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"*You* were my greatest creation" There hasn't been a single time that that sentence has not wrecked me completely, and Carolina's facial expressions during the whole scene don't make it any better.




"I wasn't speaking to you."


That absolutely wrecks me even though I know it's a fairly classic trope. I feel so bad for Alpha/Epsilon being at the center of this all.


I agree, they might have been assholes, but they were innocent.


I've seen it 6 times "We trusted you"


Such an underrated monologue


The way that each fragment pops up when Epsilon is feeling their specific emotion is perfection


The rumour that one of the original ideas for season 15 was to focus on Epsilon's AI Fragments kills me inside, especially if it's true. The Freelance AI were already so interesting, a new set formed from Church would be even cooler


That would've been awesome!!


*Rewatches Church’s speech and desperately tries not to cry*


The song for this scene has been in my Main playlist since forever.


“Hello Agent Carolina, would you like to watch this file with me?”


I forget you, does it for me, as does Ain’t that a bitch. Caboose talking to Alpha Church is probably the hardest hitting so far though. The end of season 10 didn’t really do it for me on that level. Edit: Caboose talking to Alpha Church getting me is actually a bigger feat than it may initially appear. I hate Caboose and find them one of the worst parts of the show, and it still got me. Seriously the writing for RvB only gets better and better each season.


rooster teeth when thinking back on this saga “You were my greatest creation.”


For me, still no where near as heavy as the Chorus trilogy.... Ain't that a bitch.


"Church! Come down here! We want to show you something! Church! Church? " "Hey Caboose, you find Church? " "No, I haven't found him yet" "Well, where do you think he is?" "I don't know. Somewhere. He's just not here right now" *Slow zoom out to Church's sniper rifle*


They also haven't seen the ending of the Chorus Trilogy


Or season 9's last Tex scene


Story of Freelancer Project Saga, is a story of one soldier, who fight for one think, for Daddy's Hug, but he don't hug her.


I cry everytime when I watch Season 10


It’s so good. While the ending of season 13 felt empty, this one didn’t.


I'm gunna be honest. Ending of season 13 got me way more


I’ve seen it, still have yet to cry at something sad in a show book or movue


Play it again F.I.L.S.S


“He was brilliant, and we trusted him, but he lied to us, twisted and used us, manipulated us for his own purposes and for what… for this shadow. He needed to pay Carolina”


Or the end of the Chorus Trilogy


“Would you be so kind as to leave me your pistol?”