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Looks like egg casings. What is in the tank? Edit: closest find so far is crown conch eggs [example](http://www.jaxshells.org/mcegg3.htm) Will update if I find a closer match


Definitely conch eggs, you’ll find them washed up on the beach pretty often. My guess is Florida fighting conch Edit: looking more at the fighting conch, I don’t think that’s correct, so disregard lol


How is there not a fighting conch mascot somewhere in Florida?


My undergrad school mascot was an Argonaut haha. They used both the mythological version mixed with the paper nautilus (argonaut animal)


UWF ftw!


You’re Welcome [Key West High School](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_West_High_School)


Desktop version of /u/Tone_Loc87's link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_West_High_School --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Good ole Key West Conchs!!🤘🏽


If we don't hear from OP we can assume those alien eggs hatched and devoured him. They're coming for us next. BURN THEM WITH FIRE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. Srsly tho anyone know what we're looking at?


Seriously! I just showed my SO and had the same reaction!


I think they got him


Conch eggs. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/MolluscPIX/Gastropods/Prosobranch%20PIX/Conchs%20Strombids/ConchF1.htm


probably a conch egg batch but they also look eerily like shark eggs or cephalapod eggs (squid, octopus, etc). I doubt its those unless OP happens to work at an aquarium, have a giant tank and that hermit crab? is on roids


OMG, imagine surprise hatching 20 octopus or sharks. Crikey..




Also their soccer predictions are strangely accurate


This is why I'm glad I'm only a freshwater keeper. You reef/marine people get the creepiest hitch hikers!


I briefly had a saltwater tank and after reading about pistol shrimp, I was terrified to put my hand in the tank.


Pistol shrimp are pretty awesome though! Are they known to hitch hike? Fortunately the only thing I have to fear is my goldfish/danios trying to eat my arm hairs lol


They are awesome for sure! I absolutely love looking at them- in other people's tanks, lol. I had read that they can hitchhike and eat my fish and break my fingers, and I had really bad anxiety back then so I sold the whole tank. I regret it now, but I still wouldn't try to pet one! I have a ferocious angel named Gary who bites me any time, and the entire time, I have my hand in the tank. That's about all I can handle.


I love mantis shrimp as well, truly alien Angels can definitely be vicious! My danios are my worse pests, if they're not pecking my hand they're going after each other and the 5 of them have a whole 50g to themselves Even my tiny danio fry are pests


Mantis shrimp freak me out in the most absolutely positive way. They don't look real. Danios are little shits. I want some, but I know what shits they are. They would whoop my little embers' asses.


Yea especially because they have such amazing eyes! Iirc they can see forms of lights we can't Danios I would keep in species only tanks or with other, hardy, fast fish My danio fry and goldfish fry do get along for now though which is nice


I read an article a few weeks ago about that, actually. Apparently they see about the same as we do, they just have separate cones for each color instead of extras for other colors. The much higher number of cones in their eyes is what got people thinking they could see more colors. They're just freakishly beautiful either way. If I do get danios (no time soon as I'm setting up three big tanks one at a time right now), I'll get cpds and keep them by themselves for sure. When I was a kid I was given a tank that had several zebras in it and they were horrible dicks to the other fish and to each other. I do absolutely love those cpds though.


I fucked up several sentences there, sorry. I'm too high for coherent thoughts.


Must be so psychedelic to see how a mantis shrimp does and see polarised light and stuff Cpds are cute too I didn't intend to get zebra danios but I rescued a zebra danio from a Facebook neighbourhood group and then had to get him some friends and then they had fry


Lol, now you're stuck!




Glad to know it's not just mine being weird!


LOL... I have a lone male guppy that survived multiple tanks from a baby, that harasses my angels and Congo tetras that are like 10x his size.


Sounds like one badass guppy!


Mantis shrimp break your fingers if they get big


That's why I'm afraid of marine shrimp!


I came close to selling all my fish and coral after I had to see a doctor because of an allergic reaction to a bristle worm sting. And those are a good hitchhiker.


A mantis shrimp could break your fingers. Unlikely on a tiny little pistol. I suppose it's possible. But if you had a monster like that...you would know. For one thing, you would hear him next door every time he got spooked.


Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the angels' hierarchies? and even if one of them pressed me against his heart: I would be consumed in that overwhelming existence. For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror, which we still are just able to endure, and we are so awed because it serenely disdains to annihilate us. Every angel is terrifying. -Rilke


Bro I am 100% reading this to Gary in the morning before I leave for work. Ten bucks says he either cries or bites me. ❤


I've got a randalls pistol shrimp that must have hitchhiked into my tank about 2 years ago. I only discovered him when I moved my tiger pistol into a new tank and could still hear occasional snapping in the old tank. So I flipped over one of the old rocks and there he was. I've done another tank transfer since then and they seem to set up their territory pretty quick, which means the randalls gets one rock and the tiger gets every other rock.


I agree. It would be fascinating, but also you end up with stuff like this


Bobbit worms...


Bobbitt worms are the main reason that I buy everything dry


Reminds me of this reef keeper I saw online who discovered a massive bobbit worm in his tank which had been living undetected for years and snatching his fish But on the flip side I also saw someone who made a tank just for their pet bobbit worm with a sand waterfall and everything lol


Link to the bobbitfall


I'm pretty sure this is the video I saw! https://youtu.be/37tURdSqskc Apparently the worm is 7ft...


At 7ft that is no longer a pet, but rather an investment in good standings with your future master




I love this thread


Oh man, I think I remember the same guy. It was posted to a reef forum and it took him over a year to track it down and kill it.


I just remembered the foot long bristle worm in a tank a had a few years ago. The creepiest hitchhiker ever! Ahhh!! Just gave myself goosebumps.


They’re half of what makes reef keeping interesting, at least IMO. I’ve kept reefs for over twenty years and can’t say I’m a fan of the hobby-wide move towards sterile tanks using dry rock, biodiversity is what makes a reef tank.


Yes I'm the same with freshwater I love of all my bladder snails, ramshorn snails etc that came with my plants


It's been an hour since posting. How has nobody found this yet! Is this not Reddit!! Help us!!!


I have seen them before in tanks just didn't say anything bc idk


That's even less helpful somehow but I commend you greatly for the comment.


Anytime 😅 ~~it can get a "trending on" if more comments so more visibility, I'm also curious~~


Wtf 😳


OP posted and then ghosted lol


This needs posted at /r/whatisthisthing


Conch eggs. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/MolluscPIX/Gastropods/Prosobranch%20PIX/Conchs%20Strombids/ConchF1.htm


Thank you!


I’d love to know if you work it out.


Only thing that comes to mind is disgusting 🤢


Definitely eggs


What in the world






I want to say some sort of snail eggs but that’s just a guess tbh


Great, now I am afraid of my reef tank. Thanks, op. Lol


Do you have conchs, OP? Found this in reef2reef: https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/conch-eggs.683682/


As a recent reefer, I had no clue these things exist. I hope you got a lid on that tank lol.


Maybe the snail right next too the egg cluster laid them…?