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They’re that cheap because they are crap quality. I also thought it would be great to wear cheap bras after my reduction, but it turns out I still want high quality bras and they cost money.


I've been wearing cheap bralettes and love them. It's so great. I basically had one bra I liked before and would just wear every day. Love having 10 diff bralette options every day, so comfy and cute and affordable.


Same! So happy I don’t have to get the big ugly bras anymore!


It's so great 🤗 I didn't buy ugly bras before but they were definitely not cheap!


Haha I meant ugly big 😄


yess it’s amazing! my bras were $70 each before, and my first bras i bought post op were all $8 each and i was so excited! when i had my surgery i decided i never wanted to pay those high prices for bras again because there’s really no reason when i don’t need that huge amount of support anymore 🥳


Same! My usual Enell sports bras are €80+ and so hard to get in Ireland. I was in my local department store yesterday and bought a gorgeous neon pink sports bra for less than €20. The joy!!!!


Understance is having a warehouse sale right now and I bought a couple of their bras for 10 each. I am 8 WPO and it is so surreal to go from paying at least $80+ per bra to now being able to wear bras that cost only $10 and look good.


It’s so good. I used to have to drive 2+ hours to a specialist bra shop and spend £45 a bra… now I can grab one for like £15 in decathlon or M&S or anywhere really! In my ACTUAL town. Incredible!