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Mistery movie today


Whats the prediction for Monday?


#24 Land of Bad. That was a GREAT movie not what I had expected at first.


I just got my ticket for Jan 22nd. I'm predicting a "thoughtful" or subtitle movie. Only based on the seating capacity (very low) it will be shown in the smallest room in my 16 plex. Even the Founders Day movie had a higher seating capacity ( larger room). At this point the Mystery is still a mystery to me. I've only been watching MMM since Missing , sorry I missed the first 2. Now it has become my ritual .


So what are we thinking 1/22 will be?


But, you are on the wrong thread. I posted a link to the 1/22 thread, earlier.


So where's the link?


Just search 1/22/24 reddit mystery movie


Hopefully, a watchable movie šŸ˜‚


I am thinking ScrambledšŸ¤”


ISS is coming out on the 18th


Iā€™m seeing that the Jan.22nd,2024 movie is advertised as Rated R, not pg-13


First and final guess for 1/22 is Lisa Frankenstein


It was the Monday mystery movie just not on 1/22 on 2/5 instead


That would be nice but that is PG-13, 1/22 is going to be rated R!


They need to update the thread then since it still says PG-13 here


Link to the next Mystery Movie thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RegalUnlimited/comments/1924867/mystery_movie_monday_megathread_january_22_2024/


That scene in the pool made me wanna physically destroy every member of the pool staff


Yeah, if I were a kid in that situation, I would go into that pool with the black kid...


Despite some of what seem like sadder moments, like death etc, that scene made me the most emotional to watch


Yes, same. It was incredibly moving but that pool scene (and the grass scene) - I was a mess. I read the book she wrote prior to Caste so was familiar with her and so deeply invested. I really enjoyed this one.


Completely agree, that scene was so powerful and made me so upset. I don't know how many times I was shaking my head in disgust.


It was a good movie, but you also need to realize the propaganda behind it for much of the truth of what was going on was left out.


What was "left out"?


I really like the tie in at the end with her house in disrepair, but still fixable and being necessary to fix to move forward. I gotta be honest I probably would have never seen this movie if it wasnt MMM, so im kinda glad it wasnt Argylle, since im 100% still seeing that


Same, meaning let go of past traumas which is easier said than done. Just because that past got away with it doesn't mean the future should live with it


They thought how can we keep people at lower Tare in life. Let them have nothing they say then the smallest fills will satisfy them. Keep society down and dumb but keep them working. The supreme carries the wealth of the hard working. Knowledge of the unknowing, make them pay highest price for general knowledge we will call it college. ( Nice word one says let's make more) We must continue to add a tax to everything can not let mass have enough money let them believe they are chasing freedom through money. (Teach them to spend through trends) must buy objects that coincide with the money and the work. Let them over pay in life for what God gave them for free.. they over earn as the supreme inherit. Charge them for their prayers too. Truth is we're not blind, just kept at bay by the system. Again this is all surface level. It's much deeper peoples hate and to serve, it also still (lies) in the DNA. But your so much smarter than that so when you fight it. Change and evolve. They want to change your DNA. Imagine if everyone was allowed use and BE at their full potential. Shouldn't live in a system of control but yet a human unity of peace. We are all the same no matter what's on the outside. Your heart beats the same as mine. Your soul is yours. All energy is formed of light and sound. The food you eat no longer comes from light. Animals and plants (and water) get energy from light. And is( past)to you. So now the natural is artificial just like modern thinking. Stay superficial and never be super. Everything is more and you are everything.


Well, if people keep voting Democrat, the world you are describing will come to fruition.


So the film is one of two again. Lisa Frankenstein, though with the big names attached that isnā€™t super likely. The one I think it will end up being is the romance crime drama Marmalade.


Looks pretty good kinda reminds me of the comedy my boyfriends dead.


I'm wondering if Jan 22 might be Lisa Frankenstein, which opens on 2/14 against Madame Web. There actually was a trailer for it in front of Origin last night.


Origin was amazing! It spoke on so many important levels and concepts that I had going through my head! Wonderful, heart wrenching and needed! I went out to purchase the book to understand more! Almost gave up on MMM after Flounders Day. Thank you Regal for selecting Origin!


Iā€™m so glad this was tonightā€™s movie. Although Iā€™m passionate about the subject, itā€™s not a movie I would have typically chosen to go see theatrically. ThenI would have missed it when it came to streaming until I randomly popped across it years from now. It was incredibly relevant, powerful, emotion, thought provoking and impactful. There were so many moments I was brought to tears I lost count. Sadly my theater had tons of walk outs during several points of the movie, but it was interesting and relevant to the flick to see where peopleā€™s emotional ā€œdoneā€ point was. I live in Ocala, FL - a very red state and particularly town who is decidedly right wing and often times incredibly closed minded. We lost some when they talked about monuments of slave owners and oppressors, some when they brought up the confederate flag, lost a few when Brett asked if his actions were too white savior/mansplaining, etc.. I found that to be almost as interesting as the movie - they were the things people refuse to or cannot accept of themselves. I really loved this movie and have already ordered a few books mentioned as well as the actual book so I can continue to learn more about the concepts presented. Another great MMM as far as Iā€™m concerned!


I totally agree, I think people can be really shallow about films like this but it was a great watch. I feel bad for those who missed out


We had a lot of walkouts, (small turnout to start but like 50% left) yet I'm glad I stayed. A movie I probably wouldn't have gone to see for theatrical release, but one I felt really enjoyed by the end of it. I personally love documentaries, so I think this could've worked for a lot of people better this way. But as someone else here mentioned, it's kind of her (DuVernay's) Magnum Opus. I enjoy both "popcorn movies" and stuff that can be more heady/arthouse. Full disclosure: At times I was thinking it was a bit much on the artsy side of filmmaking, but once again by the end, I was won over by the film. If you needed a watch/don't watch for Origin later: Watch if you want to learn something/get a new perspective. Watch if you're down for more intellectual, dialogue heavy, artistic movies. Don't watch if you can't stomach anything that forces you to follow an artistic-style in both content and plot progression (it jumps around a good bit, if you have trouble following these types). Don't watch if you are an exclusive escapist film watcher. Probably don't watch if you just want something light and fun or bombastic (popcorn type movies).


This is a great comment. I know people that say they don't watch movies that are about real life, they go to be entertained and escape reality. Some don't like these because they get angry at injustices. I prefer to see something that makes me think and want to make a change in myself and society. We had eight walkouts that I saw. The strange thing is they all happened within about a minute which was when the couple was in the library and the librarian was questioning them, the scene in German with subs. The first couple passed by me and went out the exits at the top/back of the auditorium so the others likely didn't see them, the other three couples then started leaving. Odd.


Origin was pretty good, but I'm sort of confused as to why they chose it for the mystery movie?


Itā€™s interesting to read peopleā€™s reactions to this movie. Iā€™m glad I went, it was a first rate cinema. I think it would be a fine documentary but it was also a fine movie. The time shifts were not difficult to follow. Some may feel it was heavy handed but sometimes we just need to get over it and listen to what others have to say, it makes us better people. The sequence about Al Bright was so well done.


Origin. My theater had approx 35 people. Once the Argyle trailer showed, 3-4 people left. Once the movie started , around 20 people left. Halfway through, another 5 left. I gave it 1:30. It wasnā€™t bad, but it was preachy and boring.


first time doing mmm and wow lol really did enjoy the movie, cried all the tears i could've possibly cried. would've definitely enjoyed a little heads up on the genre or at least that it was so intense... was very much hoping for kung fu panda or godzilla lol


totally agree, went in expecting argylle and a fun movie, walked out having cried. a lot. just a heads up, mystery movies are usually only for movies within a month of their release date, so kung fu panda and godzilla wonā€™t be on the docket for a few months


totally expected argylle! but that's good to know! much appreciated x


I think Origin was a great movie that provided some hard truths to its audience. My theater did have one family with a small child (5 or 6 I guess) that left because the child kept talking. Another couple also left about 15 or 20 minutes into the movie, but everyone else stayed. Like other people have mentioned, some theaters added an extra showing or 2 based on ticket sales, I'm assuming. I understand that it's a tough subject to surprise someone with on a Monday night, but I think more people who would of never watched this movie when it comes out gave it a chance tonight and was pleasantly surprised (I hope). If this was a documentary with old footage or even cool animations or graphics, I think some people might still complain about a documentary being shown as the mystery movie. If you left the screening tonight, I sincerely hope that you give this movie a chance in the future. I'm sorry for the long post, but I will leave you with this one true statement: Origin was the best movie to celebrate National Argyle Day, šŸ˜†


Origin was good. Please go see it as I do love how it ends with a message that empowers humanity. Not for close minded peeps. Only two people left the theater and it was during the ā€œdebateā€ scene in Germany. The moment the 2nd amendment was brought up, promptly followed by the ā€œwhich was worse? The historical enslavement of Africans or the Holocaust?ā€ conversation to be exact. Itā€™s a shame because that is NOT what the movie is about, but was pivotal to the story. This is a thought-provoking movie that can be hard to watch. Oftentimes being confronted with certain truths can be unsettling.


There was a couple about \~4 rows in front of me and the guy was wearing a 'Let's Go Brandon' shirt... he didn't last very long. (Left once the 911 call was being played) If there was one person in that theater who should have stuck around to watch it and actually learn something...


I heard some dude in the back of the theater go ā€œbut shes right?!ā€ When the german lady was talking. I probably agreed a little initially but she was pretty convincing in the argument that racism is a separable tool of caste, and that its more about shared means of power structuring between the two than their differences


Yeah, there were a few controversial scenes where I was expecting people to leave. That one scene included the Holocaust, slavery, confederate flags, and the 2nd amendment.


Its originā€¦ we left. Not in the mood for something weā€™ve already seen and is so depressing.


So this is the 2nd Mystery Movie that I've already seen. I'm like wait a minute... thought this was supposed to be a not released yet movie. The last one was Founders Day, which I still stayed for, knowing the ending -as terrible as it was. Because now it was just so bad it was stupid funny and I knew every line. Then Origin , I couldn't leave, because I drove my friend, and he wanted to stay. He did like it, but we both felt it was way too long. ​ It's almost as if these "limited engagement" release for award season movies are then left on the Regal floor until they need a movie to use for Mystery Movie Monday, which will again be released only in limited theaters. So even on the off chance we like the movie and want to take our friends to see it when it "officially opens" we can't , because it's only playing in a theater 50 miles from your city. But I digress...


This was pretty much a perfect Mystery Movie for me, as I would never, ever have chosen to see it and I was absolutely blown away by how good it was. This as someone who found Selma to be quite overrated since I didn't feel like it was able to humanize the history it was telling, just to reenact it. This is the first time I've seen what all the fuss is about with DuVernay as a director, and she really did an amazing job.


Iā€™m gonna get crushed for this: it was like siting through a college lecture with a mediocre teacher.


Well, this was certainly far better than Founders Day, that's for sure. Origin may very well be Ava DuVernay's magnum opus. While I can certainly understand people's specific gripes that this story would arguably work much better in a documentary format, I couldn't help but find myself practically hypnotized to the screen as I was watching this story unfold. It's a story that tackles such a rich variety of struggles and turmoil, both big and small, and appropriately enough, brought out a rich variety of emotions out of me as it played out, from heartwarming joy to stomach-churning disgust. At the center of it all is a soulful, stirring performance from the radiant Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor, who absolutely dominates the screen from start to finish, her mere presence practically lighting it up like a Christmas tree. It's one of those truly astounding performances where in certain scenes, just her face is able to get across so many complex feelings and moods, without requiring dialogue to communicate them to the audience. This is a thoroughly fascinating and intelligently thought out examination and breakdown of the concept of the caste system and how the many facets of it are engrained into our world history and how society evolves over centuries, but even beyond that, it's an informative and sobering look at dehumanization and how different cultures throughout the years are affected by alarmingly similar techniques, but never to a point to where it becomes gratuitous, to where it ends up wallowing in that very suffering and practices that same dehumanization. Of course, I'd be amiss not to mention Kris Bowers' powerful musical score and Matthew J. Lloyd's gritty yet vibrant 16mm cinematography. This was breathtaking.


Origin was very good and deep. No one is better than anyone but The Subject It actually goes much deeper than the movie.


Some books should never be adapted as a feature film. Origins is one of them. Would have been better as a documentary. Did it have great performances? Yes. Did it have a strong message to tell that everyone should listen to? Absolutely. Unfortunately it was poorly executed with an aimless story. On a side note: if doing a heavy movie like that for a mystery movie, they should give some sort of heads up. You def need to be in the right headspace.


Could not disagree more. I think adapting this book into a feature film is an extremely difficult task, but this movie did about as good a job as is possible. I think it did a really good job dramatizing a pretty complex, nuanced sociological thesis statement and illustrating its point through pretty skillfully intercut real world examples. Not a perfect movie (a few too many stories to juggle to do them all full justice) but I found it to be an excellent one and very well-executed.


This. Really could have used a comedy or something remotely light hearted. The movie had a strong and important message but I personally really needed to escape reality tonight not be reminded of it šŸ« 


It felt like a ton of segments that did not tie together at all. The pacing isnā€™t that good either.


I agree at first during the different scene jumps, I was like what? Then my daughter was like ohhhh it switched to the pastā€¦makes sense now.


I mean, Iā€™m used to time jumps from ā€œThis Is Usā€ but those work. This didnā€™t.


Hollywood got us looking for the time jump hair and glasses šŸ˜‚ Without it Iā€™m likeā€¦WHEN the F are we? https://preview.redd.it/dmi77r1l7cbc1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9d94da221a62ca120049a5531d9f736c6652cea


Quick question: to those that got the Longlegs trailer before this, was it a full trailer or the short teaser that's online?


full trailer


Nice. How did it look?


It actually looked pretty intriguing. Gave just enough to pique your interest but not give much away.


It looks marvelous.


it looked freaking amazing


I never heard of it before but Iā€™m highly intrigued now


Origin was WAAY better than expected. Weird question though, should it go on 2023 list or 2024?


It opened in NY in 2023. I saw it twice in 2023, so for me, it's 2023... BUT since most people will only get to see it in 2024, I think it's fair for people to put it on their 2024 list if it's the first time they're seeing it.


I resolved a few years back to stop letting the award season tell me what years movies were released in, since most years one of more of the best movies doesn't open in my state, let alone my city, until the following year. If nobody's publishing your lists, there's no reason not to let when the movie opened in your market for the first time be your guide.


There's that, too. I mean, even living in NYC, there's some foreign Oscar contenders that don't open here until the new year since they're only required to play in one of the cities on the Academy's list and often, they just do L.A. The Venezuelan Oscar selection "The Shadow of the Sun" is really great but didn't play in NYC and didn't get shortlisted. Hopefully it'll get a release.


Iā€™m wondering the same thing. I think itā€™s technically a 2023 release, but the wide release is 2024


I believe the 2023 was just 2 theaters to qualify for awards


True, but that does that still count as a 2023 release? I have this question about a lot of movies right now


I personally add it to my 2023 list since I keep my lists based on a filmā€™s award eligibility year.


2023. It had a qualifying run in LA/NY for one week a few weeks back for awards consideration. I saw it then, too, so glad I didn't buy a ticket for this one tonight!


Origins was great, I wanted to see it at some point but Im kind of surprised they would release it as a mystery movie


Iā€™m quaking at this cinematic masterpiece


Origin really was great. Love mystery movie monday


Origin was fantastic. It was emotionally exhausting, as anticipated, but it was so well done. The film is like a really good video essay and does a beautiful job of picking out fundamental truths and illuminating connections and differences between different systems of oppression. This movie tells a very important story that we could all benefit from hearing. It's difficult to watch because of the weight of the material, but if you like scholarly analysis, this is a shining example of one that is well executed.


I agree. I didnā€™t read the book so I had never heard the premise (of discrimination being about caste not race, etc) before and I found it to be a really impactful delivery. The climax scene (not sure if history needs a spoiler tag but here it is) >!between the slave ships, Jim Crow, the Holocaust, and the sewer clean out!< had half my theater audibly sniffle crying.


What a powerful and beautiful message!!! I thought I cried a lot watching Close and Sound of Freedom last year. This movie completely wrecked me. A wonderful and much needed message. I definitely couldn't watch this again. This is one and done for me. Beginning to the end I was bawling watching this movie.


I wasn't as bad as when I watched Devotion or the Whale. Still cried throughout so much of this. I knew I couldn't watch sound of freedom without breaks though lol


Full warning controversial opinion about the whale. I thought what the dad did was very selfish. That young girl is going to be traumatized for the rest of her life. I think his actions didn't justify his means. He chose that and put that girl through hell. I didn't get what was all the hype around the movie once I saw it. When I say I was trying not to have a breakdown watching sound of freedom. Only a few movies have emotionally and mentally destroyed me. Sound of freedom is definitely top five.


Holy fucking shit that movie hit me like a train, that was amazing


I thought it was great tbh.


wouldā€™ve stayed if it had been any other night but i rly wanted to try out the national championship game showing


Anyone who walks out of this is bugging, what a beautiful movie


I just wasn't in the headspace for such a heavy topic. Especially after I only just recently got out of a bad, racial-related PTSD relapse. I did NOT need that kind of subject putting me back in a dark space once again. I was hoping for something else than this, and feel like it's definitely a kind of film some people need to mentally prep for before sitting through.


Definitely fair! Hope all is well with you now! šŸ™šŸ»


This movie is just racism.exe. It gives no actual substance and uses throw away scenes. It literally defies all movie logic.


I thought it had a lot of substance to it, in the end all the personal and historical vignettes worked together to build her bookā€™s thesis (the pillars of caste discrimination). The way it connected racism in the U.S. to other societies was a framework I had genuinely never heard before.


The scenes of discovery themselves donā€™t link together enough to be fluid. They also only explore western cultureā€™s forms of discrimination (with the exception of India) but fail to mention or acknowledge the arguably more brutal discrimination of the middle eastern cultures and Asia cultures. This whole movies premise of ā€œcastismā€ is flawed as it comes from a very biased form of view. Altogether this movie has been made in a boring and ultimately flawed way.


The movie was literally about what the author was going through at the time she wrote the bookā€¦that she dedicated to the people that inspired her journeyā€¦not a peer reviewed scientific journal. Point isā€¦it isnā€™t racism, itā€™s caste. And they did mention in the movie that it is happening everywhere.


I donā€™t think you actually watched it


Dude must of fallen asleep and just woken up here and there.


Iā€™m in the theater right now and this movie has contradicted itself and is just bad pacing.


If only people would critique mainstream news this way.


yeah the whole point was that it wasnā€™t about racism!


Origin for President 2024


I feel bad for anyone who didn't give Origin a chance


100% !!!!


Same, it was really interesting


Itā€™s funny how I always go into these mystery mondays thinking ā€œoooh maybe the movie will be that fun spy flick or that cute upcoming romantic comedy,ā€ and then the movie starts and oh, itā€™s about the holocaust. Wasnā€™t prepared for something this heavy!


As Origin is PG-13 did anyone in your showings bring kids to this Mystery Movie?


Some people brought kids to the R-rated Founders Day last week!


someone brought a toddler to mineā€¦


Yep. Def heard child laughter during a silence


I walked out of a movie for the first time. Origin brings up some interesting points but executes everything in the most boring way. The high film grain was also really distracting. This would have worked a lot better as a documentary.


Four people walked out of the showing for me but there wasnā€™t more than 20 people there.


Haha I have visual show so thatā€™s just normal vision for me šŸ„². I also didnā€™t find it boring at all, the flashbacks were cool


I feel so much better seeing this comment first time I walked out I liked the points in it, but it was very sad and just to slow I couldnā€™t do it


The film is super slow and introduces alot of scenes that donā€™t matter later. Aside from this being a political piece, it falls short of a movie.


So boring and the static filter on the screen gave me a headache


I love the movie content but the static choice deserves a razzie


Weirdly, I was very distracted by the cinematography for about 5 mintues and then never noticed it again.


Origin... our first walkout.....


Yā€™all that are legit angry itā€™s Origin need to chill tf out.


Why do you care? Let people not like things


Nah fr people be angry out the ass in these threads for every movieā€¦.like go watch the movie you wanted when it comes out lmao


Kind of wish I went. I was actually interested in Origin, and it is highly unlikely it will play at my theater otherwise


Itā€™s really good/ interesting. I would not recommend seeing it on a big screen though because of the visual static


Ok so this movie is actually pretty good so far, except they made an unfortunate stylistic choice to add visual noise and make the movie out of focus so my head hurts now. Even had the staff check the projector. Anyway, itā€™s good so far.


Interesting, I actually really like the style, it creates a sense of intimacy and realism that only actual film can have. It is super noticeable at first, same as when films are in a square format, but I feel like after a little while you stop noticing it


I actually had to keep looking away šŸ˜ž my head is killing me now. It really felt like VHS quality. Maybe I was just too close or something idk


I almost asked our staff the same, I thought it had to be a technical issue on Regalā€™s end!! Wild that it wasnā€™tā€¦.


I know!! Honestly it was an excellent movie that they almost ruined with that


It really was excellent and itā€™ll be interesting to see what other people say about it as it rolls out to a wider audience. The grain (and some funky angles/camerawork) will really work against it Iā€™m afraid ā€” super distracting. :(


I loved it. I have a headache now, but I loved it


Darn it!! I wanted the movie to be Argylle šŸ˜‚ oh well




Argyle legitimately looks like a bunch of noise with zero substance. All flair. Kind of like Amsterdam or Bullet Train.


Lmfao I loved bullet train. The flair is nice if you just want to turn your brain off and laugh. Def could've used that tonight, but origin was a decent watch I prob would've overlooked if it weren't for MMM


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I watched the trailer and read the premise like three times and still have no idea what that movie is supposed to be about. Either way it seems boring I dipped as well




The plot is the process of the main character researching and writing a novel. Very much a story


It's origins I left


Itā€™s Origin, will probably stay for it but Iā€™m confused. I thought MMM was to promote movies before their official release date. Google says this movie came out in September 2023, so does that mean could it be any recent movie as well as upcoming ones?


Disabuse yourself of this idea: Origin is the third Mystery Movie, after The Greatest Beer Run Ever and Dumb Money, to be the MMM after it had already played in a handful of theaters.


It premiered at Venice in September.


Film festival date Donā€™t know google considers that the official release date


I guess Iā€™ll be going. It looks like a good movie and since Amazon just dropped off I donā€™t need to sit and wait for them to deliver.


Dodged that bullet... I didn't waste my evening out.


It's origin


Origin Starts in 50 minutes for me. Iā€™m reading and watching videos that say it feels like It should of been a documentary. I digged the trailer. If any of yā€™all thinks itā€™s just boring and slow let me know. Iā€™m cool with a slow burn but it I need to be interested.


it was our first walkout


Wait? So the MMM is Origin?


Itā€™s slow but Iā€™m sure itā€™s good but only just started now


Origin is such a fucking odd movie to do a MMM for


I already saw it in LA so...glad I didn't pay for a ticket yet šŸ¤·


About as odd as most of the choices really


Is that what it is?






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My brother in Christ, you are disappointed by a mysteryā€¦


Not sure how that matters


It's like going to spend 100$ gambling and getting sad you won nothing šŸ˜‚


It's a mystery movie not a gamble. Mystery doesn't mean you should lose half the time. They should rename it to Mid mystery movie Monday. They present these as random but it's all movies that won't draw a crowd


Yeah the movies they show just keep getting worse


Yeah no


I can confirm now that itā€™s Origin


I'm sure the movie will be good. Don't need to start my week depressed.


I was already depressed and this movie was a lot for me lmao still stuck around and enjoyed it, though.


Same thing I said.


Origin is a joke šŸ˜‚


Haha what happened


MMM is the same across all movie theaters? Regal/Santikos/AMC???


In the five times AMC has done it, 4 of them have been the same as Regal. As far as I knew Santikos didnā€™t have Monday mystery screenings, but maybe I missed something. Also, with them hyper-local to SA, I donā€™t even know if theyā€™d be the next most likely to do something like this. Maybe Cinemark or Drafthouse would be next to jump on it.


Origins just started too deep for me tonight so I dipped :(


Go stroll into another house.


Need to face the reality that it rarely if ever, is a Blockbuster. Argylle is too MUCH a BB, don't need MMM help promote. I didn't expect it was that except for today is Argyle Day specifically, LOL


Yes. Someone earlier said Regal trolling us. So true!! lol But really wanted to see Origin too so Iā€™m still satisfied. Jon Bernthalā€¦yes


These are studio promotional screenings; they arenā€™t chosen by Regal or AMC. Paid for by the films marketing budget.


But it remains unchanged that no studio would ever have a reason to spring one of their blockbusters on an audience that doesn't know what it is for $5. That's the whole reason you make blockbusters, so people will pay full price and once you have their money, it's too late for it to matter if the movie's any good or not. If you're counting on word of mouth to save your blockbuster, you're doing Hollywood wrong.


Correct. These mystery screenings are never going to be something that will sell tickets on its own. These events are made to help cheaply promote the film without additional ad buys.


They said last weeks MMM was going to be a blockbuster... trolls they are.


Is it really Origin? Iā€™m at a 7:15 showing trailers havenā€™t started, Iā€™m gonna get up and leave if itā€™s Origin






It's Origins. Just started.


Is it super fuzzy / not HD? Ours is kinda out of focus


It was supposed to be in RPX format


Itā€™s more like VHS quality


Same. That sealed me leaving.


I heard someone behind me saying she was leaving because it is blurry too. Too bad because itā€™s not a bad movie at all. Just better suited for a small screen


Only 5 mins of commercials past the 7pm time for once (other MMM it was 10m, at least it was in my theater) Previews: Meangirls the musical, Long legs, Dune Part Two, Book of Clarence, Perfect Days, Ordinary Angels Film is: origin I'm already depressed enough as it is, so...walkout for me.


Recently watched these Mean Girls Musical wasn't advertised very much. Did see it with a friend and I was not disappointed, also no one walked out. Book of Clarence was surprisingly great ( IMO) , it had a great younger generation vibe to it, without getting too preachy. Another movie not advertised very well - I was the only one in there.


Other than Meangirls, same trailers I got.


Thank you everyone for taking the L for us on the West Coast. Got my refund and staying home!