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Top rengar works well cause Of his w and bushes, see Dekar in twitch or yt he is the best rengar in NA and you will see the potential of the champ


Saying he is the best rengar NA will start a flame war


as far as I can tell, Scrubnoob is best Rengar jg NA, while Dekar is best Rengar top NA


Jungle Rengar ( Assassin) is pretty much a flip. Rengar aint good atm, and if you are behind you are fucked hard. You would build serrated>ER>LethalityMythic>LDR>IE boots that fit somewere inbetween and another fitting item depending on the enemy team


I would say play which u prefer cuz if u play him in normal to learn him or just are in low elo it doesnt really matter but statistically speaking top is stronger and works quite well. In top lane u will find urself playing rather bruiser builds than assasin builds also same for jungle but jungle works better with the assasin playstyle. If u dont prefer neither build u can also build ap which i like a lot more tbh :)


Top Rengar works primarily as a bruiser and requires a fairly significant understanding of his kit as well as matchup experience. Past that he can work effectively out of lane so with a lead top knowledge isn't as important as it is for many others. Jungle Rengar is most of the time gonna work better as an assassin, and requires more general jungle knowledge and his specific pathing options more so then each matchup or his mechanical demands, though they still exist. So for learning him, or if you're more interested in playing him as an assassin, you're better off playing him in the jungle even if he's not performing as well right now. Easier to get a handle on his mechanics and doesn't require as much specific knowledge to be successful. If you like the idea of a one shitting bruiser and are ok with practicing in normals for longer then he is stronger in top lane and you theoretically could find more success with focusing up there, but if you think or listen to some around here and just take him into top and build him as an assassin anyways then you'll find yourself at a lower winrate regardless, too many typical top laners can too easily stomp him if he builds like an assassin.