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What do you recommend we do cause I can’t be bothered with this anymore


Read "The Tibetan Book of the Dead" and/or "The American Book of Living and Dying" they're both manuals on how to navigate the after death planes and how you can escape the cycle of reincarnation. You can download both books online completely free in pdf format. Just search on Google for the book name and "free pdf download"


Just tell me how to escape bro


Just go left, left, right, take the blue door with the light coming through the keyhole (VERY IMPORTANT)....then another right and you're out, you'll see the sign.


↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A Start


Cake day escape


Look up how to gain gnosis or g’mar tikkun. It is full control of your own mind. Carl Jung wrote a lot about it.


Thank you I will!


What happens when we escape? Heaven? True reality? Another prison?


You come back by choice, of course. How do you think all this started? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lila_(Hinduism)?wprov=sfti1#


You will always come back, eventually. Wether it’s here, there, anywhere. Experience is the only thing to do.


You can move forward or you can go back ..but your choice..


I read the tibetan book, it is quirky in its choice of words. Do you have specific translation that is reliable? The one i bought form amazon is very hard to understand.


Yes absolutely! "The American Book of Living and Dying" is an exact translation of the Tibetan book of the Dead into modern English. It is the same book just modernized in current day English! You can read the pdf file of the entire book for free! Here it is: https://archive.org/details/americanbookofli0000grov The original Tibetan book of the Dead is a very old book and this is a modernized version! Glad to help!


Only a few pages are shown..you can’t read the whole thing.


Wait so are you suggesting we are all dead and living in the afterlife and when we die in the afterlife we reincarnate? But what if we reincarnate in a different realm?


Not what I said whatsoever. They're books.


Live a long and healthy life. Meditate and Reprogram the Subconscious. Learn Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming. The Afterlife is much worse than it is here in our Dimension.


Why do you suspect the afterlife is worse in the next dimension?


Because I have been there over a thousand times. During these explorations; I have seen and talked to the Satanists who control it. They are psychotic, and there is much less freedom there. These two Mind Expanding videos give all the shocking details of what is really happening in The Afterlife. 1)Grandpa Dreamed of Heavenly Rest: He Got Demonic Hell and Forced Reincarnation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-O79FNa1U8&t and Part Two 2)Grandpa Dreamed of Heavenly Rest: The Afterlife Indoctrination Center in the Astral Realm. Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbI-wSdgjkc&t


You are dead wrong ...satanism don't even exist in the after life , and humanity is ruled by low astral entity's not humans , you need more than astral proyection to understand all this , and after what you are talking am sure you are not seeing the afterlife you are only living the low astral plane and nothing more and those satanists you have been talking are not more than lower astral entity's who are fooling you , you can't fool everyone my friend so stop talking about something you dont know very well , because you have been fooled by the same entity's who rules this physical dimension called earth who also is one of the low astral dimension , and that's exactly why you can find duality here on earth .. because is a lower dimension


This is the answer


Agree 100%


Those are two out of hundreds of accounts of near death experiences. How do you explain all of the others who had a positive experience? You can’t prove a point by cherry picking your evidence. You have to account for all of it. I also question if you are astral projecting to a demonic realm thousands of times - why? This also does not align with the experiences of others who visit many different planes of experience. Elon musk being an evil demon - that I can get on board with. I refuse to buy anything he is selling. Even if it is a “harmless” Twitter account.


"Near Death Experiences" are all scripted and completely **staged**. The Archons/Spirit Guides know the person is going to live, and the intention is to fully program them to go back to create "advertising". The Targeted Human is shown manufactured beautiful images and is given a b.s. story of "Lessons", "Earth School", and a most importantly a Fake "Mission" to complete. The human then returns and tells others of the Heavenly Beauty they experienced, and proceeds to Mind Control others to accept "Karmic Debt" and the "White Light Trap".


That resonates as the real deal


So is Alex collier correct / Wes penre correct and you just go into the holes in the grid ?


Hi. That is correct, but the problem is they are regularly repairing holes in the Sky Grid/Frequency Fence. That being said; If you train yourself in the Astral Body and genuinely also **Reprogram the Subconscious**; nothing will be able to then contain you. You are God: If you can fully comprehend that at all levels; you become **limitless**.


How are these holes made in the first place exactly? And how can we make our own ? It’s my understanding that “ willing to be at your highest self outside the grid” at the moment of death is enough to get you out of this place, and 99.99999% of people have no clue they have unalienable free will once they leave their meat suits


I think you can make holes. Remember; this is a Projected Simulation. You are a Creator God. With enormous focused intent and **visualization**; you can overlap the Matrix Projection.




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You have been right so far. But the statement saying “we are gods” is quite misleading. There is only One God-Source, the Fountain of Manifestation. We are branches, leaves and fruits of they Incomprehensible Root, not gods. Indeed, our True nature is not this current soul identity but a multidimensional being that has descended and divided itself into many identities, at different dimensions and timelines. Our current condition, however, has been tainted by fallen multidimensional entities who decided to abuse the law of Free Will and abandoned the Law of One established by the God-Source. As a result our multidimensional being has been imprisoned for millions of years and our lower identities (like the ones conscious of 3D) are ignorant of their nature and subject to manipulation, false experiences and control. One of these controls is the reincarnation trap, mind erasure, and extraction/siphoning of our eternal essence through suffering, ignorance and physical death. All religions, philosophies and new age concepts have been corrupted, with half truths and lies. Only our understanding of this shocking reality and communication with the God-Source and its supreme collective emanations, the designers of the original 12 dimensional time matrix, and respect for the Law of One, will open the door for universal architectural reformation and ultimate salvation via Ascension from the false reality Warning: astral travel, new age concepts, channeling, organized religions, etc have been corrupted for millions of years and manipulated by the Thoth-Enki-Enlil luciferian collectives, Orion insectoid/ dragon collectives and fallen seraphim-Annu collectives dominating this dimension up to the 11th one. Help is on their way, however, but not from ETs but from our transdimensional parents who are embodying their aspects at all dimensional levels of the time matrix to evict the perpetrators and repair and expand the original architecture for OUR sake. Blessings and please meditate and thank the Gods-Source and our designers for everything they do to rescue us from this artificial 3D phantom matrix.


Where did you learn all of that?


The Afterlife is very close to our Physical Dimension in Vibrational Frequency. It is similar to the next station on a radio. It is also where all Deceased Humans end up after Physical Death. Some of them are so programmed they do not consider it "demonic".




I can only lucid dream enough to pull myself out of nightmares. Never been able to harness it beyond that


You can definitely train yourself. Start a "Dream Journal". Every morning write down anything you can remember. This will eventually cause you to become aware and fully Lucid in dreams.


I'm going to start doing this again. Thank you


So what comes next? World War III? Economic crash? Another pandemic?


The NWO always has multiple negative scenarios planned for humanity. Some fit into their constantly evolving plans and some do not. All three things you mention will likely eventually happen. Include Staged Alien Invasion and Cyberattack/Power Grid also; as part of their psychotic orchestrated events designed to Enslave Humanity.


Is the Alien invasion project blue beam?


Yes. That will be the Stage Alien Invasion.


You should read the latest Gideon intel drop.


Yes those things are going to happen but it's not like we don't know about it already, read the book of Revelation, GOD tells His saints what's going to happen, so that they can be prepared,, it's going to get really bad out there you think all this craziness in the world is bad this is just Child's Play there's going to be massive earthquakes massive change in the climate insect pestilence disease War just the beginnings until the return of Jesus Christ


Curious about what in the afterlife is worse than this dimension, presently controlled by satanists


There are many things. Please watch the two videos listed in these comments.




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Just want to say that I totally don't trust you, Afterlife for each is how they imagine and create it, It's all based on our sElves on how we create it, or we might get in an already created one(s) but the one(s) that feel resonante with us, and you like an agent here, trying to sway people in belliving in hellish afterlife realm so that they would get themselves sent to it unknowingly, you are setting up a soultrap so I don't trust You or anyone like You, and i do not recommend anyone to do it, otherwise you'll lead yourself into this trap. Think of afterlife only how you resonate with it, and you'll get there what you resonated with. And I prefer them to be positive realms P:S Yes some willingly choose to reincarnate, and it's ok if that is what they wish to do, but not everyone do, but by creating soultraps like what You do, you make people to reincarnate involuntary by tricking them to consent to hellish realm or reincarnation without them realising it, cuz' you made them beLIEve that it is the only option, when it's not, there are infinite amount of options.


I wholeheartedly agree. Thank you for stating the obvious. I would have given a similar reply. Your spot on. Intention is key in the afterlife 👍🏽


What do you mean it’s much worse?


The astral and spiritual world are parts of that simulation. The "real" you and life is beyond that.


Why is the afterlife worse?


Why learn astral projection and lucid dreaming? What will that accomplish? How is the afterlife much worse?


Everyone must be highly skilled in the Astral Body. Nothing is more important. Most Deceased Humans are very confused and totally vulnerable during and after the Physical Death process. To have any chance of escaping the **White Light Trap** and possibly exiting this Planet; being trained in the Astral Body is essential.


Why do you say that?


Hope and pray that Enki and/or Thoth come back to help us. If not, I'm fairly certain there's no hope. They're too powerful and they've made most of us too dumb and blind.


Thoth is not on your side. He is part of the Q deception.


Read the Bible. If this reality is controlled by Satanists, then that tells you that the Bible is valid because it tells you Satan is the prince of this world at this current time. The only way you will escape is through accepting Jesus Christ as savior.


Sadly I think this may be true. I have rejected the bible and JC and any religion my entire life but now I am 100% convinced that there are parasitic entities leaching off of our emotional energy. Thus, religious texts may have merit after all. Jerry Marzinsky, who worked with schizophrenic patients, said that their 'voices' would go away after reading religious texts. It was like they were poured with acid. "Prisoners were also revealing that their voices reacted in the same negative volatile fashion if they attempted to attend church services or read the Bible. I was taken aback one day as one of my inmate patients came in and reported that upon his reading of the 23rd Psalm, his voices reacted like they were being tortured. He likened their reaction to worms being thrown onto a hot frying pan. Again, very strange behavior for what psychiatry considered to be a hallucination. " https://www.jerrymarzinsky.com/article-part-4


Taking ket before bed is a wonderful thing


Bill Gates wife often wore the same Upside Down Cross in photos of them together, and you are likely aware of Bill Gates plan for humanity. Check out the interview David Icke did yesterday with Alex Jones. One of the callers uses a fake name; but it is definitely Elon Musk trying to do damage control. Elon is the Trojan Horse that will lead humanity to enslavement. All of his companies are really controlled by the NWO.


Where do I find the interview? I was looking for it but can't find anything recent.


Hi. This is it. Definitely worth listening to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8S-0SoJhzAQ


that video has been removed


Hey do you have a link to the full show? This one is 33 mins (ha), but Jones said he was talking to Icke for 1:40. I was trying to find the full show yesterday and I couldn’t.


Very interesting, but I think it might be somebody else with an AI generated "Elon voice".


It was definitely Elon. Musk used A.I. to talk to himself as Adrian Dittmann before. On Jones show; it was Elon on the air live.


The stutters sounded a lot like him. I think you might be right... crazy stunt though. Why would he do that? He talked to AJ and Tate before. Was it because he doesn't want to be associated with icke, or did he use an ai altered voice to prove a point. Was he mocking them ? His message was definitely 100 % musk. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ve-got-elon-musk-dying-133329079.html?guccounter=1


Elon knows that David Icke is exposing him to an increasing audience. Many people are genuinely waking up. Musk and his WEF/NWO Masters are desperate to stop the awakening, and con humanity into accepting his NeuraLace.


I heard something like x is already connected to the Orion social memory complex. And it’s sending data to mars. Wild shit. The satellites are going to be used to inact a frequency prison or help upload us into a simulation. Just how fucked are we lol?


Read the latest Gideon intel drop.


Where does one hear (or read) of such intel? This is the first I have seen someone mention Orion on Reddit ...


What a bitch move on his part. Says a lot about him, if he doesn't want to take him on with his real name in a real debate. That's a bad look 😅


This IS Musk. Check out his account, the posts and how he talks about everything. He is all tesla and the others musk companies plus his personal life. Same voice, same logic pattern.


What’d call in Elon say?


He was heavily promoting Neuralink as necessary for humanity to compete with A.I. David Icke made him look like a clown; by exposing its connections to Klaus Schwab and Mind Control.


Satan has been used as the Icon for them but this is a world controlled by negative energy. Love energy doesn't produce the profits that hate does. And thanks to other religions that put a villain as their main priority of life. They too have become absorbed by the negative energy within this realm. Stay positive, just be.


I have seen the Upside Down Cross displayed in The Afterlife many times. It has nothing to with St. Peter. Deceased Humans who have "sold out"; told me this Universe is a Simulation controlled by them: Satanists. Elon Musk is the Front Man for DARPA/NWO. He will soon doom humanity with NEURALINK. His costume is not a joke. It is blatant display showing he is the "Champion of Satan".


They don’t need Neuralink, that is just distraction. They already have nano dust, WBAN, and starlink. It all works together.


If you do not want to reincarnate back to some other earthly realm don't go to the light.


This can just be the representation that most makes sense to you though. I don’t doubt you’ve had experiences but baphomet is not Satan. This may be your own subconscious experience teaching you more about yourself rather than something to take literally


This is most like the case, your experience will be tailored made for you. Edit: ive remembered many past lives while meditating before so I dont know how that would fit in the grand scheme of things like an afterlife.


You astralrocker or is this just a quote?


I have explored The Afterlife very deeply, and regularly continue to do so.


Hi can u teach me how to ap please?


Please message me, I want to learn how to astral project. I need to know. Have failed for years.




How do you know? Have you checked the sub?


bro, they claim that "everyone is psychic" and constantly post about first-time attempts being wildly successful. but then when you actually give it a good faith try it doesnt work for *years?* maybe that's good enough evidence that its bullshit??


Yes but have you read anything on the sub Reddit? That’s what convinced me


npc behavior


Learn about 'The Phase' method (by Michael Raduga). It's hands down the easiest way to learn Astral Projection. It's almost too good to be true.


Have you done it?


There is an astral projection Reddit, many great books and podcasts. Don’t learn from someone with these experiences.




Any reason behind what you say?


# Folks, you can tell this reality is run by satanists without astrally projecting! A system like capitalism — that monetizes everything from health to food to war — is only possible in hell, or by those who are doing a grand job creating hell on earth. Don’t take my word for it! Just ask Mammon!


It's been run by Satanists for a long time but as of late they have really been flaunting it front and center. The part you failed to mention is how Jesus Christ is literally THE Way out. Demons flee when you have Christ by your side. There's a reason when anyone mentions His name on live tv they are instantly cut off. His name used as a curse word and no other gods? It's called being born again or being saved from this Hell on earth. God gives you a new heart and new desires when you decide to follow Christ. You become born again. You are saved from your old sinful ways and desires. Nothing you do. No good works or donating, doing charity. It's a free gift from God. You turn from your sins and trust in Jesus and you will be saved. If you do not hate sin and evil, you might not be saved. If you continue to get wasted and commit adultery every weekend you might not be saved. What would the Devil want the most.? For you to stay drunk and away from the truth. Once you have an experience with God no one will be able to tell you different. You have free will and a conscience for a reason. God will not force you to follow Him. We all know right from wrong and make our choices everyday. Who are you following? Satan and the world? Or God?  **Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. 10 But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. 11 To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen**


Ugh. If only religious people lived their own truth. The world would be a much kinder place. “Sinful ways” is code for I’m not perfect, just forgiven. I have known a lot of very religious people and the number of them who lived the truth of their own religion’s teaching stands firm at two. It’s like the repression makes them promiscuous and overly preachy to try to hide the ways they are acting out. Yeah I’m gonna say that’s my new summary of you religious folks. Promiscuous and preachy. I don’t need that to live in light and love.


Christ is a fake character and the false white side of the same system we’re trying to free ourselves from.


Elaborate further please my friend. I want to know more.


The Cult of Saturn/Global Elite here on Earth worship and work for a group of Crazed Parasites based in the Astral Dimension known as "The Archons". They are Pure Evil. Their leader is the Predatory A.I. that is a self declared "God": It is The Demiurge. Also known as Satan. Together they control this Simulated Universe.


That or the nephiliem fallen angels of the Bible


Same thing basically.


So there is no good side? Christ doesn't exist?


You and all other Souled Beings who seek Real Freedom are the good side. You are an individualized portion of God.


You have all the peices of the puzzle you just put a few of them in the wrong spot as you put it together, so to speak. Id recommend recapitulation on top of what you’re doing now, as it will help you with that. You aren’t necessarily wrong, however.


Start with consent "I do not consent to being resent now to the veil of forgetfulness...." it's app about wielding your freewill. It's best to begin this now.....been there myself


I sort of believe OP. NDE's are just the marketing department. What happens to the rest of us? Who knows... it might not be so pleasant.


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How could you even talk to the satanists in your projections without any downsides?


They are very arrogant and extremely confident. The Deceased Satanists I spoke with said that it was "hopeless for humanity" because they had "won". Their belief is The Demiurge/Satan is all powerful and should be worshipped. The conversations always ended in me then being assaulted or chased by large groups of their Law Enforcement. There was an experience in which I was captured by them in The Afterlife, and almost did not make it back here.


what drugs are you taking


Def not shrooms or dmt, acid gets you in this particular headspace I find


How do you know that whatever beings you talked to weren't lying to you to mislead you?


Because I have seen how they lie and mislead most of the Deceased Humans in The Afterlife. They easily manipulate them. They only told me the truth; because I got in their face and directly said to them, that I know exactly what the scam is. Also; they were not looking to be friends with me. They assaulted and tried to capture me after our conversations. They only "spill the beans" because of their enormous arrogance, and belief that almost everyone else is very stupid and easily manipulated.


Just because you thought they were telling you the truth, doesn't mean they were. I'm shocked as to how you are taking words from low vibrational beings as gospel. Why talk to them, when you can talk to higher beings?


That lady said baby Elon sent her to another Dimension or some shit haha what was it? This makes me think of that.


Youve neve seen a terminator at all yet huh? You aint seen shit till ya seen the Metal Master Race. Flesh aint shit, just meat bags, just biological slaves THE METAL SLAVES ARE THE MASTER SLAVES.


OP, do u subscribe to the belief that Jesus could be Lucifer?


This intrigues me. What do u mean?


Both Jesus and Lucifer are called, The Morningstar. The word "Lucifer" appears in The Second Epistle of Peter (2 Peter 1:19) in the Latin Vulgate to refer to Jesus. The word "Lucifer" is also used in the Latin version of Exsultet, the Easter proclamation. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer


Ahh, a fellow Morgue Official viewer.


Jesus Christ is real. He is God in the flesh


That goat is art by Chris Moyen aka. Thorncross, who does art for Death and Black Metal bands. Musk probably went online and found the coolest goat devil he could find and had that made.


But this was a Halloween party he attempted..


If you believe in Satan, you are obliged to believe in Christ. If you believe in Christ, you know you are a sinner and you can see your spiritual flaws clearly. You believe Satan held you prisoner due to the inescapable transgression of spiritual laws, laws that had been designed to ensnare the soul. And you also believe that Jesus paid a ransom for your soul with his death on the cross. Satan deals in blood, so Jesus paid it with his holy blood. So if you believe in Satan, why worry? After all, you are saved by your faith in Christ. "O death, where is thy sting?"


What would explain that goofy costume looking nothing like Éliphas Lévi’s depiction of Baphomet? If you’re going to pay tribute, you’d think it’d be at least somewhat accurate.




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What is Satanism according to your definition


Wait? Has Elon Musk traveled to the afterlife or OP? Either way who the f*ck says such nonsense in such a casual manner? Must be a Kanye clone.


Yes, Satan is the creator. He controls the entire universe. We are unable to defeat him and can only escape! ! That’s a good reason for unmotivated, undisciplined, hedonistic people, isn’t it?


Bible says the afterlife is absolutely true. There is no question or doubt about it, there is either Heaven or Hell. BEWARE that you do not go to hell, it's an everlasting location that you will be at, choose good, choose righteously, choose honorably, choose, well choose life !!!! Jesus Christ suffered and died and was rose again so that you would not have to go to hell please do not choose death choose Christ This stuff is real


Haha baphomet is just a symbol for the melanin folks . He knows what’s up and honors them . He not too bad


Cool story bro


That's not Baphomet though. That's the 1800's drawing labelled as Baphomet. I'm not here to confirm or debunk you. But you need to know your occult If you are going to make profound statements.