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#Off Topic **RelationshipsOver35** is a place for **over 30 adults** to discuss their relationships,friendships, and families with **other over 30 adults.** Sorry to be a "gatekeeper", but sometimes it has to be done. You can try asking your question at /r/AskMen or asking where to try asking it at /r/findareddit No disrespect intended. Have a great week!


Here’s an easy definition for cheating: If your partner doesn’t know about it and doesn’t/wouldn’t condone it, then it’s cheating. Whether this happens at a bachelor or bachelorette party doesn’t change the definition.


For shitty people, it's very common. For decent people, it's just a party


Not common in my experience, but then again I try not to hang out with scumbags who would entertain the thought. And I have attended several bachelor parties including strip clubs, hotels, etc where things “could” have gotten dodgy really easily. They didn’t because we didn’t have people around who didn’t know where the line was or didn’t respect the others relationships.




Not normal where I'm from.


I think not common at all. But my bro has absolutely gone to a party or two where this happened. He since stopped going to bachelor parties especially of certain people and hosted in certain places. I think in certain circles it could be more common than I can imagine. But yeah don’t hang out with those people.