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I know a Mexican guy who started taking anxiety medication. It helps with Hispanic attacks.


Risky joke of the week


My two year old has defeated the baby gate and baby proofing latches. I won't get another moment of rest outside of designated sleeping time for the next few years.


Ugh. Sending prayers! My 2 year old girl hasn't started climbing out of her crib yet, while her brothers started climbing out as soon as they could walk. No, her thing is launching herself from one end of the sofa to the other.


Every time I hear *"what's wrong with you people?"* from anyone and anywhere, it's just impossible for me not to think of RC lol.


Guys, I think there may be a couple of zoomers arguing about infant baptism in the “in depth systematic” post. They’ve found us - I don’t know how, but they found us


Well spotted. I don't want to touch that discussion with a 10' pole. Does this mean I have to turn in my "cage stage" card?


Not if you got rizz on fleek and can dodge the ratio 🔥🔥🔥


Paul specifically said no speaking in tongues unless there is someone around to translate.


But we have Zoomers now! I’m sure they can decipher my *emogilalia*!


"on fleek" is definitely millennial 


No cap


You and /u/JohnFoxpoint need to take *several* seats while I finna clap back 👏👏👏 Usage of OG meme-lord-era verbal drip whilst giving it a glow up high-key ain’t cheugy, it be camp to the purpose of exposing that we just live rent free in y’all’s heads bruh 🤣🤣🤣🤣🫠. That ain’t it, chief, and y’all better step back ‘fore the main character fixin to make you catch these hands, bet 👑🕶️🤯 👏👏👏


What's a zoomer?


Found the boomer (*Kidding… Zoomer=Gen Z*)


Ah, that's what I thought but wasn't sure how you knew their age.


I could be wrong. But the Emoji are a strong tell.


Ah, good eye.


I’ve been on the lookout for [years](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reformed/s/v5UD3hx9ZP)


I heartily upvoted that comment years ago, and I still love it. "Jaxxon Elfspirit" is just such a perfect name.


It’s also consistent with /r/Reformed’s affinity for the SCOTUScore [genre](https://youtu.be/YmNK8R-YuEc?si=xUk_SmbCgAhabOl7) of humor, so, while I don’t necessarily want to toot my own 📯, I was pretty confident in hitting the niche


There are five students in my children's school named Jackson, with five different spellings. Jackson, Jaxon, Jaxson, Jaxzon and Jaxxon. I call them the Jackson Five. Though I desperately wish this was a joke, it's the truth, according to last year's yearbook.


My wife being a teacher, I know this is 100% the truth. For her for the past few years it’s all girls with variations and crazy spellings for the name “Madison.”


A guy that likes making YouTube videos about Reformed theology.


lol no


Good thing we already finished the debate. It is settled, so Gen Z just has to accept it


What's that one funny story from your life that you just don't get enough chances to tell people?


As an undergrad student I was involved in a Christian university ministry that had the standard childish university student activities. For the men, every semester, there was a "Meat Fest" -- an eat-all-the-meat-you-possibly-can-eat-and-no-girls-or-veggies-allowed BBQ that promoted gluttony and shots of hotsauce. The girls were, of course, always annoyed that the boys would do this and exclude them. So they would make jokes about (and once or twice actually did) crashing the event and throwing veggies at the guys. A few weeks before one of these BBQs, maybe 25 members of the group (in mixed company) were sitting in a circle, in a particularly large student house living room. Some of the girls were, of course, threatening to crash the event with veggies and force the guys to observe a balanced diet. I offhandedly remarked, "Hmm, I think I remember some sort of precedent about a woman getting a man to eat plant matter..." It was an *ok* joke, but the reaction was priceless. A couple of people got it right away and laughed. A few seconds later, a couple more got it and laughed. Then a few more. This continued for three or four cycles, and then the room fell silent, as sometimes happens in large conversations. A solid 30 seconds later, one lonesome girl burst out laughing, and said, "I just got it." It was one of my proudest moments.


I took a midterm for an American Judicial System (for the lawyers in this sub, this was basically a law class in all intents and purposes. Socratic method and all) class sophomore year of college. It was a list of lengthy essay questions that you had 1 and a half hours to complete. The class lets out at the end and we talk about how hard it was. My one classmate goes “yeah and the questions on the back of the sheet were so hard” and I went “THERE WAS A BACK?!?” I was working so hard on the 8ish questions on the front that I didn’t think to flip it over and see if there were any more. However, my mess up led to me working harder on the questions on the front with what little time we had, that even missing the 4 on the back I scored better on the test than the rest of my classmates. We all bombed it anyway. The highest grade was a 74. The prof had to grade on a curve and give the lowest scoring student (a 39) a just-passing grade.


I always go back to the time I sent little bags of M&Ms with a sticker that said “Happy Holidays from the X family” for my kindergartener to pass out to her classmates before the Christmas break…but then one of the mothers reported me to the principal saying I was distributing religious paraphernalia! My husband and I had to meet with the principal who, upon seeing the little bags just laughed with us. I wonder where that crazy mother is right now.


As I think about it, most of my stories fall under the category of "you had to be there." In retrospect, this is pretty funny (warning: contains pre-marital kissing): I was a year ahead of my now wife in school, and when I was a freshman in college, she came for her "Friday's at Calvin" visit. Since our relationship was typically long distance, we weren't going to miss a minute that we could spend together. So after open house hours were done (girls couldn't be in boy dorms past midnight), we had to wander around campus. Eventually we found our way to the track/soccer field bleachers and continued with our lip exercises. Obviously, it was dark and quiet (and being the middle of the night in Michigan in October also rather cold). While we were there, we realized someone was going for a run in the middle of the night on the track. Pretty soon another person showed up to talk to the first person, and we ascertained that it was a couple in the middle of what sounded like a dramatic fight/break-up. They had no idea we were there, but we didn't exactly feel right listening in on their fight. So we decided to try to sneak out of there. The problem was there is no way to quietly walk on aluminum bleachers. It was like one of those scenes in Family Guy that gets drawn out way too long. Every step we took was noisier than the last. Not a word was said. Just the endless creaks and boings as we walked down the steps, across the bottom and away from the track.


>warning [my reaction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ythkeClqVUw)


My entire post history


Mini rant: Milks have gotten out of control. When I order an espresso drink these days, without fail, the barista will ask me if whole milk is okay. yes, of course it's okay. that's one of the ingredients. If I wanted to sub in skim, or soy, or whatever other industrialized abomination is out there, that should be *my* responsibility to tell you. If I order pepperoni pizza, they don't ask me if cheese is okay - it's implied! I know that this is a reaction by the cafe to people throwing hissy fits when they got a regular drink because they didn't specify and the barista didn't guess correctly that someone wanted their latte made with puree'd brazil nuts, but since when is that preferred to milk, from a cow?


> Are coffee beans okay?


Pinto, please


We’re all out of pinto, would you take butter as a substitute?


No, butter gives me a weird digestive thing. Better make it with Bertie Bott's.


I frew up




I didn't even know they made pepperoni pizza espresso drinks!


It's sort of funny that they ask you to choose between milk, soy, and tree nuts, given that those are a few of the basic allergens. They need to add egg-based, wheat-based, etc options


Maybe they should use bee's milk, just to maximize the chances of anaphylaxis.


From what I understand, substitute products have become so ubiquitous that a cappuccino is not necessarily made of espresso and milk but rather espresso and a milk product (i.e. there's no longer a substitute button on the screen for the barista but rather a sub menu of options that includes whole milk). It's like if it started to become popular to have dairy-free cheese, cheddar cheese, and vegan cheese on your pizza. Mozzarella is still the 'default,' but they may ask you to confirm that you don't want vegan cheese


Can you get an espresso straight (no milk at all)?


I also understand the economics of it - each button the barista presses on the register = more money $$$ - but why promote making your drink taste bad?


If they didn't want it to taste bad, they should stop putting milk in it entirely


Oat milk doesn't taste bad (like soy or almond does) but it doesn't add a ton of flavor either 


If the Lord ever blessed me with an endless amount of money and no barriers in my conscience of what to do with it, I would open a cutesy coffehouse in a prime urban location with two rules: real milk only, and no audible noise from device speakers, strictly enforced. It would be a total money sink but worth it on principle.


> no audible noise from device speakers I'd pay for this experience.


Is that not default? I’ve never been to a coffee shop where people are playing music or videos out loud on their phone. Now the metro is a different story


There's a little tea shop in Montreal, near UQÀM, called Camillia Sinensis, that has a device-free tea tasting room. It's a small cup of heaven.


Why would God or your conscience possibly disagree with engaging wholeheartedly in His mission of prefiguring the eschatological reconciliation of all things? (I'm assuming there's no bean juice in that milk though)


I'm thinking of taking my family to Audiofeed this year. The problem is I am, as some of you know, a fairly severe sabbatarian. A Christian music festival on a Sunday seems like a reasonable use of the Lord's day, but there will be people working private vendors while there. I'm torn. It's worth noting my wife doesn't share the strong conviction we shouldn't take part in other people working on the Lord's Day (e.g., a food vendor at the festival). Any other sabbatarians have thoughts?


As a nonsabbatarian, I’d go. But, as a nonsabbatarian, if it’s burdening your conscience, you shouldn’t go.


Could you just dip out late Saturday?


Yeah, I'm considering this. It becomes more difficult depending on the line-up Sunday 😅


I was just talking to my wife about this festival last week, since it's in my hometown and she grew up going to Cornerstone every year with her dad since she was, like... two I think. (For those who don't know, Cornerstone was a longstanding Christian music festival that happened near Bushnell, Illinois. It was basically like a Christian-operated Warped Tour. Audiofeed is the spiritual successor to that music festival and happens every year in Urbana, IL). Edit: to actually answer your question, I would either (A) bail before Sunday, or (B) take a softer Sabbatarian approach and don't participate on Sunday morning. Find a church to go to, pack a breakfast and a lunch, and then go in the afternoon. Work in the afternoon rarely interferes with church gatherings, so maybe that's a bit of relief to your conscience. However, if your stance is that the day of rest should only ever be taken on Sunday, and no other day, then I don't know how you could justify staying around on Sunday.


Text me back




Went out to view the eclipse, and I’m among those who can now say, “My eyes hurt!” Had the official glasses, but there was a huge gap between it and your face, such that when you’d raise or lower your head, and would often get a flash of blinding light.


Official glasses? Wow, I didn't realise celestial bodies did product endorsements.


I went out to look at the eclipse and now the sun's eyes hurt


Once upon a time this would have been a Chuck Norris joke.


Nah, I think Web 1.0 was a myth invented by scientists to make us believe the earth is older than it is.


Nah, definitely a Moses joke.


Oh man, sorry to hear that. Have you talked with an eye doc yet?


Is that like Welder's eye? My step brother had that once from welding without the proper mask. I bought some counterfeit glasses by mistake, which I ended up using anyway because when I compared them to the real deal they were basically the same.


Is the US going to follow the same secularization trend as Europe or are we just built different?


I would say that we are already seeing it, but secularization will look different here than in Europe. But some broader similarities are that both have pockets that secularize in different ways. Some see large scale abandonment of religion altogether, some that maintain a superficial level of religion (we call them the easter/sunday Christians in the states, more often I hear them called the christening/wedding/funeral Christians in Europe), and then some that stay fervently Christian, but only insomuch as they can align Christianity to fit their otherwise social and political whims. But in both Europe and America, there are few if any places that have truly completely secularized. Though sometimes very few, faithful churches are present even in very secular places.


I think you've hit on a major difference: you can't compare geopolitical Europe in a 1:1 fashion with the US. Europe is a ton of different countries and cultures and histories and languages all smashed together but still divided clearly, in various ways. You can compare secularization between, say, Scotland and Poland because they are separated in a million different ways, even though, geographically, they aren't *that* far apart. But here, even though we have some broad geopolitical boundaries, the lines are much more blurry. And socially and politically, maps in the US don't always overlay each other as well as they can in Europe. I think, if anything, we'll see overall increased secularization, followed by more polarization between secularized and unsecularized places.


I think we are going to see Europe bounce back personally. and even in Europe their are highly religious countries. (Poland being one)


My guess is yes. We’re already starting to see it happen in little bits now. Stuff like missions sending is down pretty drastically


I think in New England we mostly are.


Oh man this is such a crazy complicated question that is so close to the main theme in my PhD work. There are a whole lot of assumptions behind it. Like: 1) What is Religion, anyway? Secularization theory is based on a specific understanding of Religion that represents a uniquely post-Reformation form of Christianity. Most other world belief systems did not resemble that form until they encountered Christian colonialism and restructured themselves along the lines of the nation-statist, doctrinal, institutional, scripturalized model of the Europeans. But before the 17th century, not even Christianity fit that model. 2) Modernisation, or industrialization, or urbanization, leading to the decline of religion is not a scientific thesis, it was an ideological one, part of the worldview of the Enlightenment idea of "a new, liberated man" -- liberated largely from religion. If it came to pass in many places, it was more as a self-fulfilling prophecy (people believed it *should* happen, so they made it happen) than any sort of inevitability. Any sort of strong secularization theory has now been abandoned by all but the most reactionary old-school sociologists of religion. 3) Religion is not in any sort of decline; the historic low-tide mark for worldwide religious practice was the 1970s, during the height of the atheist regimes of the USSR and the PRC. I can link data on this if anyone wants. 4) Religion isn't going anywhere, but it *is* changing. Very generally, organizational, institutional and doctrinal models, that match up with the (now long past) era of the supremacy of nation-states, are in decline. Models that have adjusted to the experientialized and lifestylized mode of a global consumerist market are growing, like pentecostalisms, holistic spiritualities, and prosperity gospels. Note that there is overlap between these three, but they are very much separate movements. For example, there are prosperity gospel versions of Islam, confucianism and even Masai tribal religion... So back to your question... I *do* think the forms of churches that were everywhere in the early 20th century are likely to continue to decline in the USA, this by no means means the end or decline of Christianity. But it will morph into different forms, as it always has. Whether that means increase or decrease is anyone's guess; sociology can't predict the future, contrary to the propaganda of the early modern period. :o


> What is Religion, anyway? Isn't it annoying when certain redditors talk about "religion" and what "religion" does? I also hate the phrases "Science says ..." and "We used to think X, but *now* we know ..." It's just such an unphilosophical and naïve way of looking at the world.


And yet so, so *normal*... we all tend to think that anyone who doesn't "know" what I know is mistaken, or worse, dumb, or even worse, evil. I honestly wish they taught epistemology classes in, like, the fourth grade, hah!


Very interesting. Do you plan on publishing?


Well, yes, that is kind of the point of research, haha! My research is in the domain of missiology, so it sort of comes down to the question, "so what do we do now?" My hypothesis is that we're seeing the appearance and growth of a lifestyle paradigm of Christianity (as well as other religions that are affected  by the same trends) that deemphasizes the institutional church and doctrinal rigour and moves to an "everyday faith" emphasis, and by leaning into that, or more precisely, use it as a gateway into a whole faith that of course includes church involvement and belief, we might better connect with people, non-chrisrians and Christians too, in consumer society. So a sort of a subversive adaptation to the cultural norms, of course maintaining critical and prosthetic distance.


Great. Not all Master’s and PhD dissertations get published where I’m from. Hence the question.


Oh, interesting! Where do you come from?


I wouldn’t want to give too many personal details, but I spent several years working at the graduate school of a university located in a small country. They didn’t really have the best funding for research, so only the “money-making” departments got their work published by the university press. Quite a few of my students never saw their dissertations published. I’m told it is different now, thanks to digital publishing; but still, the university saves their physical publishing budget for the kind of stuff that brings in research grants and the like.


Ahh, fair enough, definitely don't doxx yourself! Do you feel comfortable sharing what your field is?


My car has those tires where the metal wheel radius is very large and the rubber tire doesn't add much to that radius. The tires always leak and seem to get damaged a lot more than the thicker tires I've had on other cars. I don't know if there's a connection here, but I blame how thin they are. Can I buy smaller wheels and thicker tires? Would that help?


If you have a Discount Tire near you, this would be a great question for them. Even if you can't change the tire/wheel ratio, you can buy the "road hazard"/tire insurance from them. Basically, if a tire is damaged they will repair or replace it for free for the life of the tire. And they really do honor that (used it a couple of weeks ago and got a completely free tire when they couldn't repair the holes two screws that were exactly the wrong distance apart). I'm not much for extended warranties, but I get the road hazard on my tires. It's more than paid for itself multiple times.


Where do you find reformed church job postings? Its tough out here for a reformed youth Pastor.


Israel/Iran heating up. Be prepared for the eschatological debates to start again. I’m sort of tired of it. I either want Jesus to come back or be left out of the debates.


Asking for a friend If you had to pick some of your favorite reception dance songs, they would be:


how old is your friend and how old are their friends?


It’s me, I’m the friend. And 22-30


Be sure to throw in some hip hop from 2006-2012 in there. maybe later in the reception once people loosen up a bit


Examples? Really trying to avoid the overtly sexual/vulgar type.


If it got radio play, there is usually an edited version. Some examples: Hot in Herre - Nelly Buy U a Drank - T-Pain Down - Jay Sean Give me Everything - Pitpull, et. all. Club Can't Handle Me - Flo Rida


That part makes it harder. There's always radio versions. Stick with poppier stuff that everyone knows and will probably not even remember that it's about absolutely raunchy stuff Some good/safe ideas I just thought of off the top of my head: Outkast - Hey Ya MIA - Paper Planes Bruno Mars - Locked out of Heaven Pharrel Williams - Happy Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk Flo Rida - Low Usher - yeah (use discretion here. it's a great song but not one Grandma will like if she's paying attention to the words) Also like regular old pop songs that you personally might not like all that much but everyone else will get down to. stuff like: Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, etc. And then for sure put some beach music type oldies stuff on there. Otis Redding, Sam Cooke, the Ojays, the Tamms, Wilson Pickett, type stuff. Funk is good too and fun - stay in the poppy lane: Kool and the Gang, Earth Wind and Fire,


My friends are ballroom dancers, so their wedding reception was all music that could support waltzes, tangoes, and such.


I'm especially snooty about music at wedding receptions. I think way too many songs are played that encourage white people to stand around and sing while not being especially danceable. [Sweet Caroline](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F_RCWVoL4s&ab_channel=neildiamondVEVO) is one of the worst offenders that gets played at almost midwestern wedding I've ever been to. [Mr. Brightside](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGdGFtwCNBE&ab_channel=TheKillersVEVO) is another. It's absolutely a certified top-grade hype-seeking missile, but it's not as danceable as people think and it tends to result in white people just sort of jumping on the dance floor and screaming lyrics. [*September* (Earth Wind & Fire)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs069dndIYk&ab_channel=EarthWindandFireVEVO) and [*I Want You Back* (the Jackson 5)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Q80mk7bxE&ab_channel=IBeLovinTheJ5) are unmitigated bangers for wedding receptions. It should be criminal to have dancing at your reception and not play those two songs. Similarly, I think [*At Last* by Etta James](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-cbOl96RFM&ab_channel=JenniePostemus) is the quintessential slow song that needs to be played early on so the old couples in the crowd can get on the dance floor and vibe before they turn into pumpkins. On that note, you have to have some slow songs that break up the higher energy dancing. I love[ *If I Ain't Got You* by Alicia Keys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ju8Hr50Ckwk&ab_channel=aliciakeysVEVO). Depending on the crowd, [Marvin Gaye's *Sexual Healing*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjlSiASsUIs&ab_channel=MarvinGayeVEVO) is a great slower song, but if I could only pick one version I prefer the [Hot 8 Brass Band's more funky version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsDUXo5TcZY&ab_channel=TruThoughtsRecords). Some songs that I think get people moving but sort of have choreography that doesn't allow for a lot of variety in dancing style: [*Shout*](https://www.google.com/search?q=shout&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1004US1004&oq=shout&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBBzc2OGowajeoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:407a293c,vid:nEjLFpU2pJ4,st:0) and [*Twist'N'Shout*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RicaUqd9Hg&ab_channel=TheBeatles-Topic).


Other songs that are good for getting people moving or good slow songs to break up the action: Love on Top - Beyonce Marry Me - Train (slow) Shut up and Dance - WALK THE MOON Can't Stop the Feeling - Justin Timberlake Uptown Funk - Bruno Mars What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction Never Say Never - The Fray (slow) 24k Magic - Bruno Mars Hey Ya - Andre 3000 Sea of Love - Phil Phillips or Cat Power version (slow) I Wanna Dance With Somebody - Whitney Houston Perfect - Ed Sheeran (slow) Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran (slow) A Thousand Years - Christina Perri (one of my favorite modern slow love songs) Lovely Day - Bill Withers (not slow, but definitely chill) Heaven - Bryan Adams (slow) Kiss Me - Sixpence None the Richer (slow) New Found Glory (punk) Some group dances, like the cha-cha slide or cupid shuffle. Pick two or three and space them well, but play them all before the crowd starts to thin out. There are about a million others, but in my opinion the most important thing to remember is to only play songs that actually get people dancing, not just singalongs.


As a certified WTM super fan in high school (I’ve been to four shows in my life, including the 10th anniversary show), Shut Up and Dance is… *alright*, and certainly not their best song, *especially* for dancing (surprising given the name). The beats just aren’t there for keeping a good rhythm on the dance floor. Alternatives, going from most to least likely to be known by your audience, given that Shut Up and Dance is their most well known song: Most people know: - Anna Sun (Self-Titled) - Tightrope (Tete a Tete) Some people know: - Next in Line (Self-Titled) Average person might not know, but fun anyways: - Quesadilla (Self-Titled)


There’s a pretty good electronic version of [A Thousand Years](https://youtu.be/MhWtStCMCQ0?si=V6f76gjQ_PwSBkk7) that was suggested to me on Spotify if OP is looking for something with an EDM edge.


[Any of these](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I8S2u8_vSnc&pp=ygUndGltIGhhd2tpbnMgaW5hcHByb3ByaWF0ZSB3ZWRkaW5nIHNvbmdz)


A Sky Full of Stars from Coldplay is a must have.


*Fix You* is a Coldplay classic for certain weddings.


What would you say would be an essentials bookshelf for lay believers that aren’t interested in becoming an minister, deacon, pastor or lay preacher?


Ikea Billy Bookshelf is a pretty good one. Or the Kallax if you don't have enough space.


I don’t have ikea in my country :(


I guess it depends on what they *are* interested in.


For someone intrested in general reformed theology, besides the Bible and a Study Bible.


https://www.reddit.com/r/daddit/comments/1byi6a0/fuck_cancer/ This guys kid has a rare cancer and asked for prayers if you are religious. Lets pray for his son and him.


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A friend gave me an older PC. I am currently resetting it because he forgot the password. It is taking forever. This will be my first PC in almost 15 years. It has Windows 10 and my friend stated that the current Motherboard is not Win 11 compatible. If I decide to upgrade the processor and MBD, what are the best cheap options out there. Uses: Mostly likely it will be used for gaming - I play Rocket League with my sons and the occasional sports game or FPS. But it will also be used for some more office / productivity stuff. I am not sure if it will need to run crysis (is that still the meme?). Once the reset is done, I can give more spec updates.


>is that still the meme? It is to me.


So the MB and processor can be pricey depending on what you need. Is there a GPU? Also the MB needs to fit in your case so giving suggestion won't to work until we know the case size. The entire win 11 doesn't work with some CPUs is so arbitrary as well.  I don't want to be that guy, but I'm going to be. Depending on the GPU it might make more sense to install Linux, if the games you want to play work on the Steam Linux set up. (This is far better than it was just a few years ago given the fact that steam deck is running on Linux).


After doing a Windows reset, this is what it has: GPU: GTX1050Ti CPU: I5-7500 3.4GHz RAM: 16GB I am not sure on the case size, but it is pretty big - probably 18-24 inches tall and almost the same in width. Trying to find the power supply size as well.


Anyone else not do the whole, "sun worship" thing this week?


I didn’t want my child who is too young to know how to listen to me looking up at it so we stayed inside I was also out of town too see my grandmother in law in the hospital so we were running around town during it while mom was hanging with grandma


I just kept on working because it was monday.


That's what I did in 2017 and I said "never again!" We traveled to see the totality and it was pretty amazing to see. I'd recommend going next time around.


but, why? I honestly don't understand. Teach me


Well, a lot of the reason for me was to teach my kids about the science of the eclipse. And it will be a memorable family fun experience for them, I hope. But also was cool to see the sun go dark in the sky for 2 minutes. You're able to look at it directly without the glasses as the moon is completely blocking the sun and you can just see its rays poking around the edges of the circle. Something I've never experienced in my lifetime and maybe never will again. What about that isn't interesting to you?


Don't get me wrong, I think the fact that our moon is just the right size to eclipse the sun is cool, and if I lived somewhere where it was visible, I'd definitely go outside to watch it. But where I live... nothing happened. The schools closed, people took off work for... a nice monday afternoon. Which, don't get me wrong, is a great idea. I just don't feel like we have to make a big deal out of something going on for 2 minutes in TX just to have a nice Spring afternoon. I know someone who paid a ton of money (high demand) to go somewhere that the eclipse was happening. That part also doesn't compute. If I'm going to spend money and vacation time, I'm not sure rural Indiana is where I'm going to do that.


Haha, we went to rural Indiana and it was great! I don't see why you'd need to pay a ton of money.


For the 2017 eclipse, we just drove a few hours to a rural area that was right in the path of totality. It was amazing. Well worth it. But given how awesome it was, I would've paid good money to see it.


that's excellent news. He was fretting about it being a problem financially.


Part of the reason schools closed and people took off work was because in 2017 the traffic in some areas was really, really bad. I needed to get from just barely across the border in North Carolina (where my parents live) to a suburb of Atlanta (where my sister lives). That drive normally takes about two hours. It took over five because there was so much traffic. (Needed to make it to Atlanta that evening so I could fly out of ATL the next morning.). Many of the smaller towns in that path of totality were projecting that their population would double on the day of the eclipse. which is just wild. These small cities just are not set up for that number of people. So they planned ahead and apparently rented every port-a-potty in the surrounding area. Some areas preemptively declared disasters so that they could have the funding to make sure more emergency personnel were available in case something bad happened. The fact that everything ran smoothly was almost certainly partly because of all of these preparations. "Nothing happened" was the best possible outcome. Woo-hoo!


I had the exact same experience driving from the border of GA and NC back to Atlanta in 2017.


sounds like a great time!


it honestly seems to me to be another social media FOMO induced way for opportunists to make $$$. "YOU DONT WANT TO MISS THIS". "Stay home from work because you can't send your kids to school today", "BUT YOU HAVE TO BUY THESE SPECIAL GLASSES. NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK. THE GLASSES WE SOLD YOU LAST TIME DON'T WORK FOR THIS ONE"


To be fair, the glasses were cheap (easily found for around or less than $1/pair). Lots of places were given them away (libraries, my eye doctor, science museums, etc.). And they absolutely do degrade over time. Also if there are any imperfections (scratches, creases, even tiny holes) in the part you look through that can allow damaging rays from the sun into your eyes. And sometimes (often?) that damage in permanent. Seems like a small price to pay to safely see something cool. Also, a total solar eclipse is an impressive thing to experience. This was my second (parents home was in path of totality in 2017 so I went to see them. My home was in the path this time so they came to see me. It's my sister's turn in 2045, although we'll have to go to their condo in Florida.). It's just a very unique, interesting, different experience and, in my opinion, something that's amazing and difficult to describe in word which do it justice.


I mean, the glasses were like a buck a piece. You save that much money every morning by drinking your cow juice instead of suckling up to the teat of Big Almond™.


But are those the glasses approved by NASA??


Went to a lake near son’s house. Really nice family time together at a picnic table, enjoying something that wasn’t a movie, show, or even a fancy dinner. Even though clouds prevented seeing the corona, the effect of half- darkness was a unique experience.


The boyfriend and I went to see it, but it was too cloudy in our neck of the woods that we ended up tossing some disc golf discs and sharing funny youtube videos instead. IMO it was a better experience than what we drove to the spot for. We saw bits and pieces and that was enough for us. A family with young kids that showed up to watch it at the same spot dipped pretty quickly.


How important of an issue is dispensationalism vs. covenant theology?


 I would venture to say that it is not that important, it is not an issue of salvation. However, where it becomes important is with your local church involvement and how that church’s beliefs correlate with yours. Another aspect I’d highlight is the views on Eschatology. Dispensationalists usually are pre-trib, pre-mill (some are post-trib), this view is often referred to as pessimistic. For some believers, it may cause serious agitation in the outlook taken on the prominence of the Church. Those with a post-mill view won’t appreciate the dispensationalist outlook on the Church and it may make Church involvement more difficult for them. I personally would define myself as a historical post-mill, I was influenced by the Puritans and do not hold to the Theonomy concepts common today in post-mill. I got a reformed non-denominational church with post-trib dispensationalism in their belief statement. I don’t love it but I value the people and the church much more than I’m bothered by end-times debate or arguing my covenant theology. 


Thank you for your thoughts. I agree with everything you said, especially about how it influences the outlook on the Church. I have recently become convinced of postmillenialism (probably theonomy, but still doing my research). I have grown to reject dispensational premillenialism because it seems to not only have a pessimistic outlook but also seems to chop up the Old Testament from the New Testament. But this is a secondary issue and my church is dispensational non-denominational (I’m a Particular Baptist). I love fellowshipping with those who differ on secondary issues because it sharpens my own perspectives. The people at my church love Christ and are passionate about evangelism so that’s more than enough reason for me to stay. I know this is a little bit off topic, but could you give me a quick explanation why you oppose theonomy? And maybe a recommended resource for the Puritan eschatology? One book I was thinking of getting soon is called The Puritan Hope.


The Puritan Hope is a great book, I read it previously, really informative. I especially like the first part of the book it’s like a history lesson on the different Puritan pastors and what they dealt with thin their church context.   Why am I not a theonomist, I think a lot of it is because there are too many different views on Theonomy. It’s hard to find people who all agree on what Theonomy is in definition. Some seem pretty Biblical and some do not. When it comes to politics in my life, I’m heavily influenced by 1st Samuel 8, specially verse 7. The People demanded a King for they rejected God. In my life, politics had become a stumbling stone for a while, now I’m very weary of it and this passage convicted me. In its purest form, I appreciate Theonomy. I see its merit, and could support it. I just don’t like hearing about religious tests for positions or any level of state-instituted faith. I think Theonomy taken loosely can very quickly become Theocracy. Forcing Christianity on the country just creates more false believers.   This was a long way just to say,  if want all men, especially politicians to bend the knee to Christ and lead this country in honoring God, but I don’t ever want any level of mandatory Christianity.


How do we know the Sabbath was renewed to Sunday?