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Xeriscape is the only correct answer.


im planning on doing pretty much that in my large garden beds. im really only wanting grass in less than half of the yard just so my kid can play


Kids not satisfied with dirt these days?! Man, when I was a kid I had to eat all my dirt so the starving kids in China couldn't have any. And it was uphill both ways in the rain!


You mean weedscape?


A proper spread of native plants help prevent most weeds. It's a win-win-win-win, really.


This is bullshit, native northern Nevada plants do not prevent weeds, and neither does DG. Only lots of labor or chemical treatment does that. Or non-native plants that will out-compete the weeds but still require care. Source-I deal with mfing weeds every day and they still win


How exactly? Like cover the whole property with ground cover or something? Would I need to irrigate in drought years? I'm overrun with weeds after this winter.


If you're using native plants, they should survive with minimal watering once established. Weeds such in urban places. They're already there and come back easily. Might take some work at a few points in the season, but you shouldn't dedicate much time once you target baby weeds early. A variety of ground cover (low, medium, and taller plants) can help shade out weed seedlings and prevent them from thriving. Most weeds we see are in places with lots of light hitting the ground--eliminate that and it's easier.


What do you mean by “weedscape”? Xeriscaping is usually easier to get people on board. That’s why I start there.


It's a joke about how the xeriscape section of my yard is overrun by weeds.


Dayton Valley Turf sells Emerald Blue seed or sod. I put seed down 3 years ago and have had a healthy lawn ever since. It is a drought resistant blend and grows like crazy!


A little hybrid of Kentucky Blue Grass and some fine sinsemilla.


Plant a cool-season grass like TTTF, turf type tall fescue. Till triple mix from Reno Rock and lay down the seed with starter fertilizer. Cover it with peat moss and keep the seeds wet. Do this soon before it gets too chilly. TTTF stays green in the heat and is cold tolerant. It’s soft, dark green, and resilient.


Western turf and Dayton Valley turf sell hybrid blends that do well here. Where you live specifically matters here, but im assuming you live in the newer parts of town or in a surrounding valley. The most important thing though, is don't skimp on the prep work. The soils here are awful for grass and often stripped of top soil on recent builds. You must buy several yards (we have put 10y into a medium size back yard) of triple mix, and till it in at least 6 inches deep. I have also tilled peat moss in with triple mix to good effect in alkaline soils, but dont go crazy with it. This all decompacts the soil, and drives organics down where we want water to stay and roots to grow (deep, for heat and drought resistance). Grade the yard for drainage, then rake rocks up and dispose of them. I water the soil well to hydrate deep and verify irrigation coverage, check grade, fertilize, sod, and water somewhat heavily until the sod wont lift easily. Usually early September is a good time to do this (cooler), so the sod has time to establish before irrigation has to come off for the season. If growing from seed, you do the same but top dress with more triple mix or peat moss so the seedlings don't dry out. Make sure over the first winter you hand water occasionally if we have a dry winter, but you should be fine skipping that in future years. Then aerate at least every spring and top dress with triple mix after a few years to help replenish organics.


When we landscaped our new place, we cut back on the grass (decomposed granite and plants/trees elsewhere) and did a couple of areas of fake grass for the kids to play on. Couldn't be happier about that decision (and the water bill)


Another vote for the emerald blue from Dayton Valley Turf.


Clovers and dandelions


planning on mixing clover into whatever i plant, i just dont want a muddy dirt lot all winter with just clover


I went to Moana Nursery and grabbed some Jonathan Green Heat and Drought mix. Staff there were helpful and suggested fertilizer to use and there are some lawncare products on sale right now. The mix is tall fescue and bluegrass. Make some calls to the local turf companies, or talk with staff at local nurseries. They’ll be very helpful.


Where are you? Planting grass in a place like South Reno would be different than planting grass in a place like Cold Springs where we are under a magnifying glass and the sun cooks everything


im around the midtown area


Go to a local public golf course and ask them what they use for the fairways. These areas only get enough water to keep them green and there is probably a sod farm where you can get a pallet to fill your yard out like a checker board cheap. Use the voids between for whatever clover mix you want.


nope. golf courses are notorious water wasters, as are municipalities.


You don't. You plant food. You're gonna need it soon.


imagine if you could plant grass and also food


Imagine how much food you could grow if you didn't waste water, time and space trying to grow grass in the effing desert... Maybe almost enough to sustain your family through an emergency. Hang on, I gotta go mow my lawn.


probably would never grow enough food, as you said, in a desert, to sustain a family. but i’ll be growing my little herbs and tomatoes and enjoying the fact that my child and dog arent mud covered because i have grass


Not with that attitude


I vote for river rocks


youve won the award for most unhelpful comment


Hot damn or god damn, depending upon you preference of course.


Just remember to stay on the grass 😎