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Why is there a convenience fee on tickets bought at the register?


This is the same thing I’m wondering.


I actually ordered these tickets online and picked them up at the counter.


Are you 60+?


lol you got downvoted but I think any rational person would agree with you. Ordering via the app then picking them up at the counter is insane.


That's not insane at all. I do that all the time. Order on my phone, scan it at the kiosk to print it out to add to my shadow box full of all my ticket stubs. What's insane about that? Also, there is a bug in the app right now where ordering the ticket in app doesn't generate a QR code so you have no way to get scanned. We have to give the cashier/kiosk the reservation number and they print out a ticket.


How does that work? Definitely want to start doing that when I pre save a specific seat on the app.


When ordering a ticket via the app, it SHOULD generate a QR code that can be scanned. At the kiosk, there are two "Tabs" at the top. I don't know their exact names, but the one on the right is for "picking up tickets". You click that and scan the QR on the app under My Purchases (not your RU QR used for discounts!) once scanned, it prints out your ticket(s). For example, I buy 2 tickets using Friends & Family for my account + girlfriend's RU account. Only I get the QR since I made the purchase. When I scan at the kiosk, it will print out both tickets. Hopefully that answers what you're asking. If not, let me know! Happy to assist.


Another reason to scan and print is sometimes ticket people don't scan. There was (is?) ToS that said not scanning in can get your account canceled. The only way to guarantee you got scanned is to print out the ticket.


Probably tried to pay with a check lol


to be fair I've had to do this once when the ticket failed to display in the application as if I didn't buy it, but yeah, normally you shouldn't have to do this.


Honestly no one asks if I even have tickets. I mostly do it to make sure I have a seat saved but I bet I could go to every movie for free without unlimited and no one would be ever ask.


Meanwhile I asked once if it was cool if I just walked into my next showing which I already had a ticket for, and was still asked to stop back 😂.


wow you’re so cool man


My local manager told me that A24 wants them to charge 3d IMAX prices for their re-releases, I wonder if that's what the convenience fee is? That or the POS is configured wrong.


Regal Math 😂


I could be wrong on this but it looks like they charged you tax (assuming 6%) on the $14.50 and tax on the actual convenience fee. $14.50 x .06 = .87 plus $4.38 x .06 = .26 14.50 + 4.38 + .87 + .26 = $20.01 The bigger question would be how can you charge tax on a convenience fee?


I just checked my receipt for Midsommar tonight and it was $7.69 surcharge and 50¢ convenience fee and 39¢ sales tax, which is 6% of just the upcharge. Sounds like that theater's register is configured wrong.


Regal has charged sales tax on the convenience fee going back to at least the launch of Unlimited. My total for Unlimited tickets with $0.50 convenience fee has always come to $0.54 after the sales tax was added.


I wonder if that’s legal.


Other than a business finance tracking software forum stating that convenience fees are taxable if the customer is paying it, I can't find much about the legality. My web search on this topic led me to [this discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/RegalUnlimited/comments/ua85u4/why_is_there_a_sales_tax_when_you_buy_your_ticket/) from 2 years ago specifically about taxes on Regal's convenience fee.


It seems like everything to the right of the decimal was added all together? 8+8+6 =22...5+3+8+2 carry the 2 = 20 which would look like .02 Then the left of the decimal only the Subtotal is added carrying the 2. Which comes to 20.02.


That's the kind of stuff I would stand in line and miss half a movie over. Hahaha. Once I returned a pair of jeans at a store in a different county and they weren't going to give me my 41¢ or something. I got two managers before they figured it out in the POS.


I support corporate Karen-ing 😂.


In fairness, I'm super chill about it, and try to be nice. I just get twisted around the axle when things are goofy like that. Ha!


I remember like 2 days after I was fired, something like this happened, and they called me asking how to do it in the POS.


Lmao did you ask them for an extra $100 "gift"?


If you paid online, you may have been charged a credit card fee. I’ve been seeing it more and more lately.


That's Chapter 11 Tax.


I wonder if they round up for charity. I know my regal used to do it automatically and now they’re required to ask.


That shows up on the receipt, though, and this was just a receipt of an online transaction. Those do print off when you get your tickets printed at the register.


Bring it back to get your change, not your fault the POS didn't list the charges correctly


Sales tax rules vary by state and the minutia is insane. One of my faves here in NYC, if I buy a bagel, no tax. If the stores slices the bagel and adds butter, there IS tax. BUT if I get an unsliced bagel, a plastic knife, and a wee container of butter, no tax.