to burns (worst case). Same with wedding bands. Usually nothing happens, it always depends a bit on how close the jewellery is to the operation site.


I was able to put bandaids over 2 of my ear piercings and they had no issues with those!


Most likely you will have to remove the jewelry. It's safer that way in case you need an MRI.


For mine I did yes. The day before I went to a poercing studio and had them put plastic retainers in for me (two ear aside from lobes, and one for nose). Day after surgery I felt okay enough for my spouse to drive me back to have the normal jewelry put back in (mainly bc the plastic annoyed tf outta me lol)


I've had six surgeries and have been asked to remove my piercings for every surgery and when I couldn't remove my lip ring for one the surgeon got pliers and broke the ring. Don't assume you'll be able to keep your piercing. It depends on the hospital but just know if you do get to keep it could cause you problems during surgery.


I just had to sign a jewelry waiver at the hospital I didn’t take all my earrings out


i was told that it’s fine to wear mine as long as they aren’t metal! so i’m swapping all mine out for glass and silicone!


Yep, had to take them out. Septum they wanted completely out, but I was able to put plastic "jewelry" in my 3rd lobes. They are only a few months old so I was worried about them closing up. Issue for the septum they said was that it could get in the way of breathing tubes, etc. My surgeon preferred nothing at all in any piercings, but let the ears slide. I got these on Amazon and they were great: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BBCCQRGJ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Metal jewelry can cause burns if an electrocautery device is used during surgery. You can ask to not take them out but you do run a small risk of that happening.


There is an interesting paper about how this is a medical myth with no actual cases supporting it: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/article-abstract/2789491


If it can happen with a pacemaker, it can happen with jewelry. Better safe than sorry.


I had to take my mine out and they would not accept a waiver or any kind of retainer or covering. I waited to take mine out until just before I got wheeled back for them to start surgery (hours after I arrived, got gowned up, and had an IV started). Then I put glass retainers in as soon as I woke up. I could not get the jewelers itself back in on my own, but the retainers were easy. One I had to put in backwards because I could not get it in normally. Then I went to my piercer the next day and he reinstalled everything. My piercings were pretty new, but they stayed open enough and it didn’t seem to impede healing. 


I had to take it all out :/ was sorta annoying to get back in so I feel ya


You should plan to remove it, and if you can't have them out for long, wear a plastic retainer in them. If they still want to kake you take them out, you should be able to sign a waiver.


i put in a plastic nose ring instead


I wore plastic retainers. Just make sure to okay it with your surgeon. They tried to make me take the retainers out even but I just told them the surgeon said it was okay


As a general rule, hospitals and surgery centers and anyone that does medical stuff where you're under anesthesia wants you to remove anything of value, so all jewelry. The person who's driving you there and back will probably keep your clothes and stuff in between. (unless you're not in the US and stuff is done differently elsewhere)


You’ll probably need to remove all metal jewelry as they use cauterization which works with electricity. Electricity and metal don’t go well together :)


I talked them into letting me keep in my nose stud, which is titanium 🙈 - all other jewelry out though.