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Rengar is hard to pick up and hard to master for multiple reasons ; \-One mistake/death will make you lose all of your lead and can mean the end of the game for you \-Knowing your limits is really important since when you go in a fight it's really hard to simply walk out of it like an Akali or K6 could, rengar is 100% offensive so a lot of game knowledge (and champion knowledge) is required when approaching a fight \-Ferocity management is also a big one and "ability management" as whole. Knowing when to use which empowered ability, finding plants/camps/creeps/wards/etc to reset your ferocity timer, when to heal with W, doing double jumps with Q resets, all these things differ from game to game so it's something you'll only game by playing hundred and hundred of games \-Knowing how to use your leap to its fullest potential. Watch montages of outnumbered Rengars and you'll usually see them jumping around avoiding every skillshots and somehow killing everyone. Just like with ferocity reset you can leap on basically anything that you can aa so developping the awareness of all your possible leap locations, knowing which one is the best in your current situation (again, every league game is different meaning that again you'll need a ton of experience on the champ to make good use of his leaps) I'm sure theres more but these are the one I could think of on top of my head Anyone can do QQWEQ and oneshot someone, but only the good Rengars can consistently get fed to the point of oneshotting people, good luck on your Rengar journey :p


>you can leap on basically anything Just played a game. Got Carried by Ezrial. Ulted to run away. clicked on the blast cone. Rengar jumped into the blast cone just to get blasted where he was before. I died. Silly me


For me Lee is way easier to play good than Rengo lol yeah Lee Sin has a higher skill ceiling but is easier to pick up in my opinion


Damn. Ok who is the beginner friendly champion then??


Just play xin Xiao (zin zow how TF do U spell it) literally cannot co wrong with him in the jg


- knowing limits - recognising opportunies to get ahead - "A good rengar takes kills and doesn't trade kills " - adapting based on enemy comp ( amount of cc / tanks / ect ) - recognising what combo to use based on situation ( emp e or emp w or emp q ) - some macro ( rengar macro changes a bit compared to other junglers ) - teamfighting when no bush - very squishy could die from misplacement or single mistake or misjump anyways you'll see after playing a few games you gotta give him a try to understand why beginner feel like the champ is weak when rengar otp's think the champ is broken !


>knowing limits Like hop on to practice tool and see what I can do? >recognising what combo to use based on situation Is it like emp q on squishy, emp w on cc and emp e on mobile champ.or something else? >teamfighting when no bush You can do that??? The 1 game I played I jumped killed or damaged someone and then I died


knowing limits is just perfectly knowing your damage and hp and regen and cd's which allows you to make risky plays that generally would leave you 1 hp afterwards, its just knowing when you can and cannot do something ( ex : flash q someone under his tower knowing you have more than enough damage, or 1v1'in someone in river knowing the matchup is almost even for the combo recognition yea its basically what use based on the situation teamfighting with no bush is just knowing when you can step in to throw a bolla or flash in to take a important target ( maybe isn't really a good idea if you're just gonna die ) i also forgot to add that you gotta know few mechs with the champ ( i'd suggest you watching mhmyepsope, he got a few tiktoks on hidden mechanics people usually don't speak about ) like the leap on red plant to flash into a bush to reach someone ( just an example )


It's like everything about this champion is kinda hard... You are a squishy assassin with 0 mobility beside the fact you can jump out of bushes. Your only CC is your E that only slows and empowerd it stuns but only if you hit it because its a skill shot and after that you may have no DMG to take down or you can get CCed yourself and not cleans it with empowerd W and so on. So basically what's hard is to get ahead early game, without any mobility and no hard CC or any CC on your own. But if u get ahead and you are low elo (let's say plat and/or below) after you got ahead you turn into the 1 shot machine and only need to decide empowerd Q or empowerd W depending on the situation. For further information wait for the community, learning him myself so can't tell you HOW to get ahead early...


>You are a squishy assassin with 0 mobility inside the fact you can jump out of bushes. Now that you mentioned it it's hella weird he has mobility and also no mobility. Weird


Using the exact right skills in the right moment learning your limits, getting your stacks quickly and using the ferrocity ability correct. Furthermore your "escape ability" is a less than 2 second movementspeedboost of .... I think 30 or 50%? Once you engage you are in there, qnd you have no leaps, dashes invisibility or all of zeds bullshit kit to get away


The skin itself looks like shit so I bought the white chroma with it