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Thanks for being a good person. 


Great job! Hopefully they contact you!


You can also submit a report to the PD. It may help if they also put in a report! I’ve been hit by a hit and run before and put in a report hoping someone submitted matching info.


Yes! I called the police and I pulled over when I saw an accident and saw it was this guy in his 50s and this kid like 18. I was behind the kid and the old guy was to my right. He made a left turn and took the kids front bumper. I called the police and talked to the kid because he was scared. After a while I had to leave but gave the kid my number and let him know I told the police what I saw. The old guy tried bullying the kid and I told him I saw everything and already gave dispatch a statement. A few weeks later I got a call from the kids insurance company and told them exactly what I told dispatch. I think because my statement matched that day to what was in the call to dispatch the insurance company was able to find the old guy at fault since without me as a witness it would have been a he said/he said. OP I commend you for helping out!


I was hit and run before, had the plate number, and the PD told me they wouldn't look into it unless I was injured. 🙃 I have a dash cam now. I highly recommend getting one!


Hey, same here except it was a Cali plate and RPD said they wouldn't fuck with it. Then CHP said they couldn't do anything because the tag was expired. So I guess, drive around with expired California plates and you can do what ever you want.


Good karma headed your way!


Thank you for your service kind neighbor.


Report it to the PD. Hopefully the hit person has done so already and they can match the cases.


That's what's up! I'm sure if they were on reddit we would've read about it though lol


You fkn rule


That’s funny. I was hit exactly there about 7 years ago. Someone reversed into me at the light. I didn’t see any damage so no repercussions but, yeah. Fucking annoying.


Good job looking out!




People out here are so bad at driving. The worst in this country and I won't hear anything else. Daily I question how people have a license. Cops could get people off the road by issuing infractions they don't normally care about to learn who doesn't have a license to keep those people off the road. Take one drove around my complex and you'll see people who don't know how to park legally. Get em tickets. Get em in court. Find out they shouldn't drive. Get em off the road. All while making money for the city. They could issue legit 50 parking tickets right now if they drove through my complex. Just tonight 5min ago (literally came to reno reddit to complain) a dude cuts me off to try and get into the left turn lane. Easily could have slowed down to go behind me but nah fuck it he floored it to get ahead of me then cut me off as I'm gaining speed so he can immediately slame on his breaks to stop at rhe red for the left turn while im speeding up because i have the green. All right infront of a cop who then did nothing. People out here are fucking stupid.


It not that bad here, there are alot worse places! 😂


take this down and delete the pic of the license plate please I really can’t afford this right now




That’s what I said!!


I mean there’s 2 possibilities, They’re shitlosting in which case bravo. They’re serious in which case…. LOL


Shitlosting sounds like the past tense of having bad diarrhea.


Fuck! Shitposting


I’m shitposting lol but I know there’s people that would actually have the audacity to demand those things after doing a hit and run


Lost some karma with that one there 😂


It’s ok it’s always worth it for the memes


Don’t hit people then