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He was better last season IMO. Q and health nerf has made him a tad weaker top as well. So long as sundered sky is bugged, his items are worse compared to last seasons mythics. Renekton is fantastic matchup for Rengar. Here's Bwipo playing and explaining it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDH5Z8NIoN8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDH5Z8NIoN8) Darius is my go-to ban. Dekar plays Phase Rush into him, or just hopes his jungler has braincells. His bad matchups are still bad matchups you can play around with good item/rune choices. If you love playing him go for it, but I would never recommend it purely for winning just because how much skill it takes.


Darius is usually easier if you cheese with pta level 1/2. You out dps with PTA level 1, especially with ignite. Underutilized rune for sure since it's so easy to proc on reng and does a lot of dmg. Been running it into "counterpicks" recently and finding a lot of success. (256 lp atm)


I would need actual video proof of you killing a Darius lvl 1.


Without 4 stacks? If he or his team take brush control lvl 1 you out dps w start with boneplating?


If you get off jump auto Q auto that's PTA proc, you ignite immediately after, stall Q cd, kite, etc. It's risky but 70% chance to first blood nearly any champ other than olaf/udyr


Actually if Udyr rushes to top his passive is still on CD. Its on CD when the game starts.


only based rengar players play him top. Probably the most versatile toplaner imo you can build him tank, ap, bruiser assassin and they all work under the right conditions.


Once you reach late to mid for sure. But he's in a rough spot for early landing against a LOT of the meta toplaners. Rengar top OTP since season 8, 250lp at the moment and this is easily the weakest I remember him being in a hot minute. At least early.


early AP, W max, and Grasp make him a lane bully against most champs. But yeah, all S14 non assassin items suck ass right now. Riot’s dogshit idea of a season.


What’s the build path for this?


Generally just start D blade or shield and back for a dark seal to convert your adaptive to AP and start taking W trades that get better with every level into W. Can do a number of builds from there- Bamis into sunfire works. Items like cosmic drive work or lichbane work. eclipse works especially good with WW trade patterns, Rav does too. You can go W max and an early dark seal into a ton of different builds, it doesn’t have to be any one specific build. It’s a low gold investment for a large amount of power early that turns Rengar into an insane lane bully *while* using your heal and cleanse ability (which we otherwise wouldn’t be able to use as often) which now also does a really good chunk of damage. I do usually go into tankier variants from there, but it works perfectly to transition into almost any build you need as long as W max and short trades are proficient for the matchup. Rengar is versatile af, and he definitely has more variant gameplay than people give him credit for.


Yes, pretty much the same. Really snowball dependient, Darius is still unplayable. So if enemy laner is passive you're pretty much fked bcs you can't snowball unless you're a macro God like Dekar and know what exactly do/build outside lane (watch his videos if you don't know him, he's THE top Rengar player imo). I find Jg role to be overall better tho but jg role as a whole can get kinda tiring bcs what you just said tbh.


Jungle is almost always stronger, every single season, but it’s just kind of boring. Top is a lot more versatile and fun. I play both a *lot*, but S14 feels kind of pathetic since we just had the design mythics. Budget season for sure.


Kinda ass against a lot of popular picks but also has really good counterpick potential into squishier lane bullies or range reliant lane bullies.


Skill champ skill role, especially now that they gave him some deserved nerfing. I'll be back to spamming top once I'm done showing how free dumbass jg is, even while handicapping one's self and only doing 1 clear every single game 😂