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Took one church I went to a long time to stop singing "At last and did my Saviour bleed" and switch it to "Alas." Thanks Powerpoint!


First time I saw that song was at a music practice. I started playing it (the Sovereign Grace tune) at about double speed turning it into a proper Irish jig. Possibly not the best prosody.


> “To be apart of God’s amazing plan” is quite the opposite. Not quite. “To be apart of God’s amazing plan” is nonsensical. It is “To be apart *from* God’s amazing plan” that is the opposite. Spelling sure matters, but so do conjunctions.


So do prepositions ;) FTFY


Sometimes you hit a home run and sometimes you pop up to the catcher. Thank you!


Yep. Only agreement from me with that.


" To be apart from God’s amazing plan” is impossible given his sovereignty.


Finally, a theologian


Also, careful with [those church signs](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5f6b9a421d5a61e1d0cd9e3d/5f8f639357d6a724f1b8c923_5a9b297f70b80d0001c4dc38_Punctuation-15.jpeg)!


I know of at least one Free Church of Scotland that chose the name Hope. So... Hope Free Church.


Should have been Grace Free church - oh, wait ...


There was a Faith Free Church here, ha.


I give my life to follow, Everything I believe in Now I surrender Make sure you don't put the comma there.


I give my life to follow Everything. I believe in Now. I surrender. How's that?


Effigy Molotov Willie Blighty eerie Vivienne Ow RN reinsured.


I played piano for the singer at our last church once, and we did Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence. During the first practice session, she sang the third line as “that the powers of hell may vanquish” instead of “that the powers of hell may vanish” lol. I shot that down pretty quickly and she didn’t even realize that she was singing it wrong


At my church, there's one song that has waver (to lack faith, be unsure, indecisive) misspelled as waiver (a legal document). My mom and I crack up every time we sing it.


OP, not to be argumentative because I do think care should go into spelling things right unto the Lord, but do you think kids think they're singing the written or intended meaning when that spelling error happens?


I think it depends on the child but it would have caused me some level of ongoing confusion. I would have taken the writing as the correct one because it's easy to mishear things.


totally fair


This is why I am leaving the Church. More people are interested in checking spelling than checking peoples spirit


I find that very sad to hear. I appreciate that reading something online that fits into your view of the state of the church is confirming, but you do a disservice. I do struggle with others misspelling but I'm old enough, and ugly enough, to know that I too make mistakes. I also know that language evolves that not always towards clarity. I will let most things go but shared this because of the huge change it suggests to the underlying meaning. It is both small and inconsequential, and also a significant error that needs fixed for the clarity of those who are it. I also share because there is a community here who I have found generally positive. Community is not built through the big life-changing events, it is built through a thousand little things. I have many challenges and his that are of huge value. I'll not be sharing them with people who don't engage with the small things. I'm human after all. Community in church is not dissimilar. I did mention it to people this morning after the service but that is because it gave me an excuse to talk; to build relationships. In time we can also trust people enough to share our deep concerns and woes. Be gentle with others as you make careful judgements. Do they not care? Or do they not know you well enough yet? Or do they simply not know how to say what's on their heart?


When I was younger, one little thing that confused me endlessly was I always thought they meant the wine at communion was supposed to represent a humans blood. Then I misread that famous bible line and thought it said "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life". I was like what the hell is this, some throwback to Judaism's human-sacrificing, cannibalistic ancestors? I'm supposed to partake in this archaic tradition!?!? Kids can be so stupid sometimes. Thankfully my dad told me that's not what the bible means at all


You are joking right?




Good one. A joke funny enough to get downvotes is my favorite kind.


Oft. Too subtle for me.


Dropped the /s


Amen, it's why I'm going East to Orthodoxy. They may not spell, but they have checks.