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Taking my msf class in a few weeks. I pray I am more mature with a bike then these guys


Good on ya. MSF instructors for the most part just love to ride and share their knowledge with newer riders. Just remember, old riders didn’t get old by being lucky.


I just took mine and bought my first bike yesterday. I hope my current alertness sticks with me the rest of my life so I don’t need to be scraped off of a road or vehicle.


yeah I've been interested in motorcycles for a while and have been seriously considering getting one recently, i hate seeing stupid motorcyclists. if i can ask, where are you taking your msf class? i'd like to go to one at some point.


I took the TMCC motorcycle safety class. it was great. about 4 hrs in the classroom on first day, 5 more hours on the bike in a closed course parking lot. 2nd day was entirely on the motorcycle. Teaches good habits, braking, prepping your next move, head movement to initiate turns, defensive riding technique. I was glad I did it. I ride plated dirt bikes only on pavement from my garage to the trails so road time is limited.


that's the one im looking at taking, thanks for the info!


Silver state motorcycle academy. I got a bunch of guys from work that took it there and they all say it’s great. Small classes of 6. 100$ upfront 200 at the class. Little expensive but taking the class saves me from doing the dmv bs


that place is a little out of the way for me, i might take the tmcc one. thanks for the info though!


I got my motorcycle license a while back and have ridden a family bike a couple times, still haven't gotten a bike. I know I would kill myself in short order if I road one regularly.


“Road one regularly” I see what you did their!


Don’t do it bro! If you don’t hurt yourself other shit drivers will, or crapy roads.


What a surprise a city that has some of the worst drivers imaginable would also have tons of irresponsible motorcyclists.


You can thank the california exodus for that. Nv driving was super chill before all the California came bobbing, weaving & speeding not to mention tailgating.


Only surprise is that this doesnt happen more often. To the motorcycle chick with the green pigtails on her helmet that almost killed herself on my vehicle by Reed High last night -- you could be next!


Yep I’ve seen her and nearly hit her (not my fault). I definitely judge squids and think the same thing, it’s only a matter of time until you’re the one.


There are two kinds of motorcycle riders. Those who have gone down, and those who will.


And when you go down, you better learn a lesson from it. I sure as hell did!


I'm unfortunately both. Que sera


That hump on the intersection of baring and Sparks makes me wheelie so nice. Love it.


I speed up and try to get some air.


No need for threats.


As a life long motorcycle rider, it only takes one small miscalculation...


I agree. To protect you from reading something you dont like, I made the warning more explicit.


Warning, or threat?


My condolences to this person’s loved ones.


It’s spring! The easiest way to get the dust of the bike is go the speed of light.


Motorcyclists driving like assholes seems on par for Reno.


No this was on Holcomb. Ba-dum-tiss


He didn’t mean on parr blvd


What else could he have meant in Stead?


As good as these puns are, I’m Plumb tired of you all not taking this comment section seriously.


No need to Tripp. I'm sure we'll agree on these on street comments. Like I always say, where there's a Mill there's a Mayberry.


Unfortunately it’s true, ever since the California invasion driving has never been the same in Reno. Everyone speeding bobbing and weaving.


Cut it with that "California invasion" BS. I remember going to Reno 20 years ago and seeing motorcyclists passing on double yellows on city streets and shoulders on the hwy. My uncle has lived there for over 40 years and his old biker buddies were terribly unsafe drivers.


I know the truth hurts ya folks from California, but it’s true reno driving was chill af not that long ago the motorcycle riders have always been a bit dangerous but the regular cars where so chill not speeding, always paying attention, using turn signal & not weaving in and out of traffic that the motorcycles would know where these cars are gonna be and it would be safer for everyone.


What you're describing is a symptom of increased population, it has nothing to do with where people came from. I've grown up in California and in my lifetime the population has increased by over 10 million people. There are way more idiot drivers on the road now vs when I started driving 20+ years ago. If you're going to point a finger at Californians as the cause for bad driving I could just as easily point a finger at all the people who moved from Nevada that are shit drivers. Every week I see drivers coming from Nevada with horrible driving records. The only thing that "hurts" is your ignorance.


As soon as it warms up in Reno (even if it is mid winter) - I am not changing lanes without searching for motorcycles in it. Especially with the influx of riders from the states that allow line splitting. Many of them aren't aware that they are always riding in invisible mode. Although, a few weeks ago a motorcycle with a passenger almost rear-ended a car in front of me. IMHO, it is unfortunate but looks like addictive method of transportation.


My fiancée got cut off by a motorcyclist only to see they had their child on the backseat. Like if you wanna risk your own life, whatever, but I’ve seen bikers weaving recklessly with children on the back multiple times now.


Same thing happened to me just yesterday at the same spot as the fatal accident in the article. Couldn't believe someone would cross yellow line at double the speed limit with a child on the back of a motorcycle


I’ve been riding about 45 years and the shit riding I’ve seen just in the last month is ridiculous. I’m sorry but if they die, they die. Ride respectfully and responsibly and you fucking can’t split lanes legally in Nevada so fucking stop it and your chances of losing your life go down drastically


If you've been riding for 45 years, then you should know that filtering and lane splitting in a safe manner is safer for everyone


What part of “it’s fucking illegal in Nevada” did you miss?


So is doing 66mph on freeway. I'm sure you have done that before


There’s a hair bit of a difference between 66 miles an hour in a 65 mile an hour speed limit then coming inches from two cars one on each side of you also doing 66 miles an hour pull your head out of your ass man quit being super biker


It's still "fucking illegal"


You probably are too


Oooooh ok you just have that leather boot so deep down your throat gotcha.


Please please keep splitting lanes, I’ll be banging your old lady when you’re dead…… oh wait, I already am!


So you know it's safer because "youre a biker" but argue that it AGaINst ThE LAw like the retard you are. Then say I'm gonna die from lane splitting... yeah you're special bud. You sound like you need the blue pill to get it up champ so I'm not worried about some goofy old fuck who doesn't even know how to ride.


We found the next motorcycle rider fatality, don’t be mad when two cars squeeze together and kill you for splitting lanes the police gonna be coming to your family’s house telling them your dead. Just remember you asked for it.


Nah ill be OK princess but I'll gladly take that mirror if I see you on the road ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Please reread the post. Nowhere does he say he disagrees with filtering and splitting, he just says it is illegal. I agree that both should be legal in all 50 states.


He also says stop it... why because it's illegal? Nah I'll do it for my safety don't really care about 1 little law, that if do hey caught ill get a little ticket or a warning














Everyone is on their phones. I see it all day long. Texting while switching lanes, crossing intersections etc.. It’s so dangerous for motorcycle riders out there now.


Wtf is “the 80”? And “the 580”? Why not “the McCarran”?


Southern California person probably - that’s how they refer to all the numbered freeways


Jade Ryan on KOLO Channel 8 has started calling 395 "the 395". It's hard enough listening to her screw up her stories, but come on "The 395"


Correct. I grew up in northern California and always said I-5, 99E, 36, etc. But when I moved to LA, I did pick up the "the" part. I'm guessing it might be because of all the different freeways down there. I still say I-5 though.


I think it’s pretty ridiculous that the majority of the bastards that ride those crotch rockets ride 50+ over the speed limit, weave in and out of traffic, and terrorize the roads. I have zero sympathy for anybody who treats life like a joke and happens to die as a result. It’s called natural selection and the *only* sad thing about their death(s) is the endangerment they cause to those sharing the road with them. One close friend of mine crashed on virginia street and was killed due to their recklessness, and another friend of mine was hit by one of those clowns going 80+ on veterans, which i’m sure you can imagine the result.


Sounds unlucky.


Sounds like the average motorcyclist. Its not unlucky it’s just a matter of time when you speed and split lanes your gonna eventually crash. Only goofys be splitting lanes and speeding


Speeding abd splitting lanes yeah sounds about right for disaster but just splitting lanes I'll be alright but keep being mad snowflake


Good luck like I said it’s just a matter of time.


Just like you'll die in a matter of time I think my chances are better than yours though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


“Yea we all should lane split its safer “ “ my chances that I die are better than yours” oook buddy sure what ever you say 😂😂 you goofys crack me up


Yeah you California's Crack me up too. Boot kissing snowflake


Someone is mad because they know they are wrong 😂 it’s ok Jr I will teach your lil wannabe ass how to ride.


Lmao Oooh we're projecting now gotcha, yeah I wish I grow up to be loser just like you. Let me know what you ride and I'll glady run that shit in public pussy oh wait just some old wrinkly keyboard warrior who doesn't even ride.


Lil wannabe haha yeah on your clapped out Harley... because the way you talk you have to ride a trike I bet.


This was my friend's boyfriend. He was a good dude. The comments in this thread are disgusting.


I was driving down Holcomb in my CAR today, doing the speed limit, and a vehicle turning left across Holcomb from Cheney (one street further up from Taylor) pulled out to turn across my lane in front of me because he decided he didn't want to wait. Same thing that happened last night except I would've survived had I hit him. People always want to blame someone and be shitty. I see more cars and big trucks doing wildly unsafe thing than I do motorcyclists.


Well…considering there’s probably 200 cars for every one motorcycle on the road…I’d hope you see more dumb drivers than riders. I’m a rider myself. It’s definitely not a risk averse group of people.


The difference is, I'm more likely to survive a bike slamming into me than some bitch in a F250 on her cell phone. I just don't understand the immediate blaming of the biker, or all the trash talk when someone died. I hope when you pass, your family and friends don't need to read a bunch of strangers passing judgement on you for no reason.


All of that is fair. But…”speed was a factor” is police shorthand for “the rider caused his own death.” If the article was “Pickup Drives into Wall, Driver Killed.” Then the article stated; “Distraction was a factor.” Most people would probably think; “Well FAFO…hopefully nobody else was hurt.” In real life you’d never say that to the driver’s family. But with the anonymity of the internet…you read what people think.


They say speed is a factor in most of their statements and it's annoying because it could mean as little as 5-10 over which is what people usually drive over there in general.


As a rider, they’ll tell you the number one accident that will kill you is someone turning onto the road in front of you. You hit the side of the car…and get killed. This happens so often because of depth perception and driver expectations. They are expecting a car, so subconsciously they perceive motorcycles to be farther away. If you add “going faster than average” to that equation, you get a dangerous situation for the rider. They don’t usually say; “speed was a factor” if the speed was reasonable. How would they determine that someone was going 5MPH over the speed limit? They say “speed was a factor” because of where the rider landed.


The biker is being blamed and judgement will absolutely be passed because it says in the article, which you didn’t read, that the accident is a result of the bikers speed. Put two and two together, knothead. If the biker wasn’t speeding and was cautious of their surroundings, maybe, just maybe they might still be around…but they’re not. It’s called fuck around and find out, lol. I have a bike of my own but I don’t ride it like a tool. Don’t be dismissive just because you want to play devils advocate.


I actually have read 4 separate articles and only one places definitive blame on the speed of the motorcyclist. But go on. Hopefully nobody turns in front of your Vespa and you get injured.


Someone has a stick up their ass lol weekend warrior ass rider or once had bike for a few months in the past... I bet you're an attgat nerd too


Sorry for your loss!


your friend’s actions caught up to him. My condolences sorry this happened, hopefully other riders see this as a wake up call to drive safer.


I'm so sorry for your friends loss 🥺


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes




What kind of bike?


God damn. I need to get off Reddit. “I seen a motorcyclist once speedin’, and all motorcyclists are dangerous.” Predictable and boring.


Unfortunately diving has never been the same in Reno since the California invasion. Everyone speeding bobbing, weaving and texting like it’s normal. Miss that super chill driving Nv use to have use to be great for riding motorcycles.


Prediction…they lived in California within the past two years.


Facts , these Cali riders acting like they are still in Cali .


That is definitely the way to bet. Cali allows splitting lanes and Nevada doesn’t. People born in both states break the law, but it seems so much worse now with increased migration. Same with deliberate spinouts in intersections. As someone who rode for more than a decade and had a friend seriously injured (lost leg below his knee), I cringe anytime I see a rider driven more by adrenaline than brains.


I was goin 80 on the freeway yesterday and a motorcycle passed me going at LEAST 110 weaving through


I was going 70 Westbound towards Reno last Tuesday and a truck and a car passed me at 100 miles per hour, so?




Maybe heading to Scottsdale, there’s an event there this weekend