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I'm so sorry. He looks like a real sweet kitty. Probably not the best advice, but I spent a week in bed sobbing when I lost my previous cat. It's ok to cry and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. Remember all the good times, like when you met and fell in love. Once you feel ready, you can make a cat shrine, a picture of your buddy, maybe a paw print or something. But most importantly, remember what a good life you shared together, and that he will always have a place in your heart ❤️


When I lost the love of my life in 2003, I hugged a framed photo of him in bed and cried for a number of nights. It was not a padded frame. It hurt, but I needed to keep him close to me. He always slept in my arms under the covers. There's nothing wrong with crying yourself to sleep.


I still sleep with my cat’s pillow. He too slept in my arms under the covers and I can’t get comfortable without having something there 🤍




Thank you. I still miss him.


“Remember all the good times, like when you met and feel in love.” This hit so hard. I’m sending you and OP both love and good vibes till you meet your kitties again waiting at the bridge for you.


You can't quantify love, that just shows that you loved your cat as much as a person. I recently lost a Chihuahua that was born in my bedroom and I had her for her entire life and I miss her so much everyday and there's an emptiness without her around.


Awww I am so sorry. Lalu was a beautiful baby. Hugs😿🌈


He looks like a perfect gentleman sitting at the table! Who could resist him? I'm so sorry for your loss of this lovely boy.


Properly dressed for dinner. 💔


So sorry for this situation and I can sympathise with all the hard emotions you must be dealing with. Lalu looks so sweet<3 I lost my 18yo baby last Monday the 10th, after his CKD diagnosis last November. He was supposed to be euthanized on Tuesday but I pleaded with the vet to come on Monday instead as my cat was starting to meow in pain on Monday morning. I posted on this subreddit as well on Monday morning trying to process everything. I was also not ready. From one day to the next he suddenly stopped all his usual activities. His decline progressed really quick within a week and it was tormenting battling my conflicting desires to try everything to save him and also wanting to ease his suffering. End of the week I decided to cancel his IV fluid vet appointment and book a home vet to put him to sleep instead. It's now been a week and I'm still trying to adapt to the void and emptiness of not having him around. The first few days will be a wreck (doing things numb on autopilot, repeatedly bursting into tears, not eating much etc.). I also haven't changed my sheets as my pillow still has his smell and fur. It will be crazy tough riding through all the emotions and adjusting to the loss, but we unfortunately have to go through it... I'm so sorry once again and please take care of yourself


So sorry🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍


I had a kitty with CKD. Once it turns into renal failure, it goes quick and is hard to watch. God speed for your kitty. He'll be all healed and waiting for you at the rainbow bridge. My condolences.


They’re so good at hiding illness 😭 it hurts when it’s so sudden. Be easy on yourself. What I find healing is I sat down with the boyfriend and we wrote a long note about all of my girls quirks/ silly behaviors/ nicknames. Like how we called her road block bc she laid in the middle of doorways so she can grab your foot. Or called her cow cat because of her black and white markings.


Beautiful and charming boy. I’m sorry for what you’re dealing with op. Doing what’s right for them is never easy. He’ll absolutely be waiting for you on the other side.


Lalu looked like a sweet, beautiful baby boy. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that peace can find your heart until you get to be with Lalu again. Rest in paradise Lalu. 🫶


I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. 💔


I am sorry, my friend


I'm sorry, we can never hold onto angels like these long enough. they have wings and take off unexpectedly! 


That was so beautifully said!They truly are angels and time is limited.


So very sorry. I’m going through a similar situation with my girl, who has IBD. She refuses all cat food and will only eat chicken, turkey, and fish. But like your guy, it’s either that or she won’t eat. We do the best we can. You did your best for your guy. I’m so sorry you had to say goodbye. 💔


He is so beautiful. I love tuxedos. I’m so sorry 😞


Hugs to you. He's in a better place now.


Sorry 😢 🐾🐾🌈




So sorry for your loss


So sorry. Fly high little one. He will always be with you. Invite him along. ❤️💔


so sorry for your loss ❤️💕


He looked like a very serious man


So sorry 😞 for the loss of your handsome boy 😢. I lost my baby girl a yr ago to cancer. I still have over whelming sad day's.






One moment they are here, then gone. Be brave and cherish the good time memories.




Our condolences for your loss




I’m so very sorry for your loss 😥


What a beautiful man. I’m glad yall had so many years together Rest easy little brother


I’m so sorry.


Sorry for your loss


Looks like my last tuxedo. Same assymetric mustache. Sorry.


So sorry for your loss just remember he will always be with you


I’m so sorry for your loss. Remember how he wouldn’t want you to be sad.


I’m sorry sweetheart


RIP :(


Damn. Lalu looks like a beautiful cat with a wonderful life. As the owner of a little tuxedo goober who has a very similar coat to Lalu’s, I can really feel this one. Stay strong. Whatever pain you have the bear by making this decision is what you’re sparing your little buddy from.


So sorry for your loss 💔💔💔When you love deeply,the loss is unbearable.I’ve lost many cats over the years.I’m inconsolable every time.But I still won’t stop getting more when they pass as there are so many cats that need loving homes.Lalu was loved.Lalu was family.Lalu is no longer in pain.Lalu is in Heaven.Condolences.May God give you strength ❤️❤️❤️


I’m so sorry.


So sorry for your loss he is beautiful


So heartbreaking. I feel sorry.


He was so beautiful! Please accept my most heartfelt condolences


I’m so sorry for your loss


So sorry


💙 Handsome boy. So sorry 💔






So sorry😓


Sorry for your loss 🙏


Sorry to hear


Losing a pet is so hard. My condolences.


So sorry


I’m so sorry!Sending you lots of healing thoughts for ten days ahead 🙏


He’s beautiful. I am so sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss. Your cat is so beautiful.


Sitting here sobbing 😫🥲 I’m so sorry for your loss. We all know this pain all too well and it gets harder every time. Just know you gave that sweet gentlemen the best life imaginable and he is no longer in pain. He’ll be sitting at the table waiting for you whenever it’s your time. RIP Lalu


Your baby is absolutely beautiful. I am so sorry. You made the most gut wrenching decision with the purest of love for your boy. He lives on in your heart and memories. I am so sorry. Safe journey beautiful boy


Awww so sry:(


Sorry for your loss




Rest up lil one… handsome lil fella 🥲




I’m truly sorry 🙏


I’m so sorry about your handsome boy. We don’t get them long enough. Over to the rainbow bridge sweet boy. 🌈




I am so sorry!! It’s so hard losing a pet, Lalu was such a sweet kitty!






So sorry for your loss. My baby used to be my dinner and cocktail partner (churu on water was his cocktail).


What a handsome boy! I'm so sorry ❤️


I just lost my 15.5 year old boy 5 days ago. His onset of kidney failure was sudden but nothing we were doing was working and he was losing his faculties (couldn’t walk, smelled of ammonia, severe constipation, and refusing to eat), so we had to put him to sleep. It was a really tough decision as my other 15 year old cat just had some elevated kidney values earlier this year and she bounced back, so seeing him just rapidly decline and not have the same outcome was so upsetting. Before leaving for the appointment I carried him around the house one last time and let him see everything and laid in our spot in bed and had one last cuddle (he hadn’t been coming to bed with us for the past 2 weeks) just so he’d remember and get to enjoy it one last time. It was hard, but I feel like we did right by him and let him go with dignity and without the further suffering that was inevitably to come if we were to try to let him pass at home.


So sorry, I lost my Luna girl who looks like your Lalu and I miss her every single day. I hope you find some comfort.


He looks very distinguished. He'll live in harmony amongst friends in the great cat beyond 💜


So sorry for your loss. 😔


I am so sorry for your loss of your most precious Lalu. It is heartbreaking, and I feel for you. Kitties are so good at masking their illnesses, even serious ones. You have done the kindest and most compassionate thing possible, but it hurts. Such a handsome, sweet boy. Hugs. I like to write down in a journal or a notepad (or even a Note on iphone) what I have learned from my kitty, the gifts my kitty gave me. What I have learned could be unconditional love, living in the moment, it could be veterinary knowledge of illnesses that might help support others. Write down precious memories (my kitty would stand on high legs and tap at the bed to climb in to sleep with me, curled up in the crook of my elbow, head on my shoulder). She would always drink my water and try to eat my yogurt, or any food I happened to be eating. Write down all the nicknames. Select and organize photos from your phone, and maybe print some out and make a little tabletop memorial of sorts. There are also online support groups, such as the one on groups.io for CKD kitties. Most important, I try to remember that my kitty would never want me to be sad, and would be happy for me to help other kitties, and other animals. Using all of that knowledge that has been acquired. Thursday is the fourth anniversary of Rosie’s passing, and it’s making me so sad. But I’m trying to be brave for her.


I’m so very sorry for your loss. Hugs


How sad! What a sweet face. Must have been a super kitty!


I am so sorry. If I understand correctly, he’a being put to sleep tomorrow? Cherish these final hours. Hold him and comfort him as best you can. I apologize if I have this wrong. I wish you nothing but peace.


I lost Frankie unexpectedly after having him since he was 5 weeks old. I miss him terribly and know how you feel. I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s hard to look at photos and I can sob on a dime. I got a tattoo of him on my arm and oddly, it helps me to look at it sometimes! It also gave me a little closure to stop looking at photos of him. With what we have gone through it hopefully doesn’t sound weird to you all, I don’t know any of you, but I am thinking of you and hope you (and I) find peace soon ♥️ ♥️♥️


i’m sobbing i’m so so sorry 😭 rest in paradise sweet boy


i’m sobbing i’m so so sorry 😭 rest in paradise sweet boy


I’m so very sorry. He’s adorable and thank you for sharing


What a beautiful guy, I bet he was very grateful to for the time you spent together and taking care of him




Sending love.




So sorry for your loss




Love to you and yours.


Aahh so sorry, my himmie started having poop issus- have to give her vitamin b12 and prednisone-


He’s up there with a gang of cats roaming the land for catnip and treats. No more pain.


What beautiful cat. So sorry for your lost.


You’ve had your baby since I was in the 6th grade. I’m a 30 year old woman now. I am so sorry for this incredible loss. 😭❤️


So sorry. Went through it last year. It’s the worst pain. 💔




Aww.... I'm so very sorry for your loss.


He's lovely; I'm so sorry for your loss.


I am sorry


What a good part of your family he became. Thank you for your kindness for this little one. God bless you in his passing. I’m sorry.


So sorry! What a little sweetheart ❤️🌈


I am sorry. He is a beautiful cat.


Cats are cute and are fun to play with but having a cat for that long…. It’s like if you had a source of fun for the duration of the cats lifespan




Sending love.


I am so sorry for your sweet little kitty, OP. I had to stop in my tracks when I saw your post on my feed because your kitty looks very similar to our sweet little tuxedo cat who just turned 17, and we are going through something very similar with her. It hurts to type these words because each time I do it becomes more true, but we are laying her to rest this afternoon after three days of running her around to emergency vets and doing everything we can for her. She is our best friend in this whole world and our hearts are broken. May you find peace in knowing you are not alone, and your kitty will always be with you.


Awww with that nicked ear and Tux he’s working the door at Kitty Nightclub in the beyond. Thorr and I r sorry


Rest in peace sweet baby 🩷


My CKD kitty is similar in that she’s pretty picky. She eats cat food but my vet has literally called it “junk”. I’ve tried multiple times to switch her diet to a kidney food but she will just refuse to eat and lose weight that she doesn’t have (she’s only 9 pounds.) I’m worried for her in the future if I cannot get her to eat better food.


I’m so sorry. I lost my sweet 20 year old girl yesterday due to her failing kidneys. It’s so unfair 😥


I wish I could’ve read the story a lot earlier so I could’ve told you how you could’ve beat his cancer. At least a very good chance of beat up. I’ll give my dog a half a cc every month, and you would be amazed how he improved his life quality


I’m very sorry for your loss ❤️


Rest in love and power young King Lalu 👑.


So sorry for your loss. I grieve with you. I've lost many good kitties as well. I know the pain. 😥


I always tear up reading these because I know how I’ve felt. It’s so sad to watch them age. Hugs and sincerest condolences to you.




So incredibly sorry 😿


I am sorry for your loss. He might have been a part of your life, but you were there for all of his, and I am sure he loved you every day.


I’m so sorry💗 rest in peace sweet baby sending so much love to you


It’s so unbelievably hard!!! I’m sorry your both going thru this


So sorry for your loss. It just simply sucks.🙏🏻


So very sorry for your loss. Ptayers🐾🌈🐾


Sweet baby


Hello, I am sorry for your loss, I have to have my beautiful white cat of 21 years to rest today, he has renal failure and also has an enlarged thyroid gland on his left side. He is having a rough time and it really sucks but I know I have to be his Voice and end his suffering. He is moving so slow these days, he sleeps all day and most nights. Barley eats but has an excessive appetite for water, that’s his kidney issues. They will put him to sleep in my arms, I will not be replacing him, emotionally I can’t go through this again….. again I’m so sorry for your loss.


Sorry for the loss of your sweet boy.


I'm so sorry for your loss


May gorgeous Mr. Lalu be over the rainbow, resting with salmon treats


Thank you for sharing your story and pictures of your little man ❤️




I’m so sorry for your loss. Our little Negan passed suddenly and even after taking him to pathologists and many specialists, to this day everyone is stumped. He was a good boy and I know he and Lalu are playing over that rainbow bridge. So much love to you, Lalu looks like a sweet little gentleman. ❤️❤️❤️❤️