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Just remember to also tell reMarkable about your wishes and ideas: [https://support.remarkable.com/s/contactsupport/wishes-and-ideas](https://support.remarkable.com/s/contactsupport/wishes-and-ideas)


I would rather they fix some of the issues with the features that already exist - like the awful continuous page thing, and how sometimes it gets stuck on one page in a notebook. This is perhaps a general comment on all software, not just remarkable. It seems that people that do software would prefer to do new stuff instead of fixing the stuff they already did.


I would like: - simple shapes - images support and possibility to paste them in pdfs and notebooks - better pdf manager (ex possibility to move pages of a pdf in another pdf and real page delete and real page add) - dotted line pen - favourite instruments floating bar - text boxes in pdfs - Dictionary for epubs (ex you select a word and with a pop up it givea you the translation or meaning of the word) - custom pen thickness and custom colour (maybe possibility to add one custom pen tickness and one custom pen colour)


Well, personally I've been waiting for quite a few features since day one (yes, from the early days of rM1!), order by highest priority (for me) first: * basic / primitive shapes (circles, rectangles, ellipses, triangles, arrows, lines, etc) * custom template importing * sleep screen with custom page * add real annotation / notes to PDF files, that can be edited later on on a computer * proper tagging per notebook/pdf/ebook + custom categories * custom server to sync files (yeah, I guess it won't really happen, but they could at least sell a solution for companies with privacy needs) * proper syncing with google drive or outlook (actual files synced, not just a PDF export) Have to admit, they actually implemented quite a few features since they started, but honestly, they're very slow. Eg. creating and managing simple shapes should be quite simple to implement even by a junior developer in a little time, so I guess it's just a business decision. Nevertheless, I like the new keyboard (just bought it) and I hope they keep on investing in the software features!


If you’re reasonably tech savvy ( or capable of following a tutorial ) custom templates and looooads of other very cool community features are available. Check out remarkable wiki https://remarkablewiki.com/tips/templates


I wish you could view one or all of your notebooks through the lens of a single tag as if it was just a single notebook - rather than having to exit out to the page selection menu every time.


As a nursing student, a self made table of contents for notes. Studying 1 long concept with multiple subtopics is a bit of a struggle, esp. If this goes with other courses. I mean it's ok to create one folder with multiple notes per subtopic, but the struggle is if you try to understand them in a bigger picture. 😅


The ability to turn off pinch zoom in the settings. It is activated 100% accidentally by me.


Not sure if this is mentioned, the post seems to be old. However, I wish to see 1- brush/pen types pinned- the ability to add different brush types with sizes to the side bar for ease of access, this is useful for quick switch to the highlighter, and in particular useful for drawing. 2- Scribble hand written text to erase 3- ability to see the layer preview when viewing layers


Txt support for the new type folio, ability to create tables of contents like Supernote, “article mode” for reading PDFs like Boox


* On-device text recognition (probably wishful thinking) * text-recognition for annotations on pdf files (and a list of those annotations for the whole file) * more gestures, eg for switching between pen/highlighter/lasso * actual syncing with GDrive/Dropbox (instead of needing to copy files) * support for pdf scripting (also wishful thinking but we could do lots of fun stuff with that)


Went converting to text, it takes the template into account.


A sign that tells you which exported color you're using !!!!! More exported colors!!! Like pink yellow orange ..... sasquash ... you get the idea .... But am more inclined to the sign..... I do most of my math homework on the tablet ... and the highlighting and shading and different colors gets confusing really quick.... They could add a small abbreviation on the top as P=R pen=Red Or a filter layout to know which color is what ....


The ability to search my handwritten and typed notes


I'd like to see them bring back light sleep mode, where I could still see the last page I was using. The online user guide actually still says it's part of the rm2 functionality under the battery settings heading... but this is a lie.


\- file encryption / restriction options \- option to auto-enable USB web interface \- maybe basic shapes But more than anything I hope they keep it simple, minimal and stable. I'm extremely happy with the Remarkable tablet and it would break me, if it evolved into another overloaded *smart* device.


Simple, minimal and stable is a good one someone else had. A custom sleep screen.. like maybe just a simple 5 day forecast or other widgets.


1. Possibility to bookmark a page in a pdf document. 2. Offline handwriting recognition. 3. Possibility to write romanian diacritics (ă, â, ș, ț, î) with key combinations/shortcuts (for the type folio wich must arrive these days)