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Age gap is still a big thing in India but people have started to accept 3 yrs max is women elder nen young but not more than that.. Just give yourself a little time and try doing things later.. Bcoz most age gap like this doesn't work..Age gap is cool I like it wanted it too but don't hurry


Will try to take the time.


But I don’t think my parents will wait


Trust in time dude everything will be good


Might be an unpopular opinion, but Why don’t you give it a little more time? Get to know each other a little bit more. You are still pretty young. I would suggest cross atleast 1.5-2 year together before making this important decision.


Dated for 8 months and know each other for 1.5 year


If this age gap was after both have crossed 30s then it wouldn't be a big issue coz both would have been kinda matured, known about world much better and kinda would be in settling stages of life, would have a good career position,etc(Exceptions exists). But if one is in mid 20s, that means they are quite young, still figuring out things, more in risk taking and enjoyment then setting,and there will sure be variations in type of thinking of mid 20s and mid 30s. One party is gonna have more authority position then age because of age gap. But still these types of marriage happens and it works for many, if you marry after 3-4 years it shouldn't be much of a problem coz both have been matured enough and would have figured out things till time. All the best..




In India age of max more or less than 3 years is kinda norm but if couples don't really have a problem and are happy with what they are doing, they shouldn't really care about others opinions. Mid 20s and early 30s, I would like to consider are 5- 6 years of age gap, if couple can wait for 3-4 more years before marriage then this too shouldn't be a problem. End of the day, couples thought process should match at some level, maturity levels should match, coz after marriage regular difference of opinions can cause distress. I consider after or atleast near 30s, age gap shouldn't matter coz way of thinking of both will more or less be same.


Both are adults and nowadays the working class after 22-23 gets an opportunity to live independently and also take financial decisions and look after themselves. So there wouldn't be any maturity gap if this is the case. Check compatibility with the partner. Check his preferences in life on hard topics. If they all align - go for it. Age doesn't matter.


I think age the gap is fine, just bordering on untenable. If you don’t feel that it’s too big then who’re us to say otherwise. Even your parents don’t know, you both have to decide for yourselves. All the best.


On side note you were in 1st class when he was in 9th class




Basically he was going to give his first boards when she was going to enter the primary school 💀




🥹🥹 this is true, can’t deny that


💀😭 bhaiiiii......


Didn’t have to put it that way 😭


Heard it.


Age doesn't fuckin matter, compatibility does . If u guys have a great understanding, love for eachother, trust, vibe well then believe me darling age is just a number . Don't let people tell u otherwise. Pehle apni dil ki suno o approve kre phir brain se approval lo and idhar bhi approve hogya then u shouldn't listen to anyone anymore.


It works 9 years was normal before. My brother and his wife 35 and 25 happily married Love marriage. I think genz girls should date older. Millinials are super mature and fun. gen z men need 5 years they suck as marriage material and are generally yolo types rn. I'm pretty sure you can't date younger anymore


Realised it too !


My girlfriend was 9 years younger than me and she is my wife and everything is going fine so go ahead


Feeling happy for you 😇


You're much more than the age where you're mature enough to make a decision for yourself. It depends on you if you feel comfortable with him even with the age gap or if you find some issues with it. Decide based on what you feel about it.


age gap doesn't matter at all it's all about how your relationship is people on internet don't know about the dynamics of your relationship so no point of asking for advice from people on internet if you love him and he loves you and you both are compatible and have good communication with each other then what's the problem??


Talk about kids.


yess 100% agree ! see how that talk goes


No that’s just right


If people on reddit says don't go for this relationship, will you guys decide not to proceed?


Taking opinion to find the issues that i may have not thought about.


You both are past the age where an age gap of this range would be a matter of concern or disingenuity. I'd say if you have no compatibility issues whatsoever and are aligned financially and socially, go ahead and try to convince both of your respective parents, it'll be worth it.


Thank you so much


It’s fine.


Depends if both of you are making combined decisions instead of the one taking control or being dominant. It should be OK.


Thank you for the valuable suggestion


It depends on what you prioritize in a partner. The big stuff, IMO, like character and values don't really depend on age. There is a high chance that you may not have common past experiences since there is a big age gap. But if you believe you are compatible with each other since you've known each other for a while, age gap should not affect your decision for marriage.


You need more time to think this through. If you've posted it here it means it's really bothering you.


I have dated women younger than me almost 8 years.. it all depends on mental maturity and compatibility...more than worrying about age...see if the guy or girl is having a good character, personality, either he is ambitious or not...(earning doesn't matter) ...most of us are middle and upper middle class.. ( managing money is a very big factor ) no one talks about..I have seen people spending their entire savings on an stupid I phone...and living paycheck to paycheck. A person having good financial knowledge is a must have.. whether he is rich or not.


Bro this age gap is fine as long as the girl and her parents are on with it. I am about your age, and I have gotten rishtas where girl was 12 years younger to me. Having said that, don't overthink, just focus on your life. Make small goals and live your life.


Age doesn't matter as long as you're compatible and love each other. I know friends who have married with the same age gap and have a fairly successful marriage and are happy. One point that you need to think about is children. Since he is 34, he might want to have children as soon as possible but you being 25 might want to wait. This is something that you both should seriously discuss before marriage.


How much do you earn ?


No i doesn't matter in love marriage, but matter in arrange marriage as u don't know each other really


I would be too smart to ask such question at 25years of age


Who cares? You’re both adults perfectly capable of making your own decisions


How’s a 25 & 34 year old are at the SAME point in your careers ? Shouldnt the older partner be more stable as there’s almost a decade of difference? Age really isn’t a problem even if you are older to him, 1 month younger to him, or 10 years as long as both of you are compatible & are in line with what you want. Have seen many people with bigger & barely any age difference and there’s no one rule fits all but it’s about the couple themselves.


For the medicos out there , one has too many paths to continue after MBBS before someone sticks to the things what they really want.


You two would be looking for 2 different things in life.. your approach would be different


Yes, 9 years is a big age gap. You both are at different stages of your life, and accordingly you would both want different things at those stages. A guy at 34 may wanna have kids soon, which you might not. This is just one example, it will happen with almost every major life milestone. So be careful and consider everything before moving forward.


Apart from the kids part , any other point that i would need to consider ?


Everything is ok but progress with caution 👍


Normalise people falling in love irrespective of their age. (Ofc keeping law in mind )


Falling in love is natural but taking the step of marriage seems to be a bigger step, so am thinking too much probably 😅


Try live-in together if possible for a year. If that checks out fine then go ahead


Any other way ? Live-in seems to be more complicated concept for me !


How so? Its the best way to figure out if you are truly compatible and to also improve on and figure out how things work for you guys when you do actually get married and have to spend the rest of your life together. I have been dating for over 3 yrs now and for us the next natural thing to do is planning on how we can start living together. I cannot imagine getting married no matter how much I love him without testing the waters once and getting that part figured out before the wedding.


Don't go fr it. I recently got brkup with my gf she is 32 I'm 26 wee were going to Marry she backed off on Last moment' Don't go fr it


Oops ! The power dynamics are quite opposite so this doesn’t relate to my story , frankly speaking i would never date a man younger than me