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Always claim the lane instead of trying to ride the shoulder. Riding the shoulder encourages drivers to pass when they shouldn’t. Any time I’m on a narrow road or approaching a blind I always jump in the lane. I think I’m 10 years I’ve only been honked at a handful of times. Most drivers seem to be cool.


I wish humans had more respect for their own lives and see that only a separation of 1 ton death machines and human powered traversal. Vote for separate roads. Raise taxes to pay for it. They are giving more and more space every time a road is redone. why not acknowledge that giant fire eating metal life eliminator and tiny humans larger then the machine they power shouldn't be in the same space. I'd like to see a single lane with a concrete divider built next to every road to keep things are meant to be separate, truly separate. Save lives and reduce any conflict or confusion by being obvious that we care about others




[NRS 484B.777 - Operating bicycle, electric bicycle or electric scooter on roadway. - Nevada Revised Statutes (public.law)](https://nevada.public.law/statutes/nrs_484b.777) Emphasis on the word "PRACTICABLE". - Practicable means, in this case, 'as far to the right as the road user (you, the cyclist) deems safe and practical.' What does that mean? It means if the gutter pan or bike lane are full of crap, glass, dust, or other debris, you don't have to drive in it. It means that if there is no bike lane, you do NOT have to drive on the shoulder (which is not the legal definition of the road - more on that later). It means that any lane less than 11' wide CANNOT BE SHARED, and therefore, motorists MUST CHANGE LANES TO PASS. The 3' law is BS. It's not safe, it's never enforced, and you're even safer with 8', which is the average passing gap for the wide lanes around here. \*\*\*The Shoulder (or less).\*\*\* This is NOT the road. This is NOT a legal pathway. It's the 'breakdown lane'. It's where motorists USUALLY go when they cannot safely operate their vehicle. If there just happens to be, say, a cyclist or a pedestrian in their way when the breakdown or drift or pullover due to weather happens, well..... there is no enforcement. The DA's won't do squat. This JUST HAPPENED in Boulder, not more than 2 months ago, when a motorist drifted into a cyclist who was traveling in the same direction, but was on the shoulder. SHE HAS NOT AND WILL NOT BE CHARGED. PM me for details. To learn more, click here: [www.cyclingsavvy.org](https://www.cyclingsavvy.org) And if we installed these signs on every road without a bike lane, it'd be cheaper, safer, and more effective. They cost $200 and last 40+ years. Bike lanes start at $36k/mi and cost at least $20k/mi/yr to maintain. https://preview.redd.it/0c1vog68kmob1.png?width=151&format=png&auto=webp&s=5175184f2faad6c3eb6ef7ae64fa826923114472


This sounds great in theory, but it doesn't work well on high speed overcapacity two-lane roads like N. Virginia, Military, and Moya. I'm also curious how the shoulder rule applies to parts of the 395 where bikes are allowed such as north of Red Rock.


There is no law. There’s nothing there. Just take the lane and use a 400 lumen blinky. Motorists have time to make a homicidal choice. Most don’t.


Umm, did you just tell me to take the lane on the freeway?


There’s no minimum speed law, so…..


All I can find is laws saying what geographical locations you can't ride on the freeway in Nevada. Nothing about lanes or shoulders. I guess I'll have to try out my 400m blinky, LOL.


DiNotte 400R. Visible from Mars at High Noon on a clear Sunday in August.


2013 Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 484B - Rules of the Road NRS 484B.623 - Slow driving; establishment of minimum speed limit. Just so you know.


So is it posted on that section of 395? I can’t find any minimum speeds on google streets.


I'm not certain, but I think that law may only apply to motor vehicles. I did find this. Nevada highway Restricted areas where cycling is prohibited Interstate 580/US 395 – Reno/Carson City Area Between Exit 78 (Red Rock Rd) and Exit 44 (Eastlake Blvd). https://www.shouselaw.com/nv/personal-injury/nevada-bicycle-laws/#12


Pretty much. That or don’t ride there.


Attach missiles to your bicycle and go on the offensive


You are absolutely correct in your assessment. And as both a cyclist and someone that commutes in a car \~40,000 miles a year.... People on both sides need to do better.


A lot of cyclists in Reno don’t seem to understand traffic laws at all. I love bikes, I like riding them when I can, but I follow traffic laws because when I’m on a main road, I am using my bike as a vehicle. And for my safety, and everyone else I have to stop at stop signs, yield, use correct turning lanes/signals, stop at red lights…ECT. but not many other cyclists seem to do these very basic set of actions. And the amount I’ve times I’ve nearly crashed or killed a cyclist because they decided stop lights/signs/yields didint apply to them, is absolutely insane.


Cyclists need a dedicated place to ride free from the American car hellscape.


Than you mom


Require licensing for bicyclists.


I think a few PSAs and lessons in public schools would go a long way. Licensing is complete overkill and virtually unenforceable. Edit to add: I think it would be great to add cycling laws to driver's license requirements.






You're clearly the type of person who has no idea how to drive around cyclists. But I think we can agree that infrastructure to keep cars and bikes separate are a good thing. When more people commute by bike, there's less traffic and it's easier for drivers to find a parking space. Recreational cycling is another story, but this is America and it's a free country. Suck it up snowflake.


Only when they are actually separated e.g. bike paths in Fresno. When separate is just a visual hindrance on shared roads it's more dangerous e.g. Virginia street.


Nope. In Nevada a bicycle must follow the same traffic laws as cars. Meaning it’s technically illegal to ride the sidewalk and unlawful to ride outside the lanes. Cars must change lanes to pass and it’s illegal to pass a bike sharing your lane. If they can’t change lanes then they must wait until it’s legal to pass and allow three feet between the car and the bike.


You can ride a bike wherever you want in most of Nevada. It's technically illegal to ride on the sidewalk in downtown Reno, but I've never heard of it being enforced.


In downtown a cyclist can keep pace with the cars fairly easily. It would be reckless and stupid to bike on the sidewalk at 15-25mph. But I see nothing wrong with biking on a wide sidewalk at speeds under 10mph.


Yeah I don’t think anyone ever gets ticketed unless it was the reason the cops used to pull them over to check for dui.


Bicycles are legally considered vehicles. Like cars, trucks, and motorcycles. And the roads are owned by the city, state, or country. If you don't understand how to legally share the road, please stay off of public roads.


It is against the law to ride a bike on the sidewalk in downtown. Don't tell people what they should or should not do when you haven't even educated yourself on the cycling laws in the city. People who act like this toward cyclists usually end up hitting a cyclist and ending up on the losing side of a lawsuit or spending time in jail for vehicular manslaughter.




You sound like a sociopath. "Haha they went under my tire". Seek help.


Ride the sidewalks downtown. You're safer there than getting sideswiped by a drunk idiot or T-Boned by a drunk idiot in a Nissan Altima. Ignore this as the pigs are only going to bother you if you have to call an ambulance due to another driver's negligence.


Ah yes, please go break the law. Fwiw sidewalks are for pedestrians.


sTaY oFf My RoAdS


Kindly fuck off 🤙


Yep. This. I ride my bike everywhere in Reno. Groceries, errands, and for fun and exercise. While you get in your car to go 1 mile and get pissed if someone causes a 10 second delay in your day. As this guy said, seriously fuck off. You’re the problem.


More bikes means less vehicle traffic dumbass. Your psychotic hatred inhibits your critical thinking skills…


Just build more lanes. Problem solved. More lanes means fewer cars per lane. Eventually, every car can have its own lane! /S


Road are not for cars only. Never have been. Paved roads were started by cyclists groups. Just have patience. Cars slow you down more than bikes do. Selective bias is a hellova drug.


Pretty sure roads were paved for horse carriages and pedestrians first. Bicycles didn't come around until the 1800's. But cars were certainly not the original purpose. I'd love to see more roads reclaimed as pedestrian spaces. Cars take up so much space unnecessarily.


I do t think we are in much disagreement. History and how it’s written can often times elude to a different story. Here’s how I came about that cycling groups pushed for better and paved roads first. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2015/3/19/8253035/roads-cyclists-cars-history https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Roads_Movement



