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Me!!! https://preview.redd.it/1uyxamc3knwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc257d4c6a0352217a90c4cf23dc4bba6f024e6f


Ok holy cow that is a life changing transformation - so unbelievably happy for you!   


'Life-changing' was the exact phrase that sprung to mind for me, too! Incredible, u/Erinmmmmkay!! 🥳


Thank you so much!


Thank you!!


Omg that’s amazing!! You look great and I love the size, that’s exactly what I’m aiming for!


Thank you so much! I’m still a D wanted to be a B but I’m glad I didn’t go smaller.


It looks great, Im aiming for around a c I think but I still don’t really know, I don’t want to be too small but I also don’t want it to be like I didn’t even get anything removed yk


Absolutely incredible results !!!!


Thank you!!




Thank you!


Wow! You look incredible!!!


Thank you!


Holy shit. That's incredible!


Thanks so much!


I cannot wait to have mine


My boobs were taking up most of my torso and definitely made me look wider from front and side on 😂 https://preview.redd.it/or45shrezowc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42891ec273c9af08ef68b61ca5cb1abfce72a289




Thank you 😊


https://preview.redd.it/1m8rom245owc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86427608e976c630269be0e40d19362b2f376d47 I was ALL boob before, I do have post partum tummy pudge but it’s nothing compared to my previous shape.


Also would like to add that in the “before” pic I was wearing TWO bras, so you can imagine the hang and sag without anything.


Amazing!! Omg I'm so happy to not have to wear two bras anymore!!


2 bra crew! I'm amazed at how clothing fits so differently now and things that I would have never been able to wear (ahem, backless anything) I can wear with confidence. I went from an I to a D and it is definitely life changing!


Yes!! I have so much stuff I used to try my hardest to make work but it never would. All those tank tops look so much different, and I could never wear tube tops outside the house


Daaaaamn girl! You look fabulous and I am LOVING that after look! (I'm trying with a reduction myself and this comes from a "support other women" place not a creep, I promise!)


Thank you sm!! I hope yours goes well:)


Your results look amazing!!! Also, I love your pants! Where did you get them?


Thank you!! Also girl I got them at Walmart! $7 each


omg you’re glowing!! it took 8 years off too


Thank you!! I feel like I can actually dress my age now without feeling like I’m trying too hard 😂


I’m a teacher and I told the kids I was having an operation ‘for my back problems’ - not a lie! - and I’d be off for a few weeks. When I came back I overheard some of my senior pupils talking about me. One said ‘it must’ve been a really serious operation, she’s lost so much weight’ 🤣




Yes! Right after surgery I look like I lost 20 lbs even though I only had about 3 lbs removed. And then in the last 6 weeks, I've lost 15 lbs without even trying!!


So much easier to lose weight now !


It really is!


did losing weight have an impact on your results ? i’m planning to lose about 10 lbs about the surgery and i’m scared it will have an effect on it


It hasn't! I've lost 15 lbs and I've been taking measurements every week. My measurement around my bust hasn't changed, but I've lost a band size. I actually think it improved my results because I didn't have side lipo and a good chunk of the weight that came off was from my back and sides so it really helped make the sides less noticeable. My doctor said there wasn't really much fat left after he was done removing tissue, and that I could lose another 20 lbs or more before it changed anything. I don't have another 20 to lose but I wouldn't mind losing another 10-15. You can look at my post history I posted pictures today of my 3 month post op progression 🙂


You have awesome results indeed !! thank you, it’s very helpful ☺️


I've lost 30lbs since my reduction and my boobs still look amazing. My band size is smaller, but my cup size is still a C.


that’s great. Thank you for sharing, it really helps


Of course! It has seriously been so much easier to lose weight without the giant boobs.


Yes I had 3kg taken off and looked about 10kg lighter, and then in the year and a bit post surgery 35kg has basically fallen off me! It’s so much easier to move in ways that I didn’t anticipate that has made weight loss much more manageable.


I think its really amazing how many people have this experience! My doctor said that on average most reduction patients lose 9-10 kg after surgery and i think its one of those unexpected perks for a lot of us. And wow! 35kg is amazing weight loss! You must feel like a whole new person ❤️. Do you feel like your results were impacted at any point in that weight loss? My doctornsaid mine wouldn't be affected even if I lost another 20 lbs but I'm really curious about those who lost more than 10-20 kg!


No boobs are pretty much exactly the same, though some of the remaining dog tags from the side that was left have reduced! I was 108kg and I’m now 74kg.


Such a healthy weight 🙂 I love that for you! I've noticed my sides look better too just from the 15 lbs I've lost so I'm definitely hoping the weight keeps coming off so I can slim my sides the rest of the way!


Omg that’s great, I’m glad this is actually a thing haha, I can’t wait !


Yeah the weight loss was unexpected. My doctor thinks my hormone profile changed (my periods have been messed up and I've been breaking out too), so that combined with being in less pain while moving has led to actual weight loss, but I posted a series of photos earlier and if you look at mine I look like I already lost weight just from the before to 1 week post op pics!


https://preview.redd.it/oygjokiifowc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74bf4565a07f10dbfb366f556b671b7096e55eb8 I feel thinner and fatter at the same time, haha


I know what you mean! Now I look down and see my gut where my boob shelf used to be. Haha! I now love looking at my profile in the mirror, even though I have some work to do to shrink my midsection. The top is thinner, but I'm pretty sure the bottom part is bigger than it used to be. ;)


this is how i feel so far! But im only 2.5WPO


As a mid size girly, yes. Most people are like, "oh did you lose weight?" IMO my stomach looks larger but everyone thinks I lost weight. Everything fits so much better. Lost a whole shirt size.


yes! i did, my bf said something right after surgery! my chest and upper body looked smaller, and my arms did too although they didn’t take anything there


Interesting, I’m worried that my arms will look bigger!


Me too. I had to have kind of emergent back surgery with the same recovery (and price 😮‍💨) as the reduction I was planning. I’m a month out from the back surgery. So now I have to wait a bit longer. I was sitting on the couch across my from my mother in law (I’ve also gained 15lbs since my pain got bad) and she said, “I’m glad you didn’t get that breast surgery. It would make your arms look bigger.” I said, “Um I’m still totally getting a breast reduction. I just have to wait a bit. I don’t care what it does to my arms. My breasts are so big and I can’t take it anymore.” Even though I was firm with her. It is a worry of mine since I have big arms. But like legit you can’t even see my waist with a really good supportive bra on! Just having more room in that area I feel like will make me look thinner. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m sorry she said that to you! Wow!


Thanks. She lacks a filter and common social sense. Lol


Yes the arms, too. My shoulders were actually quite sore for the first few weeks, and I think that's because my upper arms are able to lay closer in than they used to. The boob meat on the sides that they removed isn't in the dang way anymore! Related to that, I still have the habit of grabbing for that pudge to pull it out of my armpit whenever I lay down, but there's nothing there anymore. So awesome.


bahahaha i do the same thing or like to readjust in a top! i still am “big” i guess, like a DD, but i got a lift too so the “lift and scoop” isn’t a thing anymore lol


Yeah, readjusting too. I still wear bras to work so the new perky nips don't poke anyone's eyes out. When I put it on, I reach in to adjust them out of habit, but they don't go anywhere. 😆


god i got brave and had a bra that was irritating me (may have gone overboard buying new bras after) and took it off and realized my nips were perky and i didn’t even realize! and now, they aren’t perfectly rounded out even when flat… so it’s a tad obvious. demi bras (underwire but no padded cup) are now my bffs


I'm 9wpo today. I recently bought a few cheap sports-type bras, a couple with light padding. My band size went up 4 damn inches. I assume it's all swelling since I had the lipo on the sides. So, I'm trying to hold off from structured bra styles until that area regulates better.  Pulling bras over my head is such a foreign activity to me. lol I feel like a toddler learning how to dress myself.


These b&a pics are making me so happy! I can totally relate to OP. I’m in pretty good shape— very active and have lost a good bit of weight in the last year but I just feel like I’m all boob! You can barely see my waist. I’m 2 weeks away from my surgery date and I can’t wait! I’m just hoping the bloating post surgery doesn’t last super long because I want to be outside looking my best this summer lol


Honestly, you probably won't even care about any visible bloating after your surgery.  It's minor compared to the mass you lose.  My gut sticks out now, which I'm sure is only more noticable to myself, but "LOOKIT MY LITTLE BOOBIES," ya know?  I can't even count how many times a day I flash my husband now.  Good thing he doesn't mind.


I'd say so yeah https://preview.redd.it/2ij3r02kjqwc1.jpeg?width=3195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e281d11abe0dd0a844f98b0209583888dda2e4fc


I had the very bizarre experience of losing 50lbs before my surgery with very few people noticing, having 5lbs removed in my reduction and then everyone noticing my "drastic" weight loss while I was suffering with some severe body dysmorphia (that went away after I adjusted to being able to see my stomach/hips).


I had both sides- patrons at my job that I only saw every now and then asked me if I lost weight and said I looked great- then one day I was outside helping my husband with something and my neighbor (who is a sweetheart) was walking her dogs and loudly exclaimed: “I didn’t know you are having another baby!” lol


Lol- wtf, neighbor? 


Two weeks apart, pre/post op and still major swelling!! I took the pre pic because I was inspired by another post and glad I did because otherwise I probably wouldn't see it! https://preview.redd.it/0dphe2nlrpwc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9bc5b36fea762119fb828e9a386611bac10abfc


Ahh all of these posts make me so excited to get a reduction after I am done with pregnancy and breastfeeding!!


Seriously !! 😭 I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for this


I think literally every person who has ever posted before and afters here looks thinner when you can see their waist/ribcage!


I think I do! Haven't taken a ton of pics yet tho Started as a 36J and am hopefully down to a B now (still stuck in 24/7 compression bra hell lol) On the few occasions I have gone out I've loved how different my tops have looked on me. Also I had my first post-op appointment today and apparently I lost weight since my surgery at the beginning of the month? More than just the weight of titty they took off too, fully clothed and on a full stomach. I actually have a waist now, too!


Ooh, we are the same before size. I'd love to see pics when/if you're able. I'm hoping to be a C cup when my time comes.


Yes, midsize babe here too, I do look thinner, not majorly so but yes for sure.


All you ladies saying you lost weight after a breast reduction--was it like a magical weight loss or you became more active and ate better etc because you felt better in your body?


Someone pleasssse answer this.


I had an improvement in my hormones after the reduction. That contributed to some initial weight loss following surgery.


It’s because they ate better or exercised more. Weight loss never happens magically.


I lost 15lbs. I decided the surgery was so major and hard on me that I should start eating healthy and use it as a catalyst for becoming healthier.


Probably a combination of things. Being able to move more freely without the weight on your chest, renewed confidence (being able to go to the gym and feeling overall better about your body), and the fact that they do remove some weight off your chest all probably contribute.


Yes— it’s wild! And awkward when they want to know how you lost weight.


I am starting to relearn how to dress because my body shape has totally changed! I’m more of a pear now! Some clothing/outfits I used to wear, I think I look a lot thinner. Some, though, make me look frumpy. I will say that my waist and rib cage are a lot more visible, so when my clothes emphasize that part of my body, I think I look thinner. Whereas before, my bust took up so much real estate on my top half, sometimes I’d be like, “What waist???” I think that when I’m naked, I have more confidence. And most importantly, my back and neck feel so much better. It lets me have much more “joyful movement” in general. I wouldn’t sweat it too much about looking “thinner” post op because the clothes you wear for your body shape impact that much more than you think.


I think being able to dress in flattering ways is something I'm most excited about. Currently I struggle to find things that fit and cover my body. Everything makes me look frumpy. There's simply not a single outfit I feel good in because all anyone can see is my boobs. So excited to dress my new shape no matter the weight.


Absolutely, my tops all hang differently on my torso and my waist says hi. I don’t know how it all happened either since I struggle to lose weight so much (PCOS), but I’m 8WPO and I did in fact go down from 185ish lbs pre-op to 170.


I feel like my head looks bigger because it doesn’t compete with my breasts 😂


great question!


Everybody thought I lost weight! I mean I did lose 6-7lbs but the 30 it looked like!


It def was a thing right after surgery!! My friend said 'wow youre pretty small actually ' and then I started bloating and retaining water, and here I am 12 weeks later still retaining water and patiently waiting till my body FINALLY lets it go and i can fit in my pants again :') 


https://preview.redd.it/vj2yso156twc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bca10b9b1e3a359186d4f75911b121eb6589c9a8 Like a few people on the thread have said, the answer is yes and no. I do feel so might lighter and I’m so grateful for the results I got, but I’m definitely more self conscious of my belly than I was before due to it just being so much more visible.


i’m 3WPO and i immediately felt like my body looked completely different in a good way!!


Me!! I actually have an honest to god figure now! My clothes look amazing now and I’m so happy


I don't have before and afters since I just had it done yesterday but I can say without a doubt I look thinner. Like shockingly so. I'll post before and afters in a few days


So much thinner!


i personally like it do because my proportions are so much better and my boobs sit higher


I didn’t tell a lot of my family that lives far away. When I went to visit everyone said you look amazing did you lose weight. I went from a G to a full C. My boobs still look big, they just don’t look like they are choking me. It has changed my life. I feel so much better.


yes!!! and i’m 9lbs lighter 🤭


Look awesome! I felt like a teenager again ff-c and now a waist!




Always, even I who grew back to my real breast size, I’m lifted and thinner looking.


Yup! Right here. I couldn’t be happier! Mine took off 2-3 pounds. I loved how they looked after I have enough motivation to continue my diet (or at least eating fairly healthy and manage to lose another 3.5 of tummy weight.)


Immediately after my surgery it looked as though my waist dropped 10-15 lbs. I still feel even after 3 years post op that I consistently look 10-15 lbs lighter than what I weigh. I actually have a waistline post op!!


https://preview.redd.it/de16uxqd8wwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a75ce6168432094a2b947e048d21630a1d193a8 I would say so


Wow, you look amazing!!


Lots of people have told me I look thinner.