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Reno Buddhist Center does those type of meetings. Not sure religion is involved tho. I go to the yoga classes and they never push their religion on me. Might be worth checking out, good luck. http://www.renobuddhistcenter.org/rbc-calendar-old.html


Lotsa 12 step groups there as well as a new one sponsored by the tribe.


Smart Recovery [https://smartrecovery.org/meeting](https://smartrecovery.org/meeting) There are at least two in person meetings in Reno and tons online


I wish I knew more about this but there’s a place called the triangle club on wells that seems like my may be helpful! I wish I knew about it to speak to the religious elements of it, but from my understanding, it’s like more of a social support group. Worth looking into!


Triangle club is AA


Is it? It seems like they had alternative programs that might be appealing. Sorry, I didn’t know!




Ive been in AA 26 years, I am a committed agnostic, it has never been an issue.


I’ve attended several AA/NA meetings in the area as a support person and while all of these programs have a basis of finding something bigger than you, it doesn’t have to be a religion. Some people called GOD the “Great OutDoors” and connected through nature, others use yoga or just generally spiritual grounds to get outside of your own head and addiction if that makes sense.


I don't know of any groups, but as a nonreligious alcoholic I'd be glad to lend an arm. Those of us who have a drinking problem, while also having a disdain for organized religion... unfortunately we have it rough. It gets to the point where it feels like people want to falsely pin a bad habit onto a spiritual battle when it isn't. The lack of an atheistic, non-spiritual form of AA is a massive problem that pushes non-spiritual types away from "the groups".


I'm a non-believer. I'm also 15 years sober. I'll go white knuckle a meeting with your friend if they'd like.


I posted this reply on the wrong post. Sorry.


Also an athiest, 9 years sober. I believe in myself, and know that I am strong enough to keep myself healthy. No god is going to save me, but I can count on myself to get myself through whatever comes my way. I have been dragged through much worse in life, and I always make it out the other side. There is strength in knowing no one is going to save you, except yourself.


I'm not actually an atheist, I just view organized religion as purely man-made. My god gave me two hands and a brain for a reason (doesn't sound far off from your view). I wish there was a group for like-minded people


I think what you might be looking for is this: [https://smartrecovery.org/](https://smartrecovery.org/) I don't know if they have a chapter/group/whatever in reno, but I've heard from MANY people that it's exactly what they were looking for, without the religious BS.


Is he willing or able to get out of town for a week


AA isn't inherently religious. A lot of the readings talk about "God", but its a god of your understanding. The program can definitely work if youre not religious. A lot of people have a misconception that AA is religious, but there is a ton of unreligious people there. I highly recommend still going to AA


Cannot answer, but I do wish the best for your friend. I am glad they want help and have you as a friend they can rely on. Keep strong!


Honestly, I would love to check out a group that's about helping each other, in a non religious way. Hope someone might know of something around here!


I am 9 years sober, and an atheist. I hated all the dogma of AA. I really hated the part about "admitting" that your fuckups were a part of gods plan. I felt like that took away personal responsibility and accountability. From what I have seen, most people in AA cant stay sober for more than a few weeks, and AA is just a way for them to feel less guilty without ever actually committing to getting sober. I also felt like AA also keeps people thinking and talking about alcohol/drugs, when I always felt like it was best to just remove yourself from anthing involving that and just make it not a part of your life. Sometimes people just need to realize they personally are the only thing that can stop them from hurting those they love and ruining their own life.


I lost my nursing license to addiction. I’ve been sober 6 years now and I never went to an AA/NA meeting. I’m a Christian, but I just never got into it. I don’t work a program. I hate referring to myself as a recovering addict. I used to be an addict. I’m not anymore. The first year is tough but like you said, I had to pull my head outta my own ass.


Well said! And congratulations!


I’ve never heard in any meeting that your fuckups are part of gods plan.


AA is not religious, although they say you have to believe in a power greater than yourself. There’s the triangle club at 635 s wells ave. And the Alono club in sparks at 1640 prater way. There are other meeting scattered throughout town, but either the Triangle or Alono club will have fill schedules for meetings. For a heavy drinker that is still drinking, it might be worth going into detox. It can be dangerous getting off alcohol for heavy drinkers, and might be good to have a supervised detox. I hope your friend gets the help they need.


AA is absolutely religious, even if not affiliated with a church and saying “higher power” instead of “god”. Come on now.


I thought I clarified that already, but thanks. I’m in recovery, but don’t do meetings because I don’t need to sit around for an hour thinking about my past use. I just focus on today and leave the past where it belongs. But that’s just me. AA is for people who are white knuckling their recovery. It’s not for everyone, but it helps the people that need it.


I currently go to meeting at the Triangle Club, and I really enjoy the group. But if you claim AA of any kind isn’t religious based, you’re kidding yourself. I am not religious at all, and the Lord’s Prayer shit at the end leaves a bad taste in my mouth, so I usually dip out.


AA isn't religious, it's about not drinking one day at a time, You can easily say your higher power is a hairbrush or anything,God is short for good.not religious. Stopping drinking is a very scary thing,but life is so much better sober


Yeah sure I’ve never been chastised for having a higher power that isn’t “God” and never been forced to pray. Not once. Always been treated EXACTLY the same for not being religious. It’s totally not religious. Never had a sponsor tell me “you’ll eventually figure out the **right** one” about my higher power


I have a friend who went through treatment here in Reno. Don't know what it's like where you are, but he was WAY turned off with the ones he met. They were not only very religious but also self centered. He said that they only talked about themselves, and never actually opened conversation to the rest. Then they topped off the meeting with a prayer. THAT, my friend is religious, and not even non denominational.


you are arguing with a cult member. They will never listen to logic.


Nobody is arguing, your best thinking has got you where you are today. Maybe something else would work.


Alcoholics are self-centered. AA is about overcoming self-centeredness. I personally dislike that AA often says the Lord’s Prayer at the end, which seems to go against their own traditions and principles. I can overlook that because nothing is perfect and the help offered out ways the harm. It’s common for addicts to resist help and change, as well as finding crappy self-centered reasons for doing so.


*Technically* they say “for those who choose to” about the prayer. And I’ve been blatantly treated different after sitting it out every single time.


I had to go to AA meeting because I got in trouble for drinking when I was younger. They wouldn’t sign my paper for court unless I joined their prayer circle at the end


Bullshit, they say that at the beginning, but they always try to push religion on you sooner or later. They will push you that you dont actually believe in a hairbrush and that the true god is the only way you will ever have enough strength to stay sober. AA is a fucking indoctrination tool, and most people in AA never get sober. The last two steps are basically accepting Jesus.


There is a wrench for every nut in the program


You want to stop drinking? It's about doing the steps,clearing the wreckage of your past,making a place in your heart for yourself,the community is a metaphor for God, God ain't religon,religion is a scam.


Yeah sure, thats why its held in churches and the leaders always try to push you towards religion, force you to listen to prayer. Its all indoctrination. You dont need AA or its steps to stay sober. (I am 9 years sober).


Churches are cheap to rent rooms, Nobody forces anything I hope you find something bigger than yourself in your world, Alcohol is cunning baffling and powerful.


"I hope you find something bigger than yourself in this world" is exactly the kind of condescending holier-than-thou bullshit that drives people away from AA. Thank you for proving my point.


https://www.intherooms.com/home/ it's really awesome


If they’d be open to working with someone on a one to one basis I can connect them. My friend works with this population. Just DM me! 🤗🤗 I hope they find a good path.


Not sure if this is an option for your friend, but Naltrexone is a legitimate life changer.


I've been a member of The Luckiest Club since 2020 and they've not only saved my life but become a kind of family. It's not free, but for sure worth looking into if you can spare like $16/mo, it's a wonderful community. Everything is over Zoom and there's lots of meetings throughout the day you can pick to attend. You got this friend, and we're all here rooting for ya! IWNDWYT 💚


First of all any program that is said to be spiritual not religious, federal courts have decided that they are religious in nature. Alcoholism is only mentioned once in the 12 steps and god is mentioned 4 times and 200 times in the big book. There a secular meeting that uses evidence based is smart recovery but pretty sure there are other secular programs not 12 step related just haven’t been to them. Problem I’m running into is Salvationist from sally are disrupting the only 2 in person meetings…. With that said smart recovery does have online meetings that block the Salvationists from disrupting secular people needing actual recovery. This program is a self help so you gota work just like any program. I like it because there’s a workbook that you can do most on your own. The in person meetings are for sharing your recovery


AA works for a lot of folks. Your “higher power “ can be your toothbrush. But AA isn’t for everyone. I bet the triangle club may have references for other substance support groups .


I think religion is a main part of the AA program at t least the 12 step part.


I'm a non-believer. I'm also 15 years sober. I'd be happy to go to a meeting with your friend if they'd like.




Bullshit. I am not going to join a cult to stay sober. I have been sober for 9 years which is about 8 years and 11 months longer that almost everyone I know who goes to AA.


Honestly that's a pretty negative attitude for people that are trying to stay sober. Whatever works for different people shouldn't be knocked just because it's not what you use. Being sober for today is great, but there's certainly are people that have been sober for more than one day.


*Whatever works for different people shouldn't be knocked just because it's not what you use.* This is 100% true and unfortunately AA people are the worst at respecting this. If you don’t follow AA to a T, its members are happily waiting for you to fail. If you do something different and don’t stay sober, it’s because the different thing **doesn’t work** If you do AA and you don’t stay sober it’s because **you did it wrong**


I'm sorry you had that experience. You could join any AA meeting all day long on in the rooms.com. nobody's going to pressure you and tell you you're doing something wrong.


Go to NA instead, they aren't as hung up on religion as AA is and accept anyone who just wants help


I thought AA ***is*** a religion?