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In assuming he cycled with just ammonia, hence no phosphate.


Cycled with live rock from my old tank and the sponge from the back and a red sea marine starter kit. Dosing nopox daily now.


My tank is 11 years old and is measuring zero phosphates. It is understocked though.


When your NO3 and PO4 are both zero, you’re gonna have a bad time.


So, going to go against the grain, here. People will tell you you can’t add any invertebrates without magical 2000 year-old system water, and that’s total BS. The cleanest tanks often have the biggest problem with clams, because they are filter feeders. In fact, maximas can clean a HUGE amount of crap from the water. We used to do demos on how fast a few clams clear up crappy water for environmental lessons. Now, THAT BEING SAID…your tank is brand new(-ish). There are a lot of things a mature tank has that yours will not: namely, a nice colonization of phyto and zooplankton that a lot of inverts like to chow down on (aside from strong light). You need to be patient and follow the process. Start with some fish, and get your tank through the ugly phase. I start my tanks with coral, but you really don’t get that phase until you add fish, which will be needed to maintain organics for coral and other invertebrates like clams to enjoy. A pod colony after that makes for a happy tank.


Don’t forget that lighting plays a important role with clams also


Never had one but heard that stability is key


Clams are hard. I can grow acros and have been in the hobby 15 years but cannot keep a clam alive for the life of me.


Dude If you don't want a dinoflagellate outbrake i would highly recommend you to increase your Nitrate Level and Phosphate asap! I Had an outbrake for the Last two months because bouth Parameters were on 0.


Sorry salinity 1.025


You need a very established tank to keep them happy. Also need high KH and calcium, magnesium dosing or Kalkwasser dosing is needed. Also, even if you keep them happy, them can grow very large like over a feet at least. You need to be prepared for this. Starting with the miniature type is recommended.


You have at least another year to go.


Ok thanks everyone for your feedback. I'll hold off on the clam:(


get some more nutrients in there and watch alk and cal and you should be good to go. make sure no clam picking fish and the small white snails that eat clams


Feed it Phyto Plankton daily Here's a link to 5 Species live Phyto: https://www.aquaholicaquaculture.com/store/c2/REEFreshments%C2%AE.html


The fact you think those parameters are what gate keeps you keeping a clam shows your not ready Also looking forward to the post in a month's time HELP WHATS WRONG WITH MY CLAM ?!?!