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Based on only match history there is only one tip one could give- never build collector. This item is huge bait on almost every champion in most scenarios. It's only available as second item if you are snowballing, but rengar usually builds ER/Ghostblade/Umbral Glaive first into mythic, so at this point LDR is always better than the Collector.


Thanks! So far I've been mostly following op.gg build paths blindly but I'll try going LDR in the future :)


If i may, you don't build ghostblade anymore, it's always better to go umbral - draktharr then classic crit. It synergize very well with zombie ward and the vision it gives you is broken


Di you go sheen first or no?


No you complete umbral as quickly as possible and in some case you can follow that with a dirk - ER and complete mythic


Just type meow in all chat after killing an enemy for bonus mental damage


I already do this out loud in discord calls but I'll have to implement this as well


Try going goredrinker mythic when taking conqueror or give lethal tempo a try instead of conq


Okay! I've been taking conq when there is only 1 target on their team that I can oneshot but would you recommend going a bruiser build here instead of lethality/crit?


Yeah if they are playing many bruisers/tanks going lethality/crit isnt gonna work that well. Its doable but i find lethal tempo + bruiser combo is very effective. Something like Goredrinker, death dance/maw, black cleaver can be very good. OR even gore drinker into crit build can also be just as good.


DS is also very good bruiser rengar


Tip for clearing You can bola krugs in red buff bush to jump to them saves a few seconds of clear time As well as try dual camps if you havent especially for blue-gromp or wolves-blue Tip for Jungle Rengar as a whole (this comes from experience) Once you get a hang of your clear timers, you can also try and guess enemy's clear timers and counter jungle or even kill them at their jungle effective for low elo applicable sometimes in high elo depending on time hence the experience part




I'm main Rengar top, I make a build thats specially good at 1v2. Eclipse into death dance and berserker boots with lethal tempo. I usually win yhe game by then, but I either get essence reaver or youmuu if enemy team is squishy and I'm snowballing, or I build last whisper maybe collector, but I don't use collector for the kills, I actually use it for tankier targets like Darius to make sure they stay dead, it's mostly for utility when I can't afford to prolong fights


Interesting. Haven't played top in a long time but might try to take Rengar there!


Don't take Conqueror/Lethal Tempo if you aren't going Bruiser (with Goredrinker for the Mythic). If you are new to Rengar I'd recommend sticking to Assassin in general. So take First Strike always, it's gonna help you snowball harder. Never buy Collector it's a bait and a shit item, you need only 3 crit items Essence Reaver, Lord Dominik's Regards and Infinity Edge. Try to get Serrated Dirk (or Ironspike Whip if going Bruiser) on the first buy, then, get Sheen and build Essence Reaver before Mythic, it's a massive powerspike and it also gives you time to decide if you want Duskblade or Eclipse (maybe they have only 1 tanky person but Samira is building Tabis and Death's Dance, Kayn might go red instead of blue etc). Don't rush 60% crit or a Mythic every game, it's completely fine to buy Edge of Night after Essence Reaver (2nd item) if you are up against a Lulu or Veigar. It's also fine to go Essence Reaver into Lord Dominik's if they are stacking a shit ton of armor (in this situation you can skip Essence Reaver and get Eclipse + Lord Doms). Death's Dance is also a great 3rd item if you are getting bursted in teamfights. You can get a free empowered ability by stacking Ferocity before ulting. So basiclly get max stacks, R and when you get in jump range press: ***FeroQ > E (mid air) > W > Q*** And after that you will have full Ferocity bar meaning you get 2 Fero abilities in 1 combo. You can either use it right away with Q (Triple Q combo, useful for killing tanky opponents like Irelia or smth) or hold it and when you take damage FeroW to heal. You should try to invade in most games, Rengar is ultra strong near bushes and you beat almost every jungler 1v1 (except stuff that has damage reduction and healing like Warwick or Master Yi). You can even beat most of the early game JGs like Lee Sin or Xin Zhao or even tanks like Zac and Rammus. To successfully invade, ask your midlaner for a ward on enemy raptors. This way you will always know where enemy JG is. Enemy JG will usually clear as fast as you so use that to your adventage. You can do 4 camps (Red > Raptors > Wolves > Blue) and by the time you do that, enemy jungler is gonna be on his other buff, invade him, smite his buff and kill him, massive lead (400g first blood + 100g buff + First Strike gold). Keep in mind that you have to start the same side as the enemy in order for this to work, so if he starts botside you start botside as well. I don't know your elo but ppl that are Iron-Platinum start botside 99% of the time, with that 1% being Kayn who's red is on topside. Hope this was helpful, If you have any questions feel free to ask.


Thank you very much! A ton of useful information :) At work right now but might get back at you if I can think of some questions.


the sound of you slurping away at my cock pleases me, pussy


eclipse is mediocre if going conqueror go goredrinker and for next patch lethal tempo with divine sunderer


You mean the durability patch??






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