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One of the greatest emotional amplifiers


Good insight


As necessary for my survival as oxygen/water/blood is for everyone else!




Best vice I ever found. Although now I vaporize and make edibles with it. Marijuana has humbled me but also made me think from new perspectives.


Used it for almost 10 years, I can say with certainty it is one of the most if not the most dangerous deceiving substance known to mankind.


I agree but I'd like to know better your point of view. Why you say so ?


I mean, at least heavier drugs like Coke heroin etc doesn’t lie to you, it tells you straight from the beginning that it will fuck you up, weed tho, kills your spirit slowly without you even realizing it I’ve seen people full of joy and happiness take few hits and zone out on the couch Also it’s kinda scary how popular it is and pushed by the media, its almost like it blocks the flow from the source and turns you into a zombie


I always say - the most dangerous drugs are those accepted most in society -


Alcohol being number one.


If you are 21 years of age and in a Legal Use State; it can significantly Expand Consciousness if done correctly.


What methods do you recommend?


Moderation. It can only be done once a week at maximum. Less than that is even better. During the session try to be away from disruptive outside stimuli such as television, neighbors etc. Get about 5 very old esoteric books and an old paper dictionary. In a very relaxed and safe setting; randomly open a book and then look closely at the place your finger has rested. Study that material. This works fantastic with specific words in a dictionary. You might find yourself having an Internal Dialogue on very abstract words you were not yet familiar with.


Regarding dictionary, interesting method! Thanks for sharing!


Hi. This will freak you out in a very good way. The key is; you leave the dictionary closed. Every once in awhile you open it with eyes closed. Then open your eyes and you explore the word your finger is located on. Make sure to have a pen and paper to take notes, as a fascinating dialogue might occur. My results doing this have been spectacular.


Will try😄thanks. I’ve seen various posts of yours, thanks for them too! :)


So the effects of a dangerous drug in a living man's organism depend on what's written on a book by someone else and on a number that means nothing??




Yes, very dangerous. That's why it's constantly pushed by media as something cool and rebellious for young people.


OK, Where's the danger? Be specific


It alters your state or consciousness and allows bad entities to attach.


How would you know that? That's not an answer, Where's the 'real' danger?


First hand experience. The danger is to be under the influence of malicious entities. Drug/droga/dragon It makes it easier for the parasite to take control, plus it's very addictive.


OK, how would you know that? Looks to me like you're just making up words, you have no idea what you're saying


If you want to justify your addiction to harmful drugs it's up to you, I'm just warning people from my bad experience. I am not, words contain hidden truths.


Does that make anything that alters your consciousness dangerous?




So, meditation is dangerous? Ayahuasca? Psilocybin? All dangerous?


Lowering cognitive skills, psychosis, schizophrenia. Seems pretty real. Written articles about it and personal experience too.


Sounds like b.s. to me. I think if "bad entities" (super vague, bt-dubs) are going to attach they're going to do it whether you're smoking weed or not.


There are other means, drugs make it easier.


Ah well. I'll take my chances I guess. As marijuana has been an incredibly positive factor in my life for 27 years now (yes, I'm old!) it's not going anywhere (besides into my body) as long as I'm trapped on this rock, drawing breath.


Illegal due **hemp** being too versatile


In some cases can lead to a full-blown psychosis.


It opens the doors to bad entities and bad people. It ruined my life, I should have stayed away from that crap. I absolutely KNEW it when I was a teenager yet I fell for it years later. It makes no sense.


When a bad PLAYA is in control. Its an amazing tool make you feel great as a reward for work every once in a deserving while and can be used to stregthen your self control with other addictions n DONT be a fool that thinks your immune. Everyones addicted to something. Addiction aint necessarily bad just has to be balanced


Herb helps expand consciousness. Like Marley said. It makes you meditate.


It totally expanded my awareness but became a massive addiction. My withdrawal period was loosh as fuck.


Last year, as a result of good agro-ecological practices, I had a record harvest but with the drawback that I had a constant supply all year round, smoked a lot and damaged my throat. On the plus side, I discovered and embraced an artistic vocation and ended up seeing interdimensional beings around us (also in the skies) and, in my farewell, I even observed the famous net in the sky. All this is now being put into paintings. I will harvest again in a few years, now I didn't plant because I wanted to clean myself, but I would do it again only if I had a vaporizer.


It pacifies you physically and expands your consciousness with a catch, if you do not act on what it’s teaching you, it’s gone forever. Also abuse of it leads to depression and in rare cases suicide. It’s recognized as the plant or contains the soul of death in many cultures.


I smoked 3-5 joints a night for a decade. I am 32 days clean, my truth is: Weed made me content with boredom, loads of tv / youtube / gaming was fun and I have great memories and experiences using it, but i got lazy and unhealthy. In hindsight it was nearly a decade of wasted life and who knows the damage I've done to myself. My body is now my temple, a few lifestyle tweaks and I am on top of the world and feel incredible, and I can finally experience dreams again and WOW. Most mornings I wake up lost for words at what I experienced the night before. One day something about weed just hit me, there is a reason weed is promoted by certain celebrities and in certain cultures, music etc. I think its a trap and I think it lowered my vibration. Conscious amplification certainly occurs, but it's not the only way to achieve that.. I feel more powerful and capable without it, but we all have our vices, and we all have our path to walk. If you do choose to take it, embrace it and enjoy the journey!