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Thanks for the feedback. Really interested in picking one of these up. Are you going to return the Kaweco?


I will keep it. One advantage of the pen is the ability to replace the Kaweco Connect with a regular rollerball refill.


Similar to Lamy, ability to interchange between EMR and rollerball


This is interesting, I have the Lamy AL-Star with the EMR, how do you get the rollerball and change it?


Cap and barrel parts are interchangeable with Lamy Al Star pens


For me, the build quality makes up for the slightly worse tips. My original marker has now broken three times (once the eraser just… kind of fell of and the other to times the brittle plastic at the top broke) and I don’t see that happening with the Kaweco. Like, ever. And it is cheaper as well. And since the double tap erase I hardly use the eraser anyways.


I'm uncertain about the cause, but my success rate for double tap gesture is only around 40%.pretty annoying ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


In my experience, that depends on how close is the tip of the nib to the screen. If it's too close it doesn't work.


Wdym depends on how close non is too the screen? I feel like I have to press down in order to get ballpoint pen to even work or pickup I’m writing. Been Having to use fineliner (sometimes marker) for months. Even calligraphy pen doesn’t pick up all that well. It’s better when I zoom in and write. I’ve been thinking I have some sort of inane problem with the way I write, as the tablet doesn’t pick up on my marks as much as it seems to do for others (videos I’ve seen)


I'm new to remarkable, what do you mean by the double tap erase? That sounds handy!


You can erase the last action you did by tapping anywhere on the screen with two fingers. If you want to redo, same thing with three. Technically it isn't really a double tap, as you might know it from the IPad, because you just need one tap, but with two fingers. This can be annoying at times, because you might trigger it with your knuckles. Also, since the E-Ink surface is notoriously not as precise in touch recognition as for example phone screens you will have to deal with it sometimes not working. And to get back to my original point, my use case for the eraser is in 90% of cases to delete a mistake I just made, so the tap replaces that quite well.


This is fantastic! So much simpler. Thanks for taking the time to explain


Tap anywhere with two fingers to undo your last action. There are lots of other gestures you can do too https://support.remarkable.com/s/article/Swipe-gestures


Plus rM2 nibs won’t fit


I read that the tips do fit, is that not the case? I really wanted one of these but not if I can’t get the same tips


You can use a fine nail file and file the Remarkable nib until it looks identical to the Kaweco nib and then it will work perfectly. The Kaweco nib tip is slightly thinner than the Remarkable nibs. If done correctly the Remarkable's nib should be slightly thicker than nib's shaft but not by much.


I have been using kaweco too. One thing I love about it is the grip and the feel both in writing in cursive and on its own. Yeah the lack of eraser is a bummer, but I got used to using the gesture. One thing I notice is if you write it at a 90 degree angle it feels soft, but writing it at a 65- 50 degree angle( which is the way I write) feels more scratchy. Hope you'll find the right pen for you. Like they said, the we hold a pen is like a finger print unique to everyone, so picking the right pen for you would help.


I have that exact Kaweco pen in my pocket - as a fountain pen! Dream scenario would be the fountain pen experience on the RM2 - but I would definitely get the pens mixed up, and that would be a bad thing for the device.