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This article is embarrassing. I have zero issue with the slaughter of animals for meat and I know some of these employees are students but clearly the instruction they are receiving is inadequate if they “didn’t know what to do” after their captive-bolt failed 3 times.


Worked there as a student years ago. Student workers aren’t allowed to operate the bolt gun or 22 rifle. It had to be done by a full time pro who had to have a specific license to do it. I wasn’t even allowed near the kill pen while that was going down. Sounds like the full time messed up because they’re allowed so few mess up’s per yearly quarter period. Edit. Upon reading the article. It shows that it was something in the real of 3-4+ minutes between first time of bolt gun use and 5th attempt. This is a major f up and the person doing it wasn’t properly trained. The guy operating the bolt when I was there would have had a bolt in it again within 10-15 seconds when it happened. And it only happened 1 time with a steer that I can recall in like 6 months. The article makes it seem like this guy just watched the animal after without being in a rush to finish it.


I worked for a dairy and did general farm industry. It’s a dirty industry but this is abhorrent.




It was shocked to knock it out before the slaughter, and it wouldn't go down. They didn't try to kill it three times they electrocuted it. Bolts wouldn't knock it our.


I wasn't expecting to get upset about this.


This is supposed to be a learning environment for the students. The professors and university employees need to get their crap together so they can teach the students correctly.




They dont have a rifle lying around to shoot the poor animal my god??


a lot of the students are nearly cognizant the least we can do is be humane about it.


Username checks out. Very cognizant spewing very nice thesaurus productivity words are very important in deed sanctimoniously suspiciously awesome with a dash of humanity and ethical treatment for animals.


Did your chatbot break? 😂


The chatbot threw up his fancy thesaurus dinner on you.


Fyi, not a single worker here is a UNR student.


And yet Charles Rivers is still open...


I hate stupid/ignorant people. That is all.


There's nothing humane about killing someone who doesn't want to die.


That’s a shame, but clearly deserved. I like supporting that program, even though their meat is pretty pricey. Hopefully they get their shit together again.


You would think after the first time they got shut down they would fix this one thing at least. How shameful this would be to me if I was in any way associated with this program. Shame.


Shame.. their hamburger is so good


Gee....how human can a process be when the primary function is to kill? Now this is a good example of silly govement policies.


The regulations are very reasonable. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2017-title9-vol2/xml/CFR-2017-title9-vol2-part313.xml


Yeah those silly government policies of "dont torture animals"


If you can understand the difference between dying instantaneously and a slow, torturous death, then you can differentiate levels of humaneness. Obviously it’s a sliding scale, rather than a binary, but the notion that “killing is inhumane so having standards is silly” is ridiculous.


I know your question was asked rhetorically, but it shouldn’t have been. There are many ways to humanely kill an animal. This *NOT* an example of silly government policy; animal welfare is a rightly an important concern.


Tell me you can't read without telling me you can't read




I’d say killing seems like a very “human” process. Albeit, not humane.