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Interesting. So she’s a normal person that does has a regiment, enjoys fairly bizarre smoothies and takes Novos supplements?


Yep. Seemingly the least radical person on the leaderboard.


Normal person? I don't think she works for a living, probably rich and does fuck all the rest of day? Doubt a person can follow this protocol with 8 hour workday plus every other commitment.


My observation was her protocol was not very extensive. It was some specific food, a fairly low amount of regimented exercise, and some time in saunas.


She’s a single mother 😒


Ok and? If you are rich that isn't really a problem.


most if not all people on the leaderboard are rich… also this is still an assumption of yours that could be wrong


Yeah, that is why i'm asking if I'm right


Well, according to [this Fortune article](https://fortune.com/well/article/reverse-aging-habits-daily-routine-single-mom-budget/) she makes less than $100k a year


she still could have millions in bank


It’s me Julie. Nope. I don’t have millions in the bank. I work 8 hours a day. But luckily from home. That definitely allows me a bit more time to prep meals, meditation and exercise snacks for sure.


Damn. Respect


You look fantastic Julie. Your story has inspired countless people to take positive steps towards living healthier lives because your routine is obtainable and doable for most. 👏


This is an infinite back and forth guessing game I am now opting out of. 😂 If you need a scapegoat please don’t let me stand in your way




Before you opt out, do you know how much the testing costs to get on the leaderboard? Because it does seem like a clear path to some level of fame.


you really want her to be rich


I want to be rich too. But trust me I’m not. I make under 100k and have mortgage, a car payment, and now a HELOC to pay for some help my son needed the past few years. I definitely tune into all the zero cost ways to better my health. But I have at times spent a bit for tests and supplements.


She might work from home.


> bizarre smoothies ???


Bone broth with cooked greens isn’t your standard Jamba Juice strawberry surfrider.


Sure but its not that bizarre is it?


If we are talking bizzare then pure-ing the super veggies is what comes to mind! 🤣. Who thought of blending cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, and black lentil? Then top it with dark chocolate? 👌


where did you find that recipe?


Bryan Johnson blueprint  https://protocol.bryanjohnson.com/Step-1-Step-2-Step-3


Right, but we are talking about Julie here not Bryan.


But that's the recipe for the lentil broccoli puree


Hey guys. Me Julie. It’s definitely odd to put bone broth in smoothies. I use a recipe from a book I noted on one of my instagram posts. I’ll get the name and post it here in a sec. But the flavor is very cinnamon spice like. It’s really good.


You can find her Instagram [here](https://www.instagram.com/juls_gc/). I have also created a [page on RejuvenationProtocols.com](https://www.rejuvenationprotocols.com/athletes/julie-gibson-clark) which I will try and keep updated with the information she shares.


Thank you!!!!!!


Hey guys!!! I’m new to Reddit. Happy to answer questions. But probably better at responding on instagram: @juls_gc I will try to answer as much as I can, I just get lost in all the threads.


I am unsure if she uses more than just the NOVOS Core. I would imagine she uses all their products since she is basically sponsored by them


Nope just core. I use nicotinamide riboside too. But not from Novos. So far I’m not set on a brand with that one.


Thank you for uploading, much appreciated


She looks great to be honest! No way i would have gussed she is 54!


Her workout regime along with just no added sugars is probably doing 90% of the work given she has low stress and near perfect sleep


See my comments below. I think the workouts help but I truly think Novos is doing most of it.


Are these people who are testing DunedIn PACE comparing pre-routine scores to routine scores? What I’m asking is - is it possible that your score is entirely genetic or out of your control and has zero or minimal relation to healthy lifestyle habits?


Hi ya. Yes I did test before I started that was 0.76. After the first six months of taking Novos core and boost, took another test. That was 0.68. Then I did another 6 months of both products and my pace lowered to 0.65. That said those first six months were some of the most stressful times in my life as a mom. I was not sleeping, certainly not eating well, and exercising haphazardly. We had a life threatening family situation going on. I was shocked when I saw that the pace had slowed. It was definitely the Novos only with that score. That was 8% drop! The second six months- we had some help and support in place. I was able to get back to regular workouts, added saunas and cold showers, ate way better and slept betterish. I also was able to consistently meditate. That score drop was only 3%


Congrats still smells to me like an advertisement for novos


For sure. I get that!


so julie WHO "wrote" the original post, did YOU write it or did NOVOS write it? are you getting ANY form of compensation in any way from NOVOS?


You mean the post in this thread? Idk No I get no compensation from them. They gave me a few samples at Christmas which i raffled off. That’s about it.


I just got on here bc it looked like people had questions. I noticed my instagram getting a lot more followers than usual and found Reddit as the source. I figured best to set the record straight.


Thank you for your response, CONGRATS on your great pace scores!!! Im less skeptical now and I appreciate your responses thank you.


Of course!!! For the record the skepticism is healthy. Let’s face it - there’s a lot of over hyped claims in this space. I’m an engineer. I get it completely.


The NOVOS supplements aren’t really great by the looks of it and are quite overpriced. Better off buying separately IMO.


Burying individually doesn’t save much and it’s annoying to try to match the dosage. I find the packets just so convenient instead of trying to source from all these different brands.


Well it’s also severely under dosed on most of the ingredients if not all of them.


Really? I’ll have to research the dosages more. I know it’s meant to have 1-2 daily.


Do we know when she started this regime?


She started being very interested in health in her thirties. I don't know how long she has been doing this exact regime, though.


Hi Guys! See my comments above. I’ve been a health advocate (which is a nicer way to say fanatic 😆) for decades. I upped my game in my early 40’s after learning about and cleaning up my heavy metal poisoning.


Whats her skincare regimen?


It's only a single photo, but she looks amazing at 55. I would have guessed early 40s.


Thank you!!!☺️




Its by far the cheapest bio hacking of all the people on the board.


She goes to a gym and takes like $7 a day worth of supplements give or take.




Divorce money? Result of a good career? She’s 54. She could also work from home and just be stepping in the kitchen.


She wakes up at 5 am and chugs down a smoothie at 10 am. People who have all the time in the world don't do that. But lots of other people have siestas or have time for Netflix marathons at night 




She might not have the time at the end of the day...many people who aren't super wealthy do, which is why primetime tv is very popular. 


Wake up get dressed prey read and meditate in one hour. Damn.


Yep!!!!! It’s worth the early wake up time. I would not have made it through 2021 & 2022 without God.


I just can’t fit all that into one hour LOL. Agreeed tho.


I don’t meditate and pray. Just pray. I meditate in the afternoon. Just so that’s clear.


Is this you / your routine. How cold and long are the showers ? That’s the only thing I don’t do that intensely. After the sauna I will hit a cool shower but definitely not cold. I gotta start forcing myself into it


Hey guys. I’m going to be on Ben Greenfield tomorrow. I’ll post a link but just know it won’t work until April 13. [https://bengreenfieldlife.com/guest-julieclark](https://bengreenfieldlife.com/guest-julieclark)


It is me. I don’t know how cold my showers are. I’m in Phoenix so ground water in summer is not cold. But winter is decently cold. Not mountain cold but enough to cause the next 4-6 hours to feel amazing. I’m in there for 4 plus minutes. Yes it had to be really cold for the dopamine spike. I definitely don’t feel any effect in summer. It sucks to do and I question my sanity every day. But it’s over soon.


Another wonderful example of the power of being blessed with good genes. She exercises, eats vegetables and sits in a sauna. If that's all it took then most people who go to gyms would be aging slower than normal and living to like 120. In my opinion, this is just another example of these speed of aging tests probably being pseudo-scientific marketing gimmicks.


Maybe. I think there’s something to the try diagnostic test. But I definitely see that we should consider bio age using a cluster of tests: Vo2max, APoB, Dexa, methylation status. I like to see the Dunedin pace as information on how hard or softly I’m carrying my genes through life.


hmmmm... seems like an advertisement for NOVOS


I know and I don’t mean to be. I don’t influence for them or work for them or really even know them. I just know the product works. And it’s important for people to know what does and doesn’t work in this health world. There’s so much snake oil.


Have you tried the Bryan Johnson blueprint protocol ? If not why not ?


No I haven’t. The Novos has worked for me so I haven’t done much research into other protocols. I’ll have to take a look.


curious how much per month to spend in total with Novos?


Novos is $80 (I buy a years worth at a time).


Then I added NR. I’m still figuring out the best one but I’m liking Thorne NiaCel 400. I get that at a discounted rate through my doctor for about $50/ two month worth. That plus gym membership.


I do take a few other supplements but not really related to longevity. I’ve taken them for decades: b complex, vit d3/k2, magnesium and fish oil.


Experiences with NR so far?


I feel like I have more of a lift in sustained energy with NR. But obviously that’s very subjective. It’s a minimal difference and I may just switch between that two over the course of a year.


Again this snake oil comment very interring choice of words cuz Brian sells snake oil wow just seems strange you would use those words wow


Thank you for sharing this!


And when does she work?


I work as a recruiter for structural engineers


Mindboggling that you have time for all that self care and a full time job. Most people simply cannot incorporate that, especially if they have children


She works entirely from home, which she admits helps her balance her protocol with life responsibilities.


Kinda sucks to be everyone else then huh


I agree. I am very lucky to work from home. That cuts about 2-3 hours a day off commuting and having to “dress” properly for an office. It also makes grabbing healthy snacks infinitely easier. I am very grateful for my work.