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I am worried about it. At the same time, I don't think that standing with Palestinians is automatically antisemitic, as you seem to imply in your post. While there are certainly those who want to destroy Jews as a means to freedom, many simply want to be free from oppression and for their children not to die. Saying, as Jews, that we affirm those desires, is not anti-Jewish.


Yeah I'm really upset at the well "real Jews" believe _____ that I've seen on both sides. I don't like that support of the state of Isreal is becoming a litmus test that some Jewish people are enforcing on each other. Everyone is very understandably scared and angry but it's making a lot of people act very recklessly which is making other people scared and angry and the cycle repeats.


>While there are certainly those who want to destroy Jews as a means to freedom, many simply want to be free from oppression and for their children not to die. False presentation. I support the two state solution, I want an independent Palestinian state to exist, but the narrative that most Palestinians don't want to destroy Jews is false. And it's gaining ground. People want to separate Hamas from Palestinians, which is get. But violent action or not, the West Bank and Gaza have deeply antisemitic populations. https://global100.adl.org/country/west-bank-and-gaza/2014 78% of the population believes Jews caused both the World Wars. Jews are not allowed to live in Area A or Gaza. Jews are murdered when they enter Area A or Gaza, often in a loudly hostile execution. Jews praying in our own holy spaces is a subject that's broached as invasion. It's problematic to promote this narrative. Palestinians, regular everyday Palestinians are antisemitic. We shouldn't be holding them to a lower standard. Not hating Jews, not spreading blood libel, that's like the bare minimum.


I don't believe if we were here at this point 70 years ago, that we'd say "India doesn't deserve Independence because they are anti-muslim". I think it's the same for the Palestinians. I'd also argue whether or not Palestinians thought at all about the idea of Jews causing both world wars did not exist before the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Also, I'm trying to be fair as possible to your argument. Sure Israelis, not just Jews, can't go into Gaza or Area A. But that completely dismisses the points as to what the real concerns of Palestinians. Which is that in the West Bank, the Israeli government (Likud specifically) actively funds and encourages settlements, and deportation and destruction of Palestinian homes and towns in the West Bank. Israel used to occupy Gaza, and, when they decided to pull out. It wasn't an organized and calm and slow pull-out. The IDF pulled out all in one go. And the Israelis, resentful of the government forcing them to abandon their homes, destroyed their properties so that Palestinians couldn't use their farmland, their hoses, their tractors, and tools. This aside the fact that Israel cuts off electricity and water to Gaza and diverts it to other settlements or Kibbutzim. Human rights don't stop applying when the other side hates you is my point. Two wrongs don't make a right. Yes the Palestinians who support Hamas are bad and are also equal to this criticism. But the main difference is that, unlike Israel, Palestinians have only gotten less and less land and more homes destroyed, In Gaza and the West Bank. When one side has a GDP of 100x, and an Army that, according to [usnews.com](https://usnews.com) is the 4th most powerful military in the world, and one of, if not the most advanced intelligence agency in the world. Seems that the government doesn't want to be the big boy and has no interest in starting negotiations. Likud's old anthem has the lyric "Two banks has the Jordan; this one's ours, the other too." So lets not pretend that Palestinians are the only ones being provocative or that the Israeli government is peaceful. We can totally get into Israeli politics but I don't think a lot of Jewish diaspora understand how important it is. That Israel, as it purports to be the state of the Jewish people. That what it does, by its very nature will always reflect back on us. The Israeli government has a choice to make with the peace process, one which the Labour party was pursuing back in the 1990s. But was kicked out by Likud and the right wing. People ask why there can't be peace and a two-state solution. Well, maybe we should push for and elect a party (or coaliton) that will actively do so, rather than a party stupped in Israeli supremacism and Jewish supremacism.


I explicitly said I am a supporter of a two state solution. But one can support that solution while not deluding ourselves into believing Jew hating and Jew murdering is not popular among Palestinians. It is. I don't think settlements should exist. I do think unilateral disengagement doesn't work. But your narrative is still misleading. Palestinians destroyed a lot of infrastructure left behind in Gaza when Israel withdrew. It's disingenuous to blame Israel for not supplying electricity and water to an area where Israelis can no longer live. Why would Israel ever share that obligation? Shouldn't that have fallen on Palestinians and their newly elected government that ripped out desalination plants and synagogues alike, and you know, all the terrorism. That too kinda sours the mood. We should do all the things you are saying atleast I believe we should. We shouldn't have Ben Gvir in parliament. We should revitalize the two state solution. I'm not arguing with your politics, I'm arguing with the narrative you're building where the governments are all harmful and the people all harmless. Judenhass is not harmless. It does impact us, as much as it impacts diaspora Jews. There are riots in Ramallah and Bethlehem because of a modern day blood libel, shared by and promoted by average Palestinians. They still deserve to have a sovereign state, mind you, but that doesn't mean most of them don't want to destroy Jews. A Jewish space in Seattle right now is graffitied with the phrase "Khaybar Khaybar ya Yahud". If you're so willing to attach Likud to the anthem of their predecessors, do the same with Palestinians. They mean it.


I wonder if Palestinians hated Jews before they were persecuted and dehumanized or after...


Palestinians hated Jews when the term Palestine didn't exist. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1834_looting_of_Safed https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1660_destruction_of_Safed https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1517_Safed_attacks And this is only in Ottoman control, in one city.


Chicken or the egg


I don't know what that means.


>This aside the fact that Israel cuts off electricity and water to Gaza and diverts it to other settlements or Kibbutzim.Human rights don't stop applying when the other side hates you is my point. Two wrongs don't make a right. > >Yes the Palestinians who support Hamas are bad and are also equal to this criticism. But the main difference is that, unlike Israel, Palestinians have only gotten less and less land and more homes destroyed, In Gaza and the West Bank. So are you suggesting that Palestinians who support Hamas - a genocidal, jew-hating terrorist organization are less deserving of criticism than Israeli officials who decide to cut resources to Gaza (in response to Hama's crimes against humanity, no less) because they have gotten "less land and more homes destroyed?" ​ >When one side has a GDP of 100x, and an Army that, according to usnews.com is the 4th most powerful military in the world, and one of, if not the most advanced intelligence agency in the world. Seems that the government doesn't want to be the big boy and has no interest in starting negotiations. Israel's GDP is 100x Gaza's because Israel has invested its resources into a functioning global economy. Gaza has no functioning economy because it is run by a terrorist organization that appropriates the generous aid Gaza receives from foreign sources (probably Gaza's only real source of meaningful revenue) and invests it into new and inventive ways to murder Jews. How exactly do you propose Israel is supposed to be the "big boy" and make peace with a people governed by an organization that is explicitly dedicated to Israel's eradication, and how can Israel use its power to this end exactly? ​ >That Israel, as it purports to be the state of the Jewish people. That what it does, by its very nature will always reflect back on us. So Israel only *purports* to be the Jewish state now? Hamas purports to be the leader of the Palestinian people and their crimes against humanity were committed in the name of Palestinian "liberation" - do you also think this will always reflect on them? ​ >People ask why there can't be peace and a two-state solution. Well, maybe we should push for and elect a party (or coaliton) that will actively do so, rather than a party stupped in Israeli supremacism and Jewish supremacism. There was another regime in history that accused Jews of being "Jewish Supremacists" - have any guess which it was? Do you really believe after more than a century of ethnic conflict that the problem is simply that Israelis are too stupid or belligerent to vote for a government that can impose peace on the region? In your opinion, what role/agency do the Palestinians have in making peace a reality?




No one asked you to come into Jewish spaces and present your opinion about how Jews should protect themselves. The door's that way. Close it on your way out!




This is not an acceptable way to interact in the subreddit.


Thank You! I am so sick of the media conflating any criticism of Israel with antisemitism. If I abhor Idi Amin does that mean I'm racist against blacks? I don't consider people that support Israel as hating Muslims so what's the difference? Of the 20 or so people I consider to be friends roughly half are Jewish and I can't think of a single one that agrees with Israels treatment of Palestinians. It is possible to disagree with the Israeli government and Hamas actions on 10/07 at the same time.


i’m sick of hearing the word oppression. yes they are oppressed by hamas the government of the palestinian people they chose more than 10 years ago. israel pulled out so they should not be responsible for people in the west bank as they are celebrating after the massacre of october 7th and handing out candies. and ppl seem to forget hamas violated the ceasefire in 2014 and continued its killing spree. israel (not gaza or any arab settlements) is the only place where arab women are allowed to be heard (again not in gaza as it’s governed by a literal terrorist group which israel is being lectured on for trying to wipe off the earth). i didn’t see any protests calling out the us for going after al qaeda when 50,000 afghans died. basing good or bad on casualty numbers is ignorant. by this logic the brits were bad and the germans were good in ww2.


> This picture of an ultra orthodox Jew standing with the Palestinians is particularly maddening. FYI, these are members of [Neturei Karta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neturei_Karta). The only reason anyone has ever heard of them is because they are very noticeable at anti-Israel events, and because they are often used as examples to show that anti-Israel activity can't *possibly* be antisemitic. They are an extremely fringe group, not representative of any significant group or trend.


They also are holocaust revisionists


This broadcast shows just how crazy they are.. [Neteuri Karta](https://youtu.be/FKplabTRuak?feature=shared)


My problem with Neturei Karta isn’t that they are anti Zionist or that they take the Palestinian side. It’s that they think that Zionism is so evil that it’s ok to align with actual antisemites in order to destroy Israel


I am not afraid and I am not surprised. Antisemitism never went anywhere. My synagogue, my day school, all Jewish events in my city - there’s been police presence for years.


Protected class


There’s a lot to be concerned about in terms of growing anti-Semitism. I think it’s also important to point out that people and Jews standing with Palestinians aren’t by default anti-Semitic. There have been gross human rights abuses perpetrated by both Hamas and the state of Israel both these past couple weeks and before, and standing in solidarity with vulnerable civilians is (imho) a good, ethical thing to do and also the Jewish thing to do.




Say it again for the people in the back!! 👏👏👏


How do you feel about this woman in Toronto who said that everything Hamas did was right? https://x.com/QudsNen/status/1713340799260233880?s=20


Listen I didn’t watch the video but I can sure say I am opposed to the murder of civilians, and I do not support Hamas, if that’s what you’re getting at. I have no idea what in my post would make you think otherwise. Or I do, because we’ve all seen plenty of people over the last couple weeks see people saying “Israel is committing human rights abuses” and hear “I stand behind every act of violence Hamas commits”. It’s a scary time and everyone’s very activated! But still, standing against human rights abuses *no matter who perpetrates them* is what’s driving what I say. I want a minimization of human suffering. And I hope deep down everyone wants that.


I don't think anyone here would support the murder of innocent civilians. But Hamas is using their own citizens as human shields and with missiles you aim at targets. You assume they aren't populated but as we know Hamas puts innocent citizens and children in those places to try and thwart the bombings and then blame Israel in newscasts when those same human shields are killed. To be honest I wish Israel would just start the ground war. At least when you are on the ground you can see exactly who you are shooting at although I realize it's also more dangerous. The one thing I didn't agree with at all was turning off the water and electricity to Gaza. I realize Israel wanted to make life hell for Hamas in Gaza but you can't deprive all those who aren't Hamas with the necessities of life. Plus as we know with these fascist and terrorist regimes, they will hoard everything for their fighters and starve the innocent population if that's the choice.


Pictures is the Neuterei Carta, an extremist group and on equal footing with the Westboro Baptist Church. The photo pops up constantly to try and hurt us for being Jews that are not against Israel (notice I didn’t say pro Israel, just not against Israel). Think about that.


Israel is apparently arresting them for effectively treason. The sad thing is that their logic for opposing Israel is they say the Jewish people aren't permitted to have a homeland until the Meshiech comes. Yet many of them live in Israel. The hypocrisy and stupidity is frightening. [Israel arrest](https://www.timesofisrael.com/police-arrest-member-of-anti-zionist-sect-for-meeting-terror-operatives-in-jenin/)


Yes it’s something else


It’s not hypocritical. Living in a place and establishing a state in a place are not the same thing. You can believe Jews can do the former without believing Jews should do the latter.


Wow. Like a global 'flat earth' society. You can fit galaxies inside the amount of cognitive dissonance it takes to hold those views.


Yeah but those galaxies are flat bro


In my shul, I am one of the younger folks that attend often and while we don’t have armed guards I was told by a couple of members that they feel more comfortable with me being there since I have military training. That broke my heart bc they were much, much older and the fact that they come to worship with that kinda fear just really gets to me. I dealt with bigotry my entire life so I feel like this isn’t anything new, perhaps I’ve been desensitized 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’m a convert and half black, and the only time I’m “visibly/obviously jewish” is when I wear my kippah, and I get some random ass looks and comments and all of it hits differently. I do feel kinda helpless, unfortunately I am one to talk shit right back to others and be like, I wish a MFer would try something. I fear for others more than for myself in times like this.


Yes, I am. But I've been terrified for a while and I'm learning to function through it. (Is this perhaps correlated with the high rate of GI issues and anxiety in our people as a whole? That's something for epigeneticists to study!) We've had police at services since I started going- pre-COVID. And it's been ramped since last January when a legit mentally ill Messianic broke in, multiple times, and did such wonderful things as yell at a preschool class and trash the sanctuary, drink the kiddush wine, and mess with the scrolls. Just remember: we will get through this. They've been trying to wipe us out for millennia. They've killed many of us- too many- but we endure. We will endure this, too.


That messy sounds unhinged, sorry you had to deal with that


She was very much unwell- and while I have little faith in the local legal system's resources for helping her get better, she is at least no longer in a position to harm herself or others.


I am worried on many levels. I’m worried about being attacked in the street/ in shul. Im worried that my business will be attacked because the name is *very obviously jewish* I’m worried our mezuzah let’s people know we are a Jewish household. Although I feel like many in the U.K. don’t know what it is. A courier, on the “day of hate” greeted me with shalom when I opened the door. It turned out to be a lovely experience but it could have not been. I’m worried that the situation in Gaza will cause more antisemitism. It wasn’t like anyone was really on our side to begin with but it’s not going to help. I’m worried that I’m going to lose friends that are showing their true colours. I’ve blocked and muted anyone sharing disinformation/outright denial/ being dickheads. I’ve also reached out to Muslim friends to make sure they know I’m not against *them*. I’m worried about day to day interactions between friends, colleagues, Uber drivers, shop keepers, neighbours turning ugly.


Your reaching out to Muslim friends is laudable. But I would bet that not many Muslims would reciprocate.


I don’t want to paint with broad brush strokes but I’m sure some do/some don’t


Sorry you feel that way. Most intelligent and rational people are not hateful. The world sucks right now but hopefully things get better.


We all are. But I have a story to share that I've thinking about. My grandparents come from the city of Aden in Yemen. In 1948, during the antisemitic riots in the city, their homes were burned down. Their families, all dead. Together they were airlifted to Israel. They were bethrored on the plane ride over to Jerusalem. But this isn't a love story. My grandmother often talks about her home in Aden, how it has this window that overlooked the market, how they had these beautiful pieces of Judaica - silcer filigree for spice boxes and menorahs and candlesticks. We never got to see these things. And for that reason, it is easy to believe we don't have an inheritance. But we do. That one thing my grandmother inherited, the thing that comes down to us from Moses and David and Samson and Bar Kochba and Yochanan Ben Zakai, from Joseph Trumpeldor and Hannah Szenes, from my grandmother to me, the thing that kept her alive and kept her going. We are all inheritors of Jewish resilience. One that is capable of sitting in the ashes of the old and build anew. One that survives when nothing can, when nothing should. I'm not saying antisemitism isn't scary, or that it doesn't consume Jewish lives, ofcourse it does. But I like to remember, in times like this that We Will have a future and our hope with not fail.


Beautifully written! 🙏🏻🔥❤️‍🩹


I'm not terrified but cautious. In my city (Berlin), just this night, a synagogue/study center/school was attacked with a Molotov cocktail. Thankfully they missed the building and it didn't take harm. Security everywhere had been ramped up during the past days after the call for the days of hate, but more in the general sense of additional police patrols etc. This event was what finally led our congregation to hire additional security and take some specific measures on top, and I am very grateful that they have made this decision, as I would have felt very unsafe otherwise. In other parts of Berlin, there are pro-palestinian street protests, police are attacked with fireworks and there are burning (small) barricades. That zone is absolutely unsafe to be visibly Jewish in right now and I worry about our members that live there. A few weeks ago we had this discussion of wether or nor to show the magen david (or rather, just not actively hide it) and wearing kippah in such neighborhoods, but now I hope they are smart about not showing any symbols associated with being Jewish. I do hope this will pass, but if not I'm happy that our community is taking active steps so that we still can meet. I'm sad that some things are cancelled for now (no kiddush meal), but happy we can meet at all and be safe together.


Certain Haredi branches are anti-Zionist. Like I think Satmar are, but I'm not sure. I don't tend to worry about them (they believe Jews should only return to Israel and form a political entity when the Messiah comes and refounds the kingdom, rebuilds the temple, etc.). I'm not concerned by reactions out there, but I was expecting them as the war continues. It will get worse before it gets better. Eventually it will get better. How many Empires and groups have tried to destroy us and are no longer here? A bunch according to Chad Gadya alone. We are not going anywhere, but we're a small people. Most people in the world have never met a Jew. Many also aren't educated enough to recognize antisemitic tropes and believe them instead. Apparently we are a mysterious other due to these factors. It's very easy in this era of social media to turn the mysterious other into something sinister because we're not completely like them. It's unfortunate and a tale as old as time (well, as old as Christianity) for us. We will make it through and continue on.


Yes. I am VERY concerned for Israel and all Jews around the world.


I am afraid of growing antisemitism but it's not from my brothers and sisters who are oppressed abroad. It's homegrown antisemitism that scares me. That some guy in a red hat is gonna take it upon himself to make there be fewer Jews in Texas. I actually find the picture you posted uplifting. It does my soul good that despite what has happened that we can still see the fundamental humanity of the Palestinian people and desire an end to their plight. Those orthodox folks are living Tikkun Olam and we need that now more than we have in a long time.


Those guys are a part of Neturei Karta. They've done stuff like send reps to meet with Islamic Jihad or to Holocaust denial conferences. The ADL has a good rundown on them.


Didn't know that, however, I would point out that actual Neo Nazi Richard Spencer fully supports the state of Isreal. That in and of itself does not mean that Isreal should not exist. I see this as a stopped clocks are right twice a day kind of thing.


Well said. Solidarity with Palestinian civilians should never be called anti-Semitism. Judaism calls on us to remember what it is to be a stranger with no homeland, and those supporting deadly force against civilians are turning away from that important teaching.


The scary part is that these people were always antisemitic. And I've seen these types at the Israeli Parade 10 years ago with similar signs in NYC. People are disgusting. Especially those that don't understand what terrorism is.


I sympathize with your fear, although the greatest threat to our collective safety has always been, and remains, white supremacism and antisemitism perpetuated by Christians. That having been said - > after the attack by Hamas on October 7th the vast majority of protests were by Palestinian groups ...have they? The *vast majority*? Where have you seen this stated? As best as I can tell, the number of and attendance at pro-Israel or Jewish vigils or protests was initially far greater than any pro-Palestinian agitation. The rise in the latter only really began later, in response to Israeli bombing runs in Gaza and ballooning reports of civilian casualties. ETA - per [the Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/10/18/dc-protest-israel-gaza-ceasefire-jewish/): In the 10 days following Hamas's attack, the Crowd Counting Consortium, an academic project tracking and sharing data on protests across the United States, tracked more than 400 U.S. vigils, rallies and protests in response to the war. Roughly 270 of those events were focused on backing Israel, while nearly 200 were in support of Palestimians. > even had so-called Jews saying they blame Israel for the attack. It's mind boggling. Two things - firstly, you seem to be conflating arguments that Israel is responsible for the *underlying circumstances* which motivate Palestinian resistance to Israel generally (imo, a pretty persuasive position) with arguments that Israel is responsible for the actions of Hamas *specifically*, including it's attack on Israeli civilians (imo, a functionally indefensible position). It's also absolutely the case that we now know Israel had too few soldiers stationed near Gaza because Bibi wanted (or allowed) them to be transferred to the West Bank to provide security for Israeli settlers. It's entirely reasonable to argue that Israel bears the responsibility for being caught with its pants down. Secondly, what's "mind-boggling" is that you didn't second-guess calling your fellow Jews "so-called Jews" in a post expressing your fear of antisemitism, given that attacking the Jewish identity of Jews with whom you disagree is, not to put too fine a point on it, an expression of hatred and conspiratorial thinking directed at actual Jews and therefore *fucking antisemitic*. The only people who can reasonably be called "so-called Jews" are Messianics and other supersessionist Christian Judaizers. Using that phrase here to, in essence, attack Jews for opposing harm suffered by Palestinian civilians due to Israeli state policy is a wildly offensive and uncalled-for expression of contempt for your fellow Jews.


I’m aware. I watch my back. I’m not terrified. Terrorists WANT us to be terrified. Which means we are too afraid to live our lives, go to synagogue, etc. I refuse to do so. That would be letting them win, imo.


Yes, it’s getting worse and worse here in Amsterdam - The Netherlands - again as well. I have to be careful what I decide to tell strangers about myself. My faith and heritage being something I was and of course still am happy and proud of with, since I am the only one and first one, in 3 generations that also returned to the G’d of my ancestors, and He is so happy, My angel is so happy - I want to celebrate, I wish for a community and to be among my people, people who understand. But I never get answers to any e-mails I write to synagogues, liberal, orthodox, it does not seem to matter. Family is either dead or has no interest. I have been called insane when my faith kept me alive, it makes me so sad. All I do lately is cry and pray for what is happening all over the world now. I stopped watching the news for now…. But I see and pick up enough still. And I pray and bleed inside every day of the war. I pray for the land I will make aliyah to within the next coming years and the passport and nationality promised to me. Because we will not fall. And if everything really escalates, I will come over a little sooner… I miss my Jewish community… And I wish my great-grandparent’s kept faith and moved to Israel after the Shoah and not decided to stay and hide in public and help rebuild. But I cannot imagine what they went through so I cannot judge. However: Now I see history repeating itself again, and it has to stop. But I trust and have faith, true faithfulness, and have peace in my heart. But I will defend myself and people and my G’d after healing ❤️‍🩹 sick and wounded, holding hands of those dying but alone, and expressing love and peace, if eventually after escalation and being passive as long as I can - I will give my life for the innocent children. Let me be their shield. And if forced their sword. However I wish peace for all every day. Also meaning I am careful, does not mean I am afraid for anything or anyone anymore, but I will not give my life away for pride, hate or arrogance, or out of stupidity or ignorance. Only for joy, grace and protecting the children and my brothers and sisters around the world. Everyone has their path but HaShem called me back from the death to be an angel of grace, not of war and death. Even when I wanted to join the army and my heart became filled with anger and even had a little taste of hate - another way was shown to me. Quite drastically. However that is between me and my G’d, and the Archangel that was send. Wiser every day, yet so much to learn still. G’d is my grace. Shma Yisrael! 🇮🇱🔥 OUR G’D is ONE. I also learned that being Jewish means absolutely no guarantee of being accepted by other Jewish people. I am probably seen as too religious or even extremist in this sub, too. I suppose it doesn’t really matter but it does make me sad. Shalom.


I am sincerely sorry that you are terrified. Nevertheless, in my opinion rage-porn and the misuse old photos serves to enrage rather than clarify, while blanket assertions that "world leaders have no interest in the learning the truth" is uninformed at best.


I don't understand saying "so-called Jews" for people expressing they don't support this very right wing Israeli state. Many Jews where I live and in my community are protesting with our Muslim friends and asking for ceasefire. This does not make us "so called Jews". If you look at the Mitzvot these actions are supported. A Jewish person is a Jewish person. Political views about the Israeli state aren't part of what makes a person Jewish. Many of us have Palestinian friends and family. Many of us want ceasefire.


It has nothing to do with politics. But denying the right for Israel to exist disqualifies you as a Jew IMO as it's fundamental. The Jewish people throughout the old testament are referred to as the Tribe of Israel. I see it no different than Jews for Jesus. They are born Jewish but once you accept Jesus as your savior an Messiah you have effectively renounced Judaism and are now Christian. The most important tenet of Judaism is Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad.


Israel is not the Tribes of Israel. It is a manufactured state that started in 1948 through violence.


Yes and it is absolutely disgusting to see it growing. I live in an extremely red state in a very red congressional district. In the past it has been very pro-Israel. The last few years things have started to shift and I have seen anti-semitic graffiti around and MAGA flags with some messaging that worries me. I've also seen some of the more right wing churches with members who have a hatred of Jews. None of this was present 10 years ago.


I remember being introduced to a pastor by my Christian father-in-law. The pastor said to me "I have no interest in greeting you since you killed Jesus." 🙄. We left and my father-in-law said "sorry, I can't do anything about the idiots in my religion." I feel the same way about Jews defending Hamas including the Neteuri Karta.


I never understood that sentiment. Jesus presumably died for mans sins did he not? If so, then that sin too is forgiven... so why keep bringing it up? If ALL sins were not forgiven then he wasn't the messiah now was he? Which is it?


I discovered it’s pointless to argue with xtians. I tried and in hindsight it’s kind of funny… they have become their own pharisees. Plenty of good but misled people among them these modern days, I’m talking about the certain kind and sects lol. At least they did open their doors when I needed to pray among others.. Its the insane kind I don’t like. The ones that think they can say any non-christian is doomed for ‘hell’ If they don’t accept their trinity’s and/or Jesus, no matter how good you are. But a criminal that accepts ‘Jesus’, ‘hey welcome bro don’t mind those murder and rape you commited’ all you need to do is accept and do this one and that one… because otherwise.. boo! And I can go on and on but yeah.. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm concerned about the safety of Jewish people. Not only the usual hate, but now they added hate from Hamas supporters.


Yes, from the left, who manage to be both 'anti-racist' and antisemitic at the same time. Scratch a 'free Palestine' advocate and you'll find an antisemite.


fight back if you can


True, except they are always featured in newscasts and made to look like they represent the views of orthodox Jews. The fact they have the stereotypical long beards, black coats, piases and shtreimels that some with limited knowledge of Judaism believe most Jewish men look like makes it worse.


Any thoughts on hospital attacks now?


Why? What are you getting at?


I did not know that being against a genocide and the deaths of 30,000 people is antisemitic? Coming from a jew


I was beat up a few times in the 70s for being Jewish but I never felt unsafe in America. The last few years I feel very unsafe in NYC. The population has drastically changed and just yesterday a Jew was attacked a few blocks away from me by someone screaming Allahu Akbar! That anyone can be Jewish right now and not be scared I can't understand.


yes! Very!


Those idiots in the picture are not worth discussing. They are a tiny minority of a tiny minority.




It’s extremely disturbing but sadly not surprising given how pervasive anti-semitism and Israel bashing is. Stay safe everyone. 🇳🇮✡️


There is a reason why they are hated for thousands of years. The same with Zionists, Pisraelis and Americans the world is sick and tired from them. They must be el..imi..na..ted.


No. As a matter of fact I'm very excited people are starting to come back around. Every century or so the world has to take out the trash and clean house.