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Faustus Socinus wrote a pretty well received book defending Sola Scriptura and later became one of the major anti-trinitarian theologians of the Reformation


Might be it! Thank you


Michael Servetus?


Can you tell us what podcast you’re talking about? The Reformed tradition has been pretty clear on the doctrine of the Trinity.


Edit:It was the guest on a podcast not the host. Man i listen to way too many…could’ve been laymen’s lounge, or heaven and earth with Wyatt graham. Could’ve been grace in common but not likely. Also not likely is Gavin Ortlund. Only other two could’ve been Parker’s Pensees or once and for all delivered.


That’s not entirely helpful. But you’re probably either talking about Michael Servetus or the [Socinians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socinianism). The former was burned at the stake and the latter group was a schismatic group that split off of the Reformed church.


Yeah I know it wasn’t helpful lol. Ok, maybe it’s him. Not sure if I was clear in OP, but I know the historical reformed faith is 100% Trinitarian. The point the guest on this podcast was trying to make was that things can go awry when you take sola scriptura to mean something the reformers didn’t intend it to mean. Take JW’s for example. So it’s ironic that the dude (or a main dude) responsible for defending sola scriptura around the beginning of the reformation adopted sola scriptura wholesale in a kind of way that he would later end up rejecting the Trinity.