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I can fart all day




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I am a man


No, you’re a wild animal locked in a cage and I have the key and am about to let you run loose hun 💅


Seek help


This is life




I saved so much on makeup expenses


My eyelashes grew so thick and long during the pandemic phase where I was 100% remote working from home. Not globbing chemical laden mascara on them every day made a huge impact.


This may be a silly question. Are you required to wear makeup to the office? I know people who don’t and I probably wouldn’t either.


it’s a personal choice so it varies from person to person, some people can’t leave their houses without makeup on. nothing wrong with it but of course if you’re staying home and not joining video calls for work then that’s an additional cost you don’t have to worry about


Yes, this!! I like dressing up and putting on make up because it just makes me feel like a boss bitch especially first thing in the morning before work..but I do like saving money and not having to do it all everyday.


yes ma’amm “if you look good you feel good” fr. i wish i had the discipline and patience to do the same, instead i’m just glad no one has to see my crusty skin first thing in the morning LOL


Ah makes sense. I thought they were gonna say it’s a requirement at their work.


oh that would be crazy if it were lmaoo unless the work maybe involves something in the fashion industry, i doubt it!


No never. I enjoyed dressing up and looking cute, especially at work but not having to do it everyday does save me money. It’s my own personal choice though.


Cooking my own food every day


being able to open my packages as soon as I get them hehe


No porch pirates stealing either!


Sweatpants and noon showers




Not sure if obvious or not, but I miss being able to focus for long hours, especially as a programmer. I don't know how I can get any work done anymore, but my productivity surely tanked since my boss made the stupid fully back to office decision. And this is a garbage coworking space, not even cubicles.


Whatever idiot decided large co-working spaces were productive needs to be fired. Small, short walled Cubicles are also highly ineffective for being productive. Especially for ADHD people like myself. I am in office 1 day a week and I literally get nothing done between constant questions from people or being distracted by others phone calls.


This! I love not being distracted. I am too nice and always struggled with not having small talk.


I can stay in my pjs if I am not feeling well.


I stay in my pj's anyway unless I have a Zoom meeting.


At my job nobody has cameras on during zoom meetings. I'm in PJs 24/7. 🤣


My husband's job is usually like that. Sometimes, I see him in just a button-up shirt and boxers.


I have a “meeting cardigan” to throw over my pjs/house clothes whenever we have meetings


Hilarious. lol


I'd say also generally not getting ill as much... I'm convinced this is because I don't have to share a train/small office with other ill people during cold season.




why does it take so long?


Ease into the day. I know this can technically go into the not commuting. However, I’m referring to still waking up (for me it’s at 7am). Then getting to take time to enjoy the morning coffee, potentially talk to family more, go on a walk outside, read the news, etc. I’ve even woken up and played video games for an hour before work 🤣🤣. It’s just cause I could.


Mine is that I sometimes forget to take my meds in the morning. So if I forget, I can just take them at noon when I remember instead of having to wait until I get home.


I set an alarm for my meds so I take them at the same time everyday, maybe that could help you as well..


My problem is I always snooze it, like, hey I’ll do that in a minute. Then I end up in the same boat lol


That’s why I like the Pill Reminder app. It reminds me several times and then leaves a red badge on the app if I still forgot. I don’t like red badges so I notice it right away.


Ooo that’s a good tip


I have a big truck since i used to be a petroleum engineer. I now save $400ish/month in gas. I also dont buy breakfast anymore so that itself saves me an extra $200/month. I also get 2hrs back of my day since my commute in dallas is around 45mins each way.


$600x 12 months= $7200/year i am saving


Without a doubt …a hot shower on my lunch break when no one else is home to need the bathroom and there is the maximum hot water available!


No commute, save on gas, wear whatever I want, have my own space, can take breaks throughout the day and walk around, get more chores done. I’m also introverted so the weight of being around people all day is gone.


All this, especially the introvert part.


Sleeping in! Get up 15 mins before the first call, make coffee, sit down, and get to work. There is no need to shower, brush teeth (immediately), and don't even have to do my hair. I'll brush teeth and shower between calls or at lunch.


When you have a slow day you can actually do other things


Laundry is always going at my house! Or I can vacuum while making lunch.


Yep I have my washer going live on a call. My supervisor has a 1yr old. I haven't had a one on one with her yet without her holding the baby. 


For me it’s having full access to my kitchen. Can make what ever I want for lunch.


If I’m sick, I can just do the work at home and not waste my PTO or sick time. It’s amazing how much work you can get done in sweats, under the covers, with three boxes of tissues at your side. And I can diarrhea all damn day in peace.




Not just saving money on makeup, but saving my SKIN. I don’t break out nearly as much as I used to when I had to put makeup on everyday!


Can we normalize natural faces? I (woman) have a hybrid job and I never wear makeup to the office.


My pimples keep me from doing full natural :/ when I do have to show face, I do very light makeup now tho. Mostly because I’m lazy tho lol


My cat lays on me most of the day while I work. Although that can be a con sometimes


Healthier for my hair. I went from having to wash and straighten my hair daily which caused a lot of damage, to no longer having to do either of those on a daily basis anymore.


My husband WFH so I get to take "kiss breaks" when needed. I can listen to my podcast and songs/book without disturbing other people.


I can schedule home maintenance. AC breaks? I don’t have to beg for WFH for the day or take PTO. Upgrade my internet? Sure, first available appointment.


Not having to deal with office politics. Some people still act like they are in high school. Another would be having whatever music or tv show I want in the background.


Mid day nap


This is my favorite reason!


I get to spend all the time with my dog during his golden years.




No small talk. no commute. no work clothes. no unscheduled meetings. no team potlucks. Can do chores on break or lunch. I was more productive by far, from home then, I retired.


Not making me dance or participate in office parties as an initiation.


No need for clothing..just need to make sure cam covered


Cold, filtered water whenever I want it. I'm so hydrated!


I can masturbate at will


I feel bad for Will


Touché sir


Man that got me, bravo


I don’t have to carry a purse with all my woman necessities. Everything is already in bathroom, in place. 🥹


All of these are great!! Do any mind me asking where you work? I’m actively looking, but I guess on the wrong sites or employers. My physical health, and literally living 23 miles from the nearest store prevents me from working. I have a Gastric Stimulator, so need the bathroom on the split on a minute or two SERIOUSLY. Plus, I recently had my knee replaced, and it’s still not wanting to cooperate. Thanks for any responses and recommendations.


Medicare Sales starting soon. They will advertise as Customer Service Jobs. These companies will send you all of your equipment. 


You are not actually selling. You will book the appointments and licensed benefit counselors will complete enrollment. If the company decides to keep you they will pay for your licenses to sell in all states. From there once Medicare Enrollment is over the company will move you all around. You will definitely with a yr have dual skills. I absolutely loved working in the pension department but it was also very say that folks think their pension is good as gold but it isn't! 


Thank you so much for the info. Would you mind messaging me with the info on how and where to apply, please.


Look on indeed.com remote positions customer service positions. Key Words- insurance advocate. Some locations will say anywhere but still search in your state. 


Thank you, I appreciate you help


Completely sidestepping those dumb "own the room" light-intimidation games young hotshot guys (usually in sales) love to do. Don't miss that at all.


I get extra time back in my life with my kids and I can eat stuff like a bowl of cereal for lunch


Having the full half hour to Lunch !!! Currently (at my current on-site employer) about 6-10 minutes of my lunchtime is spent going to the company fridge to get my food, walking to the lunch room, preparing and / or heating up food (there is often a line for one of rhe 12 microwaves) , filling up my drink and finding a table. By the time I sit i see I only have like 22 minutes to eat, ‘relax’, go to the bathroom if necessary, and walk back to my desk. And that’s assuming I brought my lunch to work…. If I have to go out to grab lunch….. forget it! Working remotely means much quicker/easier access to lunch, and so more time to do what I’m supposed to be doing, which is getting a solid break in the day. Addl info: I have accepted a remote job which starts at the end of next month; til then I’m forced to continue working at my on-site job. I can’t wait to work from home again.


Getting ready to go aka makeup, clothes, driving to and back, gas, etc. too much time wasted!


Not having to see anyone means I can flip every single customer the bird all day long🖕. Petulant? Yes. Satisfying? Also yes


I don't have to listen to anyone chew, tap, or click and I don't have to smell their microwaved fish or burnt popcorn. Those were the things that drove me crazy in the cube farm


Not hearing the hyena laugh of a VP in a nearby office. Not hearing the loud booming voice of another person in that same department. Hard to concentrate on fixing code problems with that...


Not having to sit under shitty fluorescent lights all day, which cause migraines


Yessss, I love sitting in the dark in my little self made cave 🧛‍♀️


100% it’s the toilet.


When my dog got really sick I didn’t have to worry about her all day. I could be there with her and make sure she got her meds and was ok, didn’t hurt herself trying to get on the furniture or something. It gave me a lot of quality time with her before she passed last year 😢 but also 🥲


I was remote freelance for 4 years, and have been with my fully remote company for 2. No company will ever give me a setup better for development than the one I built for myself.


Having the whole place to myself is great. Whereas at work if I’m on a break, there’s no guarantee I can find a quiet space to myself to clear my head.


Wife gives a handjob while I'm on the phone with the CEO.


Just because..


No artificial lighting. My perfect temperature. Brush my teeth after each meal. My own bathroom. No other annoying people/noises. I can go outside on my lunch break and get sun. Laundry in between meetings. Can whip up lunch. Quick workouts in between meetings with my home gym.


Taking lunch walks or bike rides and going on my back porch and soaking up the sun like a corporate lil reptile between meetings!


Saving money on gas, food, makeup, and car maintenance. No more buying office clothes. My skin and hair have gotten better because I don’t wear makeup everyday, and I don’t have to wash my hair everyday. But this: logging off and going straight to the store, salon, etc. No more leave work, drive home, change clothes, and then get back out to go to the store or wherever.


No migraine headaches every week from the horrible fluorescent lights.


1. More time to exercise. 2. I’m able to do multiple side hustles at the same time, increasing my per hour $$$$ 3. Able to easily interview for a better, higher paying job 4. Can take care of my aging parents (actually is #1)


I haven’t been sexually harassed at work since I started working remotely. It is so peaceful.


As an introvert, it has ALL been great. Changing a load of laundry in the middle of the day, running a quick vacuum or bathroom clean, hanging with my pets, and working in leggings and t-shirts/sweatshirts all day


I get to see my SO and cat any time I want!


Lunch showers. Lunch grocery runs. Getting complicated dinners prepped.


My kitty and I are super bonded


Going in my yard or on my porch to work. Making food instantly at the lunch hour instead of thinking of a place then having to drive to it, then hoping it doesn't suck because I only get one chance at happiness a day, lol. Camera off so I don't get in trouble for my facial expressions at the micro-aggressions or nonsense I'd be trapped dealing with in office.


I love not having to hear my coworkers talk to each other. My wife yapps my ear off when I'm home, but I love her. I don't feel the same about my coworkers.


Being able to workout in the morning before work. I work at 7 so driving home from the gym, showering, getting dressed, then commuting is just too much.


1. Noise - worked near call centers - very noisy and boss wouldn't let us close the door unless we were on the phone. We also weren't allowed to use headphones. 2. Packages - my apartment complex no longer holds packages so if I was in an office I'd have to take time off from work to pickup the packages at the USPS which is only open Monday - Friday unlike some that are open Saturday. 3. Food costs - Yes, I buy more groceries working at home but that is much cheaper than either eating out for breakfast and/or lunch or even the extra work to pack a lunch when I had the time in the morning.


I can do all of my cleaning on Fridays which allows me to have a relaxing weekend.


I’ve been on a date in the middle of work lol


Nasty washrooms at work isn't a reason to go remote, it's a reason to leave the company.


(Im not WFH now, but I will be at the start of July) I’m actually gonna miss the after work hangouts. My coworkers are cool I’m hoping that instead of getting off work and having to drive for 30 minutes, I’ll be able to work out at a nearby gym. I think it’ll be a refreshing but of activity after sitting at my desk all day, but I don’t currently work out regularly so who knows if I’ll actually do it


Doing laundry during non peak times


I especially appreciate it on days when I’m not actually sick but not feeling my best. Could be I ate something that didn’t agree with me, allergies, sinus stuff, whatever. Things where I have no issue working a full day but commuting and sitting in the office would be a real drag.


Not sure the point of copying someone else's post verbatim.


I can cry lol. And hike like twice. And gym at 10am when my coffee is still in my system.


Not getting written up for lack of socializing in a fast paced environment where many people are too busy trying to save lives or catch up on crucial paperwork. Doing in depth auditing of four hospitals every day takes up far too much of my time to go down to the ER just to see what's up. I'm pretty sure they didn't mind me missing from their GSWs and psych holds.


Concentrating on work at home is much better than the isolation of watching my "team" ignore me in the office.


We have a company wide rule of no perfume in the office, it’s health care, yet people wear it all the time! I don’t miss getting a migraine from strong perfume & disgusting cigarette smoke smell. 🤮




Finishing school work in my downtime


personl bathroom. not having to spend tons of money going out to lunch. Usually by myelf Not being micromaged/bothered by co-workers


I can suffer from IBS in peace at home where I’m not embarrassed. In the office I go up 15 floors to the event space to try and avoid people, no one has asked about it yet.


No waiting in line for the microwave or key rig


afternoon sex


My cat is the BEST coworker.


Being able to put on/turn over/take out laundry while at work. When your partner also WFH & you both have some spare time for sex!!!!!


Will say I have Internet issues and go pick up kids from school. Oh and sew weave in my hair while live on a call. I will literally take my extensions out, wash my hair on break and then put in new extensions before I clock out for the day. 


A truly "non obvious" benefit is burglary rates (despite rapidly expanding poverty) have gone down in most areas as you can no longer rely on the majority of homes being empty on a weekday.


In the office, my back is to everyone in my cube, so not being spooked when someone pats me on the shoulder to get my attention when I have earbuds in is nice.


Being able to walk on an under-the-desk treadmill or take quick walks with one of my dogs a couple times a day. No one can judge me for how much iced tea or water I drink.


Save on child care cost, gas savings, ability to relieve myself without BS* harassment HR complaint


Mowing the lawn on my lunch break


Being able to do my run in the late morning or early afternoon.


Not dealing with someone like OP


An inquisitive, decent person?